
rRED i'II AB IE Assistant Professor of Bible Exposition, 2002

EDWARD 1-1. NOR1'1AN Professor of Phvs ical Education, 1962 Dean, School of Professional Stud ies B.S. , Springfield College; 1'I.A. , Ball Scare L·niversiry; Ed.D., Un iversity of Southern Ca li fornia. E1' 1I LIO NU:\EZ Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, 2002 BA, fliolH Uni versity; M.Div, Th.i\l. , Talbot School of Theology. i\ lA' ITHEW C.ORR Associate Professor of Phys ica l Education, 1973 BA, Biola College; 1' I.A, Californ ia Scare Uni versity. Fullerton. 1'IARLIN O\\'EN Associate Professor of i\ Iusic, 1982 B.S., 1' 1ankaro Stare University; 1'I.A. , Un iversirv of California, San Diego. RAPHAEL PAYNE Professor of Biological Science, 1970 B.A., \\'esrmont College: 1' I.S.. Ph.D. , Un iversity of Nebraska. F. DOL'GLAS PENNOYER Associate Professor of lnrcrculw ral Swdies. 1998; Dea n, Schoo l of lnrerculrural Studies B.A. , \\'esrern Oregon Uni ve rsity; ill.A., Ph.D.. \\'as hingron Scare lln ive rsirv. GRAC IELA PEREZ Assistant Professor of i\ lodern Language.2002 B.A. , 1' I.A. , University of Bourgogne. C. DA\'ID PETERS Professor of Politica l Science, 1966 B.A., 1' I.A. , Ph.D.. lln i,·ersity of Oklahoma. TODD PICKETT Associate Professor of English, 1996 B.A. , Stanford Lniversiry; '-.I.Lit. , T riniry College; Ph.D.. L" ni vcrsir,· of California, Irvine. RONALD \V. PIERCE Professor of Biblical Swdies and Theology, I976; Director, Biola lsrad Program BA, John Brown Un iversity; 1' 1.Div.. Th .1' I.. Talbot' f 'heological Seminary; Ph.D., Fuller Theologica l Semi nary. PATRICIA L. PIKE Associate Professor of PsychologY. 1983 Dean, Rosemead School of Psychol­ ogy; Editor, Journa l of Psychology and Theology BA. i\ l.A.. Ph.D. , Uni versi ty of Hawaii.

PAllL L. POELSTRA Professor of Psychology, I963 Assucimc Dean of /\dminisrrar ion , Rosemead B.A.. Biola Collegc; :\ I.A, Ph.D.. Claremont Graduatc University. KATHERl'-.iE B. Pl RGASOl\' Associate Professor of TESOL, 1991 B.A. . Oberlin College; !11..\. , Uni1·cr­ siry of Pittsburgh, Ph.D.. l lniversity of Cal ifornia, Los Angeles. HERBERT C. Pl"R.:\ELL Professo r of TESOL, 1991 A.B., \\'hcaron Co ll ege; '-.I.A., I larrford Sem inary: Ph.D., Cornell l 1 ni\·crsity. SCOTT B. RAE Professor of Biblical Studies - Ch ri stian Ethics, 1989 BA, Southern :-. Jcrhodist l ' nivcrsiry; T h.'-. I.. Dallas 'f'hcological Sem inar1 : Ph.D. , Cni1·ersity of Southern California. DOI\ RATCLIFF Assoc iate Professor of Education, 200 1 B.A.. Spring Arbor College; '-. I.A., 1' 1i chi ga n Starc ll ni versir,; Ed.S .. Ph.D.. l ' ni,·crsir, of Georgia. JOH'-.i 1\IARK REYNOLDS Associate Professor of Philosophv, I996: Dirccror of Torrev I lonors Inst itute 13.A.. Roberts \\'csleyan College: 1' I.A. Ph.D.. l lni, crsir,· of Rochcsrcr. VICTOR RHEE Associate Professor of :'\'ell' Testa­ ment Language and Lircrarurc, I99~ B.S.. l ' ni versirv of '-. laf)·hind: '-. I. Di,., Ca pital Bi ble Scminm·; Th.:\J., Tal­ bot School of Theology; Ph.D., Dal­ la, Theological Scminar1·. RICHARD 0. RIGSBY Professor of Old ' f 'estamcnt and Semitics, 1 97➔: Director of Talbot/Bible Lands Program: BA, John B. Stclson l 1 nivcrsir,; '-.I.Di, .. Golden Gare Baptist Theological Seminary: Ph.D., Southern Barrisr

il lK ITROLIS E Assistant Professor of Communica­ tion. 1999 B.S. , HS.. l ' ni vcrsiry of Redlands; i\ I.A.. Biola l ' ni versiry. STE\ E;\ Rl ':\OLE Associate Profossor of Business, 1998 BA, Ca li fornia Scare Un iversity, :\orrhridge; i\ l.A., Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University. A Sl ' E RUSSE LL Associate Professor, Anthropology, 2001 B.S. , 1 lumbolt Seate l ' ni vcrsir,,; 1' I.A.. Biola l lnivcrsity; 1'1.Div, Tal­ bot School of Theology; D.1'1iss. Biola Llniversiry: Ph.D. , La Trobe Uni vcrs iry. \\'AL'f'ER B. Rl 'SSELL Professor of l\:cw Testament Lan­ guage and Li teratu re, I990 B.S. , l ' ni ver,iry of'-. lissouri ; i\l.A., Sr.1' 1.m.,s Seminarv; 'f'h .111., Dallas Theologica l Seminary: Ph.D., \\ 'csrminsterThcological Seminary. JA.i\lES RYND Professor of Chemistry. 1970 Diploma. i\l oody Bible Institute: B.S., l 'nivmiry of Illinois: Ph.D., Uni vcrs irv of Ca lifornia. Rivcrsi tle. FRED SAJ\ DERS Ass istant Professor, Torrey Honors Ins titu te, 1999 B.A., illurra) Scare Llni l'crsiry; ,\I.Di v.. Asbury Theological Semi­ nar1·; Ph.D. , Graduate Theological l 'nion. ROBERT L. SAUCY Distinguished l' rofes;or of Systematic Theolog). 1961 B.A.. \ \'csrmonr College: Th.i\ I. , 'f'h.D. , Dallas Theological Sem inar')'. JOI IN SCH;\IIDT Ass isran r Professor, i\ lass Communi­ cation, 2002 B.A., l ' nivcrsiry of Ca li fo rnia, Los Angeles; 1\I.A.. Fuller Seminary. JACKSCH\\'ARZ Professor of i\ Iusic, J 96S; Dean of Humanit ies, Fine Arts and Commun icat ion B.A., 13iola College; 1'1.i\l. , D.1'1.A. , l 'nivcrsir,· of Southern Ca lifornia. KARE l\ SCHWENKE ,\ssisranr Professor, English Lan­ guage Swd ics. 2001 B.A., l 'nivcrsir,· of Wisconsin; 1\I.A., .\Lusa Pacific l'niversity. CLf\ lRE SJBOLD Professor of Education. 1987 BA, ill.A.. University of\\'ashingron; Ph.D., Arizona Scare llniversirv.

B.A. , Rutgers University; .\I.A. , Uni­ versity of Ca lifornia Los Angeles; 11.Div. ,The i\ laster's University: i\l.B.A., '" York L·ni versiry. DAJ'\I E. i'v lALTBY Associate Professor and Direcror of i\ I.A. in Professional Leadership, Pro­ fess iona l Swdies, 1997 B.A. , i\ LB.A. , Uni versity of ;\Jissouri; i\l.A.B.S. , Internacional School of Theology; Ph.D. , Claremont Gradu­ ate l. ni versiry. GARY L. i\lCINTOSH Professor of Christian i'liinism· ,md Leadership, 1986 BA. Rockmonr College; '-. I. Div., \\'esrern Conserva ti ve Bap tist Semi­ nary; D.i\lin. , Fuller Theological Seminar')'. 1\lllRRAY i\ lCi\ llLLAN Assistant Professor of Arc, 200 I B.F.A. , Kansas City Arr lnsrirurc; i\ l.F .A. Univers ity of 'f'cxas. WILLIAl\l :\I. i\lCQUF. El\: , JR. Professor of Psychology, I978 B.S. , i\l.A. , Ph.D. , Cniversirv of South Carolina. PETE i\ lEl\JARES Associate Prokssor of Education, 1995 B.S. , Southern Ca li fo rnia College, Costa 1'lcsa: i\l.A.. Ca li fornia Scare University, Dominguez Hills; Ph.D. Uni versity of Southern Cali fornia . GARY A.1' l! LLER Professor of Education, 1996; Provost and Senior \ 'ice Pres ident B.A. , Spring Arbor College;'-. I.S.. Central i\ lich iga n l .ni versiry: Ph.D. , Uni vers ity of Nebraska. JAl\lES P i\lORELA,'\ID Distingu ished Professor of Philoso­ phy, 1990 B.S., University of i\lissouri; i\ I.A, Univers ity of Ca lifornia, Ri verside; ' I'h.1' I.. Dallas· l'heologica l Seminary; Ph.D. , University of Sou thern Ca li forn ia. S. BRCCE NARRA.\IORE Distinguished Professor of Psychol­ ogv, 1970 B.A. , Wes tmont College; M.A.. Pepperdine College; i\l.A. , Fuller Theological Semina r')'; Ph.D.. University of Kentucky. E. LEROY :\EAL Associate Professor of Phys ical Ed ucat ion, 1988 AB., Occidental College; i\l.A. , San Diego Scare University.

Theologica l Semi nar1. JEA.!'\NE ROBISON Professor of'-. Iusic, I995

13.ill. , \l.1\I .. Kent Scare l ' ni1-crs iry; D.1' I.A. Llnivc rsiry of Cinci nnat i. ERICK.I ROEBl 'CK Ass istant Professor of Communica­ tion, 1997 13.A., Biola l "nivcrsir,•: '-.I.A, Ca li for­ ni a State Unin.:rsiry, Fullcrron. Jl 'DlTI I illE:\DELSOI I:'\' ROOD Associate Professor of Hisror1·, 2002 BA, Hebrew l ' ni1·ersirv: :\I.A., Gcorgeroll'n L"ni versiry: Ph.D.. l ' ni versiry of Chi cago.

A~4 · Appendix

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