PEGGY \'ELIS Ass isca nr Professor of Engli sh Language Program, 1997 BA, :-. Ionra na Institute of Bible; 1\ 1.A. , \\ 'illiamCarey Internacional University; i\ l.A , Biola Uni versity. KE ITH A \\ 'ALTERS Ass istant Professor of Ed ucation. 2002 BA, Ca lvin College; 1\ 1.A., Ca lifornia Scare University Long Beach; Ed.D. , Un iversity of Sou thern Cali fo rn ia. CYNTHIA L. \VEST CO'IT Associate Professor of :--Jursing, 1977 B.S., Srarc l ' ni vcrsiry T eachers Co l lege, Platts burg, New Yo rk ; i\ 1. N. , l 1ni vcrs il'\' of Ca liforni a, Los Angeles; Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate School. \ II CHAELJ. \\ ' ILKJ:--.JS Professor of New T estament La n guage and Literarurc, l 983 Dean of the Faculty, T albot School of Theology 13.A.. Biola University; !\ I. Div., T albor Theological Semi nary and School of T heology; Ph.D., Fu ller ' I'heologica l Seminary. JOHN \VILLIAI\ IS Ass isrant Professor of Psychology, 2002 B.S.,Uni vcrsiry of Ca lifornia, Davis; i\ l.A, Californ ia Stare l ' ni1·ersir\', Fresno; Ph.D.. l ' ni versiry ofCa iifo r nia, lr\' inc. :-. IATT HE\\' \\'ILLIAi\lS Associate Professor of Biblical Srud ies, 2002 B.S. , L:ni versirv of Ill inois, Cham paign: 1\ 1. Div., Trinirv Evange lical Di vini ry School; Ph.D. , Trinity Inter national Uni versity. WESLEY \\ 'ILLI\ IER Professor of Bus iness Adminisuarion, 1989; Vice Prcs idenr, ll ni vcrsiry Advancement 13.A. , \ I. Ed. , Seartlc Pac ific University; Ph.D. , Srate lln i1-ersiry of New York. LELAJ\ ID E. WILSHIRE Professor of History, 1979 13.A. , \Vhitworrh College; B.D. , Th .i\ l. . Fu ller Theologica l Seminary; Ph.D. , ll ni vcrsiry of Sourhcrn Cali forn ia. JENN IE Kl'K-YING \VONG Professor of I\ 1usic, 196-l L.R.Si\ I.. Roya l Schools of i\,I usic; F.T.C. L.. L.T.C. L.. Tri nirv College of!\ lusic; L.T.S.C. , Tonic Sol-Fa Co llege of i\ lusic. i\ lARY BETH WOODRUFF Ass iscanr Professor of i\ Iusic, 1998 B.S., i\lassachuserrs Institute of T echnology; i\1.i\ l.. Carnegie !\ lellon Uni versity.
DA\ ' ID TALLEY Associate Professor of Biblical Srudics and Theology. 1998 B.r\., Sourh easrcrn Bible Coll ege; 1\ 1.A., 1\ 1.Di v.. 'l'hJ, I. , Grace T heo logica l Seminary; Ph.D. , T ri nity Evangelical Di vinitv School. CAROL TAYLOR Associare Professor of lmercultura l Srudies, \' ice Provost for Undergrad uate Educarion, 2000; B.S. , Evangel College; i\ l.A.. Assem blies of God T heological Seminary, Ph.D.. Florida Srare l ' nivcrsity. GREGG TEN ELSHOF Assisra nr Professor of Philosoph v, 1999 BA, Wcsrmont College; i\ l.A., ' I'a lbor School ofTheology; Ph.D., ll nil'crsity of Sourhcrn Ca lifornia. JUDY E. TEN ELSHOF Associate Professor of Christian l\ li n isrry and Leadership, 1989; Di rccror, lncenr ional Character Studies and Development Program 13 .A., Californ ia Scare University, Fu llerton; 1\1.A , T albot School of Theology; i\ l.A., Ph .D. , Fuller Theo logical Seminary. DONNA T HOENNES Ass istant Professor of 'T'orrcy Honors, 2001 B.S. Ed. , Central Conneticur Srare Uni versirv; i\ I.A. \\'hcaton Graduate School; Ph.D. , Trinity lnrernarional Uni versity. ERIK THOJ::NNES Associate Professor of l3 ibl ica l Srudics and T heology, 1999 BA, Centra l Connecr icur Srate Uni versity; I\ I.A., Wheaton College: Ph.D. , Trinity Internacional l ' nivcrsicy. ED\VARD ' l'H ll RB ER Professor of I\ larhematica l Sciences, 1971 13.S.E., Princcron Uni versirv: 1\ 1.A., Ph.D.. Uni versity of Southern Cali forn ia. CHRIST INAVALENTINE Instructor of Art, 2002 BA, Occidcnra l Coll ege; i\ l.A. , Arr Center College of Des ign. KE\' 1\1 \'AN LANT Ass istant Professor, School of Profes sional Srud ics, 2000 B.A..1\ 1.A.. Ph.D., Biola llni versirv. \ 'EOLA\ 'AZQUEZ r\ss isrant Professor of Psychology, 1999 13A, Cali forn ia Baptist College; i\ I.A. , Ph.D. , Rosemead School of Psychology.
PETER.I. SILZER Associate Professor of Applied Lin gui stics; Direccor, Summer Institu te of Lingui sti cs ar Biola, 1993 13.A. Concordia Lu theran Senior Col lege; Ph.D., Australian ational Uni versity. LYLE H. SI\ IITH, JR. Professor of English. 1978 B.A., 1\ 1.A., Ph.D., llni vc:r, iry of i\ linnesorn. R. SCOT!' Sl\ ll TI I Assistant Professor of Christi an Apologetics, 2000 13.A., Ca liforn ia Sta te Llni,·ersity, Hayward; i\ I.A, Talbot School of Theology: Ph.D., l 1 ni versit\' of Southern Ca liforn ia. VIRG IL Si\ lIT H Professor of Businc:ss Administration. 199-l B.S., I\ I. B.A., Port land Seate l 'niver sity; Ph.D., Texas ' I'ech Uni versity. YVOl\NE Si\ 11' 1'1 I Associate Professor of Business Adm inistration, 1995 B.A., Nort l111'estern College; 1\1.B.A.. Ph.D. , T exas T ech Ll niversitv. RANDY L. SOREi\'SO1\ Professor of Psychology, 1991 13.A. , Earlham College; I\ I.A., Gordon Conwell Theologica l Seminal'\·; Ph.D. , Fuller Gradua te School of Ps\' chology; Psy.D. , Ins titu te of Contem pora ry Psychoanalys is. PA L SPEARS lnstruccor, Torrey I lonors Institute, 1999 B.A. , i\ lulrnomah Coll ege; 1\ 1.A. , T albot School ofTheolol;) . \VALTER STANG L Associate Professor of\ larhematics, 198-l; Dean of Sciences B.A. , 1\ 1.S., Ph.D. , Lehigh l lniversirv: !'vi.Div., Denver Seminary. ·
T0\ 1STEFFE:\ Professor of lntercul cura l Studies, 199 1 B.S.. Dall as Bible College; \ I.A.. D.l\l i,s.. Biola l ' ni vcrsiry. CHER RY G. STEl:\ i\ lEIER Associate Professor of Psychology, 198-l B.A. , :\orrhern Illinois l ' ni versi tv: \ IA, Psv.D., Roseme,1d School of Psvchologv. SIIA\ \'1\A STE\VART Ass istant Professor of\ Iusic, 1997 13 .S., John Brm111 l"ni,·crs itv; \ I.\ I. , 1--:,1st rmn School of i\ 1us ic LARRY I) STRA:\ D Associate: Professor of Business Admi nisr ra tion, 1986; Dean, School of Business 13 .S., \ I. BA, l 1 niversir1· of Southern Ca li fornia. GARY 1-1 . STRAUSS Professor of Psycholog,·, 197-l B.Ed., Ca li fornia Stare l 'n iversiry, Fres no; :,, I.A. , l ' ni vcrsity of l\orrhern loll'a: Ed .D., :\orthcrn Il linois l ' ni versity. \ IARCIASTROL IP Associare Professor of Psychology, 1990 BA, \\' heaton College: \ I.S., Ed.S., Indiana l 'niversiry; Ph.D. , Brigham
Young l 'n i,·ersiry. GLE:\:\ STYFFE
Ass istant Professor of Nu rsing, 1999 B.S.:"\' .. Biohl l ' ni vcrsirv: \ I.N., l lni versit1· of Cali fo rnia, Los Angeles. DO1\ALD Sl ':\ l ' KJ IAN Professor of Christian \ lin istrv and Lcadrnhip, 1996 BA , ll ni vcrsirv of Southern Ca li for nia; Th .,\I., Th.D. , Dall as T heo logi ca l Seminary; Ph.D., Uni l'crsirv of Califo rnia, Los Angeles.
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