
ETHEL Rf\J'IKl 1. Associate Professor of Hiscorv, Emerita I969- 1979. CHARLES SARVE R Associate Professor of Phys ica l Education, Emeritus I966-1 990. CO!\:N IE SARVER Associate Professor of Ph ys ical Educat ion, Emerita I968- 1998. C. DIANE SHANEBECK Associate Professor of Commun icat ion, Emerita 1964-1997. \\'ILLIA1\I D. SI IA,'IEBECI>: Dean of Humanit ies and Associate Professor of Engli,h , Emerirns 1962- 1997.

RICHARD llNFREID Professor of l\ Iusic, Emcri rus 1960-1998. DCANE \\'ET;t,LER Professor of Foreign Languages, Emeritus 1962- 1986. LOREN GLENN WIEBE Professor of\ Iusic, Emcr irns 1965-1997. PETER )A\ 1-POOf\' \\00 Assoc iate Professor of :--larhcmatics/Computcr Science, Emeritus I988-2000. DA\' ID E. YOll'-:G Associate Professor of History, BOLD Program t\d\'isor, Emeritus 1971-199-t.

DA\'ID LIAO Associarc Professor of ,\ Iissions. Emeritus 1980-1990. ROBERTS. Ll\ ' lf\'GSTO:\' Professor of Busincss and Econnmics, Emeri tus 1967-1977. LAWRENCE \IARS I 113l 'RN Director of the 1,ibrary, Associate Professor, Emeritus 1982-199 1. l\ lAR\ '1:--: I>:. :--!AYERS Dean, School of lncercultural Srndics. Emeritus I982- 1989. OLI\"E i\ lCLALIGI-IL! f\' Assistant Professor of[\' ursing, Emerita 1975-1989.

RICHARD .].1\IOHLINE Dean of Administration, Rosemead School of Ps,·d1ology, Associate Pro­ fessor of Practical' I'henlogy, Emcri­ rns 1970-1990; Alumni Devclorment Rcrrcscncacivc 1995. J. \ 'INCENT 1\IORRIS Associate Professor of Foreign Languages, Student Affairs and Director of Persnnncl Scn·iccs. Emeritus 1964-1 989. GEORGI-: :-- 1. !\: ISHIDA Professor of. ociology, Emeritus 1964-1997.

ELIZABET! I G. NOR'\ IAN Assoc iate Professor of Plws ical Educat ion, Fmcrit:1 1962- 1997.

Appendix· A-7

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