PRE-REGISTRATION Pre-regi stration fo r the fall semester is held during the m onth s of Apri l and i\ lay, a nd for the s pring semester in October and ;\ovcmber. All students a re required to pre reg is te r if they plan co re turn to schoo l the next semester. Fa ilure to preregi ster will require a $45 non-pre-regis trati on fee to be paid at the time of registration should t he s tudent decide to enro ll fo r th e next semes ter. REGISTRATION Srndcncs arc co register in pe rson during schedu led regis tration cla ys . Lace registrat ion wi ll be a ll owed through the eighth cl ay of class and requ ires a fee of $-k'i.00. Regi stra ti on is compl e ted whe n students ha ve pa id t he req uired tuition cl own payment. Students will rccci, ·e cred it for courses offi c iall y en ro ll ed th rough the Office of the Regi s trar. Regi stration is mandatory for Rosemead stud e nts in a ll phases of the program in c luding students in an ince rn ship and chose \\'ho ha, ·c comp leted a ll req uirements except the clisse rcac ion . Sec sc hedule of c lasses for on-line W e b registration in format ion. ADD/DROPS Cou rse regi stration changes a rc made by submitting a n add/drop fo rm to the O ffi ce of the Registrar. The fee is $5 .00 for each tran sac tion. Co urses ma y be added to the st udent' s sc hedu le du ring the fir st rn·o weeks of the semes ter. Lace ad d/d rop fee is $ 15. 00 for eac h transaction. Courses may be dropped until the e nd of the eighth week of the semester. A student \\'ho scops attend ing a class but does not submit an add/drop form wi ll not be dropped from the class and wi ll receive a grade of Unofficia l \\' ithclrawal fo r the cou rse. Courses dropped du ring the first two weeks of the semester wi ll not be recorded on the student 's permanent record. Courses dropped between the ninth and the end of the semester will be recorded \\' ith a grade of "U\\'. " Courses dropped between the third and e ighth wee k wi ll be recorded with the grade of "W. " WITHDRAWAL Offic ia l \,\ 1 ich drawa l from e n ro llment to the Uni ve rsity is made by s ubmitting a comp leted Departure Card to the Office of t he Reg istra r. Studcncs may offic iall y withdraw until the e ncl of t he eighth week of t he semester. Students who drop from cnro llmenc at any t ime during the semes te r but do not submit a Departu re Card, or wichdra\\· from enro llment during the ninth through the 15th week of the semester, are considered Unoffi c ia ll v With drawn. Li nofficiall y \\'ithcl rawn students "'ill not rece ive a refund of a ny portion of t uiti on or fees and will rece ive grades of "ll \\'" or " F" for their cou rses . Students departing the lln i,·ersicy for longer than one yea r will be requi red to fo ll ow the c urrcnc cata log at chc time of their readmi ss ion. Students may petition for a n exception. STUDENT'S RECORDS Enro ll ees arc adv ised char the ll ni, ·e rsic y maintain s sc hoo l and st udent records for no lon ge r than a five-yea r pe ri od beyo nd t he stud ent's final term of c n rollmcnc, w ith the exception of the tran sc ripts and the academ ic record.
Application Deadlines Biola L' nivc rs ic y accepts international ap pli cat ions onl y fo r the fa ll semester. Sp rin g adm iss ion is only open to cur rent F-1 students transfe rring from another co llege/uni ve rsity in the l ' nitcd States. Fall File ro111pleterl b)': Notifimtio11: December 2 (Early Act ion =I) December 20 Ja nu ary 15 (Ea ri v Act ion rZ) February 15 \larch I (Regu lar Deadline ) i\larch 20 ,\ 'ote: Files ro111plNerl ajier ,Ilardi I will be processed 0 11 a bi-1110111/t(l' basis u2•i1!t 11otifimtio11 of flrl111i11a11re begi1111i11g ajier 1lpril I. 1'jJj)lim1io11s fire w11sirlererl lt11e after1'/arc!t I (late.fee of $55) flllrl w•ill !te pmresserl ifspare is aoailable fl lld time flllow!s. Spring File co111plrterl Liv: ,\ 'otifimtio11: December 15 (Ea rl y Action =l) Ro lling Basis The application process may ca ke 3-6 months . Ap pli cants arc e ncouraged co app ly \\'C l! lx:forc the dead lines. Ap pli cants interested in financial a id must app ly severa l month s before the seated deadlines. Lace app li cants wi ll assume expenses fo r documents needing ex press posta l de li very to a nd from the L' ni, ·c rsicy. Sec ELSP sect ion fo r program dead lines . Financial Responsibility of International Students ' I 'he student must supply information attes ting to the ir ability w pro,·idc L' nicccl Scates dollars in t he minimum amount required co support the coses of tuition and room and board , in excess ofchc cost of a round-trip fare from hi s/he r nati ve country. 1\ppli cancs \\'ho do nor ha, ·c the finances to pav all of their expenses muse come und e r the spo nsorship of an approved agcncv. Sponsorship muse in c luclc financial rcs pon s ibi Ii cy coward the sponsored student for the entire cost of the program. Enrollment Requirements l nccrnacional st ud ents admitted w t he Cniccd Scates on a st ud e nt , ·isa arc requ ired by la\\' to be reg is tered as full time scucl c ncs (unclcrg racluacc stude nts: a minimum of 12 credit units: grnclua cc srndcncs : a minimum of9 units). Employment l\o off-camp us emp loyme nt is permitted for interna tiona l s tudent s \\'ithouc \\' ri ttcn permiss ion of the Un ited Scates Immi g rat ion authorities . VETERANS 13iola L 1 ni, ·crsicy is appro\'C:d as a degree-grantin g insti tution for the attendance of , ·cccra ns under T itle 38, United Scates Code. Thi s inc ludes the prog rams co,·c rcd in chap ters 30, 3 1, 35 of Title 38, relating a lso to the e ducation of d isab led ,·c cc rans and wa r o rphan s, a nd 1606 of Title 10. The Bureau for Prirncc Postsecondary and \ 'oca cional Ed u cation under the Seate of Ca li fornia Department o f Co n s um er Affairs has a lso authorized t h e U ni ve rs it y fo r th e attendance of , ·cccrans an d , ·ccerans' depe nde n ts . \ 'cccrans or dependen ts of vete ra ns who p lan to e n ro ll in the l ' ni, ·c r~ic,· arc urged to co ncacc the ve teran's coord in a tor in the Office of the Reg istrar we ll in advance of reg is tra t ion so chat the necessa ry a rra ngeme nts may be made with the \ 'ccera ns Administration.
Admission, Registrat ion &: Graduation Requirements· 19
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