ATTENDANCE Regular class at te ndance is expected of all students. C lasses are conducted in a manner that will e ncourage academic excel lence and the growth of Christian characte r. The final authority for attendance and any effect that it might have upon grades rests with the indi vidual faculty membe r. This is due to the tremendous variety of class size and purpose, and the specifi c requirements in attendance. Visitors and current students may visit a class for a maximum of one week. After one week, regis tration in credit or audit status for the course(s) is required . GRADES Quality of co urse work is graded o n the following sca le, with a system of grade points us e d to determine a student 's general grade point average or sta nding: Graduate students should see the appropriate sec t ion of the catalog for further grade information. Grade Quality Grade Points A Hi ghest Pass ing G racie 4.00 A- 3.67 B+ 3.33 B Good 3.00 B- 2.67 C+ 2.33 C Sa ti sfactory 2.00 C- 1. 67 D+ 1.33 D 1.00 D- Lowest Pass ing Grade 1 0.67 (for unde rgrad uate courses) 1 Lowest passing gmde for gmrluate courses varies by program. See departme111. F Failure 0.00 UW Unoffi c ia l Withdrawal 0.00 Biola 's policy requires that when computing the CPA , the CPA is recorder/ at the third decimal poi111 without 1w11!{/i11g up. The following grades are a lso used with spec ia l signifi cance in ce rtain prog rams and are not used in computing the GPA: CR C re clit 1 0.00 NC No C red it3 S Satisfacrory 1 0.00 US Unsat isfacrory3 0.00 RD Report De layed 3 RG Registere d in cou rse2 R Rcsea rch 1 0.00 IP Inte rnship in Prog ress ' 0.00 W Withdrawal3 AUD Aucl it3 0.00 NR No t reported by fac ult y 3 NO No n-graded Coursc 1 0.00 1 No grade po ints/Credit given 2 No grade points 3 No grade points/No credit given Special Notations on Course Titles CPL C redit for Pri o r Learning PTT Professional and Techni ca l Training The two notations above app ly to the BOLD program. CPL and PTT are 1101 considered resident units. SLC Service Lea rning Co ntract This type of co urse in vo lves the stude nt in a mini stry off campus in the community.
A c redit "C R" indicates th e completion of co urse work with aca demi c performance eq ua l to o r hi g h e r th a n the " satisfacrory" sta nd ard for the degree program (norma ll y "C" 2.00 for unde rgrad uate programs and " B" 3.00 fo r grad uate programs .) A " \V" indicates an officia l with drawa l (\\' ithin rhe third co e ig hth wee k) from a cou rse and does not affect the stu dent's g rade po int average. A "U\,V" indi ca tes an unofficial withdrawa l. Students who registe r fo r courses but do not attend classes arc given the grade of "UW" which will influence the GPA the same as an "F. " A t emporary mark of " RD" (re port delayed) will be iss ued in s pec ia l cases when approved by the Dean of School of Arts and Scie nces (undergrad uate stude nts) and the cleans of the respect ive sc hoo ls (grad u,ne s tudent s) . RD grades a re norma ll y completed s ix weeks after th e encl of the term. In the event of the in abi li tv of a student co co mpl ete th e co urse\\·o rk by the app roved dead lin e, the Office o f the Reg istra r wi ll ass ig n a "\V" (official wit h drawa l) for the co urse grade. The grade point average of a student is obtained by divid ing the rota ! number of uni ts attempted at Biola Un i\·crs ity inro the rota! number of grade points obta in ed a t Bio la. (Thi s ca lcu lat ion does not include courses transfe rred from ano ther institution and sta rts anew for grad uate programs.) To grad uate with a bacca lau rea te degree, a student must have at least twi ce as man y grade points as units in tota l c red it va lue of all courses unde rtaken at Biola (2.00 GPA) and a 2.00 GPA in the major field . I Ii gher standards a rc required for g raduate degrees, as stated e lsewhere in thi s cata log. REPEATED COURSES A grad uate stude nt will be permitted to repeat a course in whi ch e ither a "C" or lower grade was earned. Wh en a gradu ate scudent repeats a co urse with a grade of "C" or lower the first time, the better grade is t he on lv one used in computing the cumul ati ve GPA, and the units a rc counted onl y once. Both grades a rc shown on the stude nt 's permanent reco rd . An undergrad uate student will be perm it ted to repeat a course in whi ch e ithe r a "ll \\' ," a Dor an F grade was earned . Courses in which grades earned were e ither C or B, may be repea ted on ly wit h approva l from the Office of the Registra r. Only courses taken at Biola Un iversity will be used co change course g rades. In add iti on, the student must notifv the Office of the Registrar, the semester a course is repeated . \Vhe n a co urse is repeated where an undergraduate stu dent has rece ived a " L1\V,'' a Dor F grade the first time, the better grade is the onl y one used in computing the cumu la ti ve GPA, and the units arc cou n ted on ly once. Both grades are s hown o n th e student' s perman e n t record. When a co urse is repeated where a student has received a C o r B grade th e first time , bot h the first and the second grades fig ure in ro the coral cumul at ive GPA computation, t he units from both courses a re added co the student's unit tota l, and both grades a rc shown on the student 's pe rmane nt record. GRADE REPORTS Grade reports will be avai lab le at the end of each aca demic term on t he Biola Student In fo rmation (BSJ) page
20 · Admission , Registration & Graduation Requirements
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