activiti es, laboratory sessions a nd in a few ocher instances, a unit of credit may invo lve more than one class pe ri od a week . Gene rall y a n unde rg raduate student is limited to 17 units of c lassroom work a semester. After the firs t semester a stu dent with a grade point ave rage of 3.0 may petition the Office of the Registrar to carry 19-20 units. In no case wi ll a student be permitted to ca rry more than 20 units each semester. Special .\'ore: Fu ll -t ime enrollment (completing 12 units each semester) is required of the fo ll owing undergraduate students: Internat ionals, \'eccrans receiv ing full benefits, students receiv ing social security benefits, and all students recei, ·ing financial aid of any kind. When dropping classes, students must be aware that they are req uired to comp lete 12 units of cred it. F1t!l-ri111e e11roll111e111 (ro111plni11g 11i11e 1111irs each se111esre1) is req11irerl of rhe follow,i11g gn'lr!11r1re s111rle111s: l 11/emr11io11als, J/e1er c111s receivi11g full be11eji1s, S/l!(le11/s rffeivi11g sorial semrity bme fils, a11rl all sr11rle111s receivi11g fi11a11cirt! air! of a11y /:i11rl. l\'he11 dropping dasses. sr11rle11rs 11111sr bl' aru•rtre 1ha1 !hey are req11irerl 10 ro111plere 11i11e 1111irs ofcredit. INDEPENDENT STUDY/ARRANGED COURSE Ind ependent Stud ies a rc an in tegral part of t he Biola Ll ni, ,ersity expe ri ence. An In dependent St udy is a course whic h is initiated by the student, w ho then works inde pendentl y coward the goa ls and object ives outlin ed by the professor on the Arra nged Co urse form . Students who arc in good sta nding and not on probation arc e li g ibl e co enro ll in an Ind epend ent Study. A maximum of s ix (6) units, may be taken b v a student in ind ependent study , and/or ar ranged coursework during the student' s degree program. CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS A student 's classificat ion is determined at the begi nnin g of eac h semester according to the fo ll ow in g plan: Undergraduate Freshman 26 units o r less com pl eted Sop homo re 27-56 units comp leted Junior 57-87 units comp leted Sen ior 88 units o r more completed Graduate (Talbot, SICS, SAS, SPS and SB) Graduate 1 28 units or less comp leted G raduate 2 29-6-t units comp le ted Graduate 3 65 units o r more comp leted G radu ate 4 l\laster of Theology/I CS Internship
locate d o n th e Intern et at: h ttp://wisdom. bi o la .ed u /b s i/ . Students may req ue s t a printed grade re po rt at th e e nd of the term through the Office of the Registrar. Any di sc rep ancy between this repo rt and the st ud ent's personal record muse be brought to the atte nti on of the Office of the Reg is trar befo re the end of the fo ll owin g semeste r. GRADE CHANGES It is the stude nt 's re s ponsibilit y to bring any e rror in g rades to the attenti on of the in structo r within one year fo l lowing the iss ued grade. Grade c ha nges a re onl y allowable for comp ut ati ona l o r reco rdin g e rro rs and mu st be cor rected no lace r th a n the last day of c lasses of the nex t full term semeste r. DEAN'S LIST Students ac hi ev in g a semeste r GPA of 3.6 or bette r while e nroll ed in 12 or more units w ith a c umul at ive GPA of 3.2 or better, w ill be placed on the semester Dean 's Li se. AUDITORS Students w ishing to audit must pursue sta ndard applica ti on and registration procedures. Auditing studen ts cannot registe r for a co urse until after the seco nd wee k of the semester. An auditor onl y participates in lectures, and th ey are no t a llowed to s ubmit papers o r take exams. A co urse taken for audit ca nn ot be repeated for cred it at a later date. S tud e nts w is hing to aud it graduate- leve l co urses must be co ll ege g rad uates. Al l a udi tors must pay t he app rop ri ate per unit fee. (See Financial In formatio n for fees .) Aud ito rs mu se rece ive pe rmi ssion from both the Office of the Regis trar and the in structo r o f the cou rse. ACADEMIC LOAD The minimum full-tim e load is 12 units at the und er g radu ate leve l. A s tud e n t who is on academ ic probation may be limite d to 12 un its or less de pend ing upon hi s g rade point ave rage . A minimum of 1 Cl units must be taken by those li ving on camp us. T he minimum full- t ime load is e ig h t units for those in graduate degree programs. Those ca rrving less than the full time load but more than 3 units a rc cons idered part-time s tu de nts. Graduate students carry ing 3 units or less a re normall y eonside rcd less than part time . A Talbot student is normall y permitted to ca rry a maximum of 17 units each semester. D .Min . students must comp lete 6 units per semeste r, 12 units per yea r in their program. Doctoral students are conside red full time for a max imum of two yea rs in the di ssertati on phase of the ir program. The no rmal full-time load for a Rosemead student is 12 co 16 ho urs per semester, but not less th a n nin e ho ur s. With o ut the adv isor's ap p ron1 I, a stude nt m ay not carrv ove r 16 units in a ny semeste r. Pare-rime regist ration of less than nine units is permitted only after a student has been admitted to candidacy. Rosemead docs not admit pa rt-time st ude n ts to its degree programs . A unit of cred it is genera ll y conside red to consist of one class hour (50 minutes) a week fo r a semeste r. In phys ica l education
Graduate 5 Doctor of l\finiscry G radu a te 6 Doctor of Educat ion (Rosemead)
G raduate l 30 units or less completed Grad uate 2 60 units or less comp leted G raduate 3 90 units or less completed Graduate -+ 120 units o r less comp leted Graduate 5 133 units or less completed /11/emship Graduate 6 13-t units or more comp leted Disse11a1io11
Admission , Registration & Grnduation Requirements · 21
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