
NUMBERING OF COURSES Courses numbered 100 to 299 are lower division (p rima­ rily for fre shme n and sop homo res). Cou rses numbe red 300 to 499 are uppe r division (prima ril y for juniors and se niors) . Courses numbered 500 and above a re graduate lc\'el. The co urse number in g sysrcm is designed to indi ca te the rel at ive academ ic le ve l of co urses in this mann er: 100--t99 Und e rgrad uare, baccalaureate leve l courses 500-700 Graduate le,·e l , normally indi cat ing first throu gh third year beyond baccalaureate. 800-999 Postgraduate lc\'el, indicating fourth yea r beyond baccalaureate. In general, odd-numbered courses a re give n in the fall and e, ·en-numbcred co u rses a rc offe red in the sp rin g . Courses ending in zero usually are offe red each semester or either semeste r. !\'ot al l courses are offered e,-e ry , ·ca r. The unit s of c re d it arc indicated by the number in parentheses after each course title. The U ni\·ersity resen·c s the right to withdraw any co urses for which there is in sufficien t registration o r lack of faculry resources. SPECIAL NOTE Biol a L' niversity reserves the right co change any and all student charges, modify its serv ices, or chan ge its cu rri culum or prog rams of stud y should economic cond iti ons, curri cu la r re visions, or other relevant facrors make it necessa ry or desir­ ab le to do so. While every effort is made to insure the accu­ racy of the informati on in this cata log, Biola L ni vc rs iry has the right to make changes at any time without prior notice.

■ Oare and Place of Birth ■ J\lajor Field of Study ■ Enrol lme nt Status ■ Oates of Attendance ■ Degrees awarded and elates received

TRANSCRIPT REQUEST One tran sc ript of a stud ent's reco rd is furnished free. 1. For each aclclitional transcript after that, a $6 charge will be assessed for an official copv and a $3 fee wi ll be charged for an unofficial copy. Transcr ipt o rders of nine or lllorc are granted a recl ucecl rate of$5 pe r official ($1 off each copy) . The stuclem or alulllnus lllay request a rranscript in pe rson, FAX or by lllail. Telephone or e lec troni c mail reques ts will not be accepted. Every transcripr request should includ e th e nallle the student attcnclecl unde r, Biola student 1.0.;r, elate of birth, social security numbe r, last sc lllcstcr of attendance at Biola, any degrees earned at Biola, nalll e and address where the transcript is to be sent, the appropriate fee paid in cash or check, made payab le to Biola Uni ve rsity, and the signat ure of th e student. 2. Fo r ru sh t ranscript se rv ice (no rmall y 2-t-hour process­ ing) th e re \\'ill be a n additional fee of $ 10 pe r transc ript added to the rota I. To fax a copy of a tran sc ript, there wi ll be an additiona l fee of$ ! acldccl to the total. 3. If the requester ha s changed na lll es after withdrawing from the university, the req ueste r mu st pro v ide proof of name change-either name change court doculllent or mar­ riage licen se-in order to properly identify the requ es ter. -+. The requ ester lllust s ign the transcript reques t with the same name that the requ es te r attended under. If the reques te r has c hanged names after withdrawing frolll the university, the requester should s ign the re quest using the atte nd e d-a s nalll e and the current name . A transcript cannot be re lea se d if the student owes lllOney to the Cniversity or if a paylllent is outstanding on any loans obtained through th e l l nivers ity. A request for a tran sc ript lllust bear the s ignature of the in cliviclual whose permanent record is in vo h ·ccl. If the name is typed o r printed, the request wil l not be honored. This policy is in comp li ance with the Falllily Educationa l Rights and Pri vacy Act of 197-t (Bu ckl ey Amcndlllent). NAME CHANGES All name c hange requests by ma rriage, di vo rce or court order must be accompanied by a co py of the legal act ion which changes the indi v idual 's nalllc , only if the name change occ urs during e nrollme nt. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES A ll groups or individuals who represe nt the Univers it y lllUSt lllanifes t sat isfacto ry cooperat ion , spiritual life and scholast ic atrninlllcnt (th e ove rall g rade point average must be 2.00), and lllUSt be approved by the faculty .


Students w ho ha ve requested that their informati o n remain confi denti a l will need to approve any release o f infor­ mation about thcmsch·cs \\'ith the except ion of requests made by a loan agency or financial aid guarantor in regard to a student 's loa n or deferment of a loan. Student information is rel eased to loan agencies and financial aid guarantors clue to the fact that the re lease of thi s information is " in the best interest of the stude nt and a benefit to the stu dent." Stu­ dent informati on is released to loan agenc ies and financia l aid guarantors when such in format ion is requested e ither by the loan agency, fina ncia l aid guaranto r, or by the student at the request of the loan agency or financial a id guarantor. Some informati o n cannot be released \\'ithout a s ign ed re lease from the student regard less of whether or not the stu­ dent has requested confidentiality. Th is is especial ly true with regard to grades, grade point ave rages, and academ ic sta nding. Certain inform at ion clesignatccl as " Directory Informa­ tion " may be di sclosed without the consent or knowledge of the st udent unl ess the student has notified Biol a in advance that their reco rd s remain confident ial. "Directory Information " ar Biola i cle fin ccl as:

■ Photo ■ ~ame ■ Add ress ■ Telephone Listing ■ E-mail Address

DEGREES OFFERED School of Arts and Sciences

The Bachelor of Arrs degree. Offered wit h lllajors in COllllll uni ca tion stud ies, Eng li sh, hi sro ry, humanities, lib-

2 2 • Admission , Registration & Graduation Requirements

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