
To help studems, the Universi ty has ava ilable a number of useful resources co assist in making the decision: academic advisors, careers counselors, First-Year Seminar classes con­ ducted during the first semes ter of attendance, curriculum charts detailing the academic requirements for each program, and various fliers and brochures produced by each department. T he cask of se lecting a major (and often a minor or ocher complimentary speciali za ti ons) becomes one of c rysta lli zing ideas on the basis of experiences in specific cou rses, discussions with ocher studems, staff and facu lty. Faculty advising is a se rvice offered co scudems; however each scudent is responsi­ ble for choos ing courses and fulfilling graduation requirements. Scudencs muse plan freshman or sop homore programs whi ch will permit chem co e nter or rake ad va nced courses in fi e ld s they may want co pursue. They should be sure to beg in or com plete requirements such as mathematics, c hemi s try o r a foreign language early in their academic ca re e rs . Scudencs anciciparing gra duate or professional study should exercise spec ia l ca re in planning undergradu­ ate programs and seek facult y counseling in the field of ince resc. Advance examination of the possibilities of gradu­ a te or professional scudy will be helpful co scudencs who have c lear educational and vocational objectives. Note: The student's rro11sffip1 co111101 be altered to add o major or minor 011ce the degree is completed. Undeclared Majors Students who are unce rtain about their primary educa­ tional or vocational goals may enroll as undeclared majors. However, they should consult an advisor in the Academic Advising Office prior co reg istrat ion each semester. While most undeclared scudencs will enroll in primarily general ed ucat ion and Biblical Scudics requirements, man y general educat ion requirements are "major spec ifi c" and should be chosen with possible majors in mind. A studem should not plan co scay "u nd eclared" for more than three semesters. Planning a Major Program When scudencs have se lected a major field , they should study a ll the req uireme nts chat a re spec ified in this ca talog under their chosen degree program. T hey should make a cencacive se mes ter by semester plan for completing the requirement including prerequisites and discuss chis plan with an adv isor in the major. In addition co courses in the major department, related courses in ocher fi elds and supporting courses in basic skills may also be required. These should be included in the cencaci ve semeste r by semes ter plan. Some deparcmems require an application co the depart­ men c and acceptance; a nd or placement tests prior to admission co classes. The times and places for the tests are determined by the depa rtme nt. Students should contact

era! studies, mas s communi ca tion , mus ic, philoso ph y, soc ia l science, soc iology and Spa ni sh. The Bodie/or of Fine Am degree. Offered with a major in scudio arc. The Bachelor of .11usic degree. Offe re d with emphasis in compos iti on, music educat ion and performance. The Boche/or of Scimce degree. Offered with majors in bi oc he mi stry, bio logical science, compute r sc ie nce, human biology, math e matics, musi c, nursi ng, physica l edu ca tion and sports scie nces and ph ys ica l sc ience. The Master ofAns d egree in Education. Schoo l of lntercultural Studies The /Jad,elor ofAns degree in anthropology and incercul­ cural scudies. The Moster of A11s deg ree in incc rculcura l studi es, mi s­ sions , app li ed lingui stics and TESOL. The Doctor of Afissiology and the Dortor of Philosophy degree in incercu lcura l education. Talbot School of Theology The Ba{ltelor of A11s degree in bibli ca l studi es and C hri s­ tian ed ucation mini seri es . The 1~/asterofAm deg ree with e mphasi s in Bibl e exposi­ ti on, New Testament, O ld Testament, theology, philoso­ phy of re li gion and et hi cs, sp iricu a l format ion, and biblical and theologi ca l stud ies-d ivers ifi ed. The ,I/aster ofArts degree in C hri stian cclucat ion. The ,!laster of A11s degree in C hri st ian ministry and lead­ e rship with emphases in pasto ral ca re and cou nseling, and women's miniseries. The Master ofAn:, degree in sp iritual formation and soul ca re. The ,I/aster of A11s degree in mini stry with emph ases in pastoral , Ch ri stian educat ion a nd mar ri age and family min­ iseri es, and miss ions. Talbot a lso offe rs th e ,I/aster of Divinity degree, th e ,I/as­ ter of Theology degree, th e Doctor of ,l/i11ist1y cl cgrce, the Dor­ tor of Er/11catio11, and the Dor/01· of Philosophy degree in e du ­ cational stud ies. Rosemead School of Psychology The B{l{lte/or ofArrs degree in psychology. The Mas/er ofA11s, the Dor/or ofPsychology and the Doc1or of Philosophy degree in c lini ca l psyc hology. School of Professional Studies The Bachelor ofAm degree in psychology. The Bachelor ofSrie11ce degree in organ iza ti onal leade rship, and mini stry leadership. The ,vi aster of Arrs degree in C hri stian apo loget ics, orga­ ni zat iona l leade rship , and sc ience ancl reli gion. School of Business The Bachelor ofScience degree in business adm ini stration. T he 111as1er's ofBusi11ess Ar/111i11istra1io11 degree.

departments for testing times. Change of Major or Degree To change a major or degree a student muse: Undergraduate

UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Choosing an Undergraduate Major

■ Obtain the form from the Office of the Registrar and obtain the signatures from your current and new majors, or ■ If changing a degree program in another school , submit a full application.

Eve ry student shou ld choose a major by the end of the sophomore year so chat he or she may complete the major requirements in a timel y fas hi on .

Admission, Registration &: Graduation Requirements• !23

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