
GRADUATE GRADUATION PETITION Grad ua te stud e nts mu se make an appo incmcnc wirh the Grad uate Graduat ion Cou nse lor in the Office of the Regis­ trar co petition co graduate. T hi s muse be done one yea r prior co g raduat ion. Srudcnts filing late wi ll be charged a lace g raduat ion petition fee. GRADUATE PROGRAMS Requ irements for All Graduate Degrees Sec in d ividu al degree progra ms for spec if ic require­ ments for graduat ion. 1. Compl et ion of a ll academ ic rcquircmcncs and approval of the srudcnc's grad uat ion petiti on by the major adv iso r and the Office of chc Registrar a year befo re graduat ion. 2. All co urse wo rk during the fina l semester which wi ll be app li ed cowa rd graduation requircmcncs must be taken at Biola University. 3. A minimum of twe n ty-fo ur (24) units muse be take n at Bio la Uni ve rs ity in t he degree program . 4. A minimum of twenty-four (24) d istinct units must be comp leted ac Biola in any addi ti ona l graduate degree ar the same leve l. T hi s app li es to the second (or addit ional) degrees and doub le degrees taken at Biola for all g raduate programs . Double Emphases A minimum of 12 units must be taken t hat a rc unique co rhe second emphas is. ( i. e ., Ta lbot: a minimum of 78 units for two emphases in the \I.A. and a minimum of 11 0 units for two emphases in the i\ l. D iv. degree). All prerequisites, supporting courses, and departmental requirements for borh of the e mph ases must be compl eted prior co th e si ngle com­ mencement. The student must receive the approval of both the dcparcmencs and approva l of chc Office of the Registrar. Second Master's Degree Scudencs seeking a second master 's degree must complete a minimum of 24 dist inct units in a second area of major scudy, taken at Biola Uni vers ity (i.e., Ta lbot: a minimum of90 units for two i\l.A.s, and a minimum of 122 units for an i\ l.Di v. and an i\ l. A. arc required fo r graduat ion with a second master's degree). All pre requ isites, supporting courses and departmental requ ire­ ments for each degree must be completed prior co graduation. T he scudcnt mu st receive ap prova l from both the academic departments and the Office of the Registrar. The scudent may choose co grad uate wirh both degrees at one commencement or different commcnccmcncs. A srudcnc may pcricion rhc Regis­ t ra r and the school faculty co surrender the first certificate or master's degree co avoid the required extra 24 units. The programs in Ta lbot Schoo l of T heo logy arc acc red­ ite d by the Assoc iat ion of T heo log ica l Schools (ATS) . ATS requ ires char a minimum of 50% of Talbot's degree pro­ g rams be ta ken in res id ency (i .e., not transfe rred in nor shared with any oche r program). (ATS Standards, 1998) GRADUATION HONORS - GRADUATE PROGRAMS Honors at graduation for master 's program rec ipients arc based on 01·cra ll performance, Christian va lues , and a mini­ mum 2-1- un it residen cy. Honor s arc not auromatica ll y granted. They arc granccd by the facu lty and may be with-

counselo r. Approva l for the add iti ona l units beyond the no rm will be made ch rough the Office of the Registrar. 3. A minimum of 30 units must be taken at Biola Uni ver­ sity, at least 15 units (upper d ivision leve l) in the major field . Biola has a residency requirement for bi blica l studies. Of the 30 units of Bible required of all students, 15 units muse be taken at Bio la. Students may petition che Registrar 's Office fo r an exception co chi s rule. T ransfer cred it, cred it fo r prior lea rning or credit by examination may not be used co fulfill the mini ­ mum res idency requirement. -1. A minimum "C" average (o r a 2.00 grade point aver­ age) is requ ired on wo rk taken at Biola Un ivers it y and within most of che major fie lds. (Note: GPA req uire me nts are higher in some majors. Sec departmental requirements.) 5. All correspondence course work must be compl eted and an official transcript rece ived bv the Office of the Regis­ trar before the sen ior yea r, cwo semesters prior co graduat ion. 6. All course work during the final semester wh ich wi ll be app li ed coward graduation requ irements muse be taken ac Biola Un i1·c rs icy. 7. All scudcnts who have entered the University in the fa ll 1986 or lace r and who will be graduating in the spring 1990 or later muse pass the \\'ricing Competency Exam. Specifll Xote: All gmd11atio11 req11ire111ents lllflJ' he met withi11 foll/" school yert1I h)• mnyi11g approximate!)' 16 or 17 1111its earl, semester. A s111rlmt may still he gmd11r11erl ru•ithi11 fo!lryertrs 1/he ru•ishes to take a lighter loflrl flllrl enroll i11 S11111111er Sessio11 a11r!/or / 111e11en11. GRADUATION HONORS- UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS H onors at graduat ion fo r baccalaureate recipients are based o n overa ll performance , C hri st ian va lu es, and a mini­ mum 60-un i t residency. Honors arc not a u tomat ica ll y granted. T hey arc granted by the facu lty and may be with ­ hcl d or modified. The univers i ty honors h ave been defined by the Academic Standa rds Committee as: Cum Laude GPA 3.50-3.69 i\lagna Cum Laude GPA 3.70-3.89 Summa Cum Laude GPA 3.90--1.00 Ho11ors rerog11izerl i11 the grad11atio11 a:re111011y mr,y be changed baser! 011 the processi11g offi11a/ gmrles. GPA standards for hon­ ors must be met wit h no rou nding of numbers. Graduate and BOLD stude n ts shou ld check with their program sec­ tion in the catalog for hono rs qualification. HONOR SOCIETY A se lect group of graduating se ni o rs arc chose n by the faculty each yea r co membership in Eps il on Kappa Eps il on, the bacca lau reate hono r soc iety of Biola Uni ve rsity. E li g i­ bility is based on invitation fr om the deans' office. Stude nts receiving an invitation must complete the applicat ion fo rm and return it co chc Dean of Arcs and Sciences. Fi na l se lec­ tion is based upon scho lastic performance, C hri stian witness and concr ibucions co the Biol a community. i\ lcmbc rship is limi ted co no more than 5% of che g rad uat ing c lass. To be e li gib le for membership, a studcnc mu st have a cumul ati ve GPA of 3.6 or higher and muse have comp leted 80 c red it un its ac Biola prior co the semester of grad uatio n. BOLD students shou ld check the ir program fo r a li st ing of hono rs.

Admission, Registra ti on and Graduation Requirements· 25

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