
held or modifi ed. The university honors have been defined by the Academic Standards Committee as: Honors GPA 3.50-3.69 High Honors GPA 3. 70-3.89 Highest Honors GPA 3.90-4.00 Honors recognized in the graduation ce remon y may be changed based on the processing of final grades. GPA stan­ dards for honors must be met with no rounding of numbers. Graduate students should check their program section in the catalog for honors qualification and honor society recognition. COMMENCEMENT All degree requirements must be completed before the stu­ dent may participate in commencement ceremonies. Those students completing all their coursework during intercerm or summer session must contact their graduat ion counselor to be cleared for graduat ion. In such cases no tuition is charged. It is expected that a ll graduating students will be pres­ ent at commencement ceremonies except in cases of extreme emergency or other simi larly difficult ci rcum­ stances. Permission to graduate in absentia must be secured at least one month prior to commencement from the school dean or from the Office of the Registrar. SUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY ENROLLMENT FALL SEMESTER 2002 Undergraduate Programs Classification Me11 Women Total Freshmen 383 585 968 Sophomores 200 375 595 Juniors 197 371 568 Seniors 290 419 709 Special Students 1 3 4 Adult Degree Program 133 154 287 English Language Institute 27 21 48 Totals 1231 1928 3159 Graduate Programs Classificatio11 Men Women Total School of Arts & Sciences 43 119 162 Special (Credential) 13 31 44 Talbot 551 178 729 Institute for Spiritual Formation 14 18 32 SICS 52 84 136 Rosemead 37 84 121 M.A. Apo logetics 99 21 120 ]'vi.A. Organizational Leadership 45 29 74 School of Business 11 4 15 Totals 865 568 1433

Graduate Programs Talbot School of Theology

Master of Arcs ................................... ... .............. 72 Master of Divinity ......................... ....... ... .. ....... 50 Master of'f'heology .................... .......... .............. 7 Doctor of Philosophy........ ............. .................. ... 6 Doctor of 1\1 inistry ........ ................................... ... 5 School of Arts and Sciences Master of Arts in Educat ion .. .. ........ ....... ..... ..... 64 School of Professional Studies C hri st ian Apo loget ics ..... ...... ... ... ... .. ................. 20 Organizational Leadership............ ................... 18 School of lntercultural Studies Master of Arts in lnterc ultural Studies .. ........ .15 Master of Arcs in Teach in g Eng li sh to Speakers of Ocher La nguages ...................... 8 Master of Art s in App li ed Linguistics ............... 6 Doctor of i\l issio logy ... ........ .. ...... .. ... ....... .... ....... 3 Doctor of Philosophy....... .... ................ .......... .. .. .4 Rosemead School of Psychology Master of Arts .................................................... 20 Doctor of Psychology .................... ................... 13 Doctor of Philosophy........................ .. ..... ..... .. .... 8 Total ...... ....... ... ................................................3 19 Grand Total ......................................................... ... 933 GRADUATION RATE DISCLOSURE Of the full-time, degree-seeking, first-time freshmen who entered Biola University in Fall 1995 and three years prior, the average graduation rate for the th ree years of cohort classes is 54.2%. This graduat ion rate is used to estimate the number of graduates from the incoming freshmen class who may complete their degrees. Some of our undergraduate major programs, which contain our largest enrollments, are longer programs that may take five or more years co complete.

Grand Total





Bachelor of Arts Degree ....... .. ................ ........ 319 Bachelor of Science Degree.... ...... .... ............. 283 Bachelor of !vi usic Degree ....... ... ...... .......... ..... 12 Tota l ....... ...... ... .... ... .. ..... ..... ... .......................... 614

26 • Admission , Registration and Graduation Requirements

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