
Academic & Behavioral Standards

STATEMENT OF SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS Full-Time Undergraduate Students Satisfactory academic progress coward a baccalau rcace degree as a full-tilllc undergraduate student is obtained b\' completing 12 or lllore units per se!llestcr or 2-1- or more units per academic year whi le maintaining a culllu latin: GPA of 2.0. Repeated cou rses pre\'iously passed cannot be counted coward minimum satisfactory academ ic progress requirc!llcnts. The student lllUSt comp lete the degree requirements within the period of tilllc required when progressing at the min illlulll fu ll- t ime race. For example, in a program requ iring 130 uni ts progressing at I2 units, a student would have 11 semesters co complete the program. Full-Time Graduate Students Sacisfacco1y academic progress coward a graduate degree as a fu ll -t illlc graduate student is obtained by colllp leting e ight or more units per semester or 16 or lllorc units per academic \'Ca r while maintaining the minimum cumulaci1·c GPA specified by the program requi rements in which the student is enrol led . Repeated cou rses prc,·iously passed cannot be counted coward lllinimum satisfaccory academ ic progress requirements. The stu­ dent must compl ete the degree requirements within the period of t illle req uired when progressing at the minimum ful l- time rate. Fo r exam ple, in a program requiring 96 units progressing at e ight units, a student would ha\'c 12 semesters to complete the program. Doctoral students arc considered full time for a !llaxi­ mulll of two years in the dissertation phase of their program. Part-Time Students SacisfaccorY academic progress cmrnrd a degree for a part-ti Ille student is obta ined by completing six or more units per semester and maintaining a cumulatil'C GPA of at least 2.0 for the under­ grad uate, and four or more units per semester and maintain the min imum program requi rement for the graduate stude nt. Re peated courses p revious ly passed ca nnot be counted coward m ini mum sat isfactory academ ic progress requirements. T he stu­ de nt muse compl ete the degree requirements within a max i­ mum of three years bcvond that required for a full-time student. Exceptions Exceptions to these standards arc discus sed under any ap pli cab le degree program. ACADEMIC PROBATION Any student fai ling to maintain the minimum grade point average requi red by their academic program as outli ned in the Statement of Satisfactory Academ ic Progress will be placed on academic probation. Should the student not meet t he m ini ­ mum cumu lati ve GPA at the end of two consecuti ve semesters of academic probation, the student will be academica ll y disqua l­ ifi ed. Any undergraduate student tak ing six semester hou rs or more who rccei\'eS less than a 1.0 current GP/\ ll'ill be academi­ ca lly disqualified. Graduate students carrying si x semester hours or more who receil'e a 2.0 current GP/\ or less 11ill be aca­ dem ica ll y disquali fi ed. Swdcnts may appea l their academ ic dis­ qua li fication by writing to the dean of academ ic records who will review the appeal with the app rop riate facu lty committee.

Probation Removed When a student taking six or more units in a regula r (fa ll or spring) term rai ses his or her current and cumu lative GPA to the program minimum requi red GPA or higher, "P robatio n Rcmo\'cd" is placed on the transcript. APPEALS Appea ls muse be submitted in writing to the Office of the Registrar and must include explanation of why min imum academic requ irements ll'Crc not met and 11·hy an exception is warranted. Appeals must be rccci\'cd with in three weeks of not ification that the swdcnt is on academic probat ion or has failed to meet academic probationary req uirements. Appeals wh ich can not be rcso l\'cd w it h the Office of t he Registrar ll'ill be referred to the Academic Sta nd ards Com­ mittee o r the app ropriate graduate facu lty commi ttee. FINANCIAL AID Failure to complete the required units or mainta in a GPA as out lined in the Scaccmcm of Sat isfactory Academ ic Progress wi ll result in finan c ial aid probationary status. For addit iona l informat ion on Satisfactor,· Academ ic Progress Policy sec Financia l Information Section . FINANCIAL AID APPEALS i\ppcals must be subm it ted in ll'riting to the Financia l Aid Office and must in clude exp lanatio n of why minim um aid requirements 11·crc not met and why an except ion is warranted. Appea ls must be rccci1cd wit hin three wee ks of notificat ion chat the student is on financia l a id probation or has fai led to meet financ ial a id probationary requirements. ATHLETICS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Studcms not making satisfactory progress ll'ill be cons id­ ered ineli gib le fo r athlet ic competition and extracu rri cu lar acti\'itics. The student on academic probation ma y be a ll owed to compete o r participate upon rev iew by t he Acad­ emic Standards Committee . Extracurricular activ iti es in c lu de: stud ent government, forensic teams, gos pe l teams, band, c hora le, intercollegiate athlet ics and ot her facu lt y spo nsored organ ization s . For appeal procedures, see t he appea l procedure outlined under appea ls sect ion above . ACADEMIC INTEGRITY As a C hri st ian institution, Biola L"nil'ersicy is espec iall y conccrnccl that sound moral , ·,dues a rc practiced in a ll areas of uni1·crsity life. I lonesty in academic work is essential for personal growth and an ethica l life pleasing to God. Academic dishoncstv is co ns idered a ser io u s offe nse, and ll'i ll be hand led by individual faculty in various ways in c luding lowe red grades or possible loss of course c red it. The faculty member 11·ill work with the Dean for Student Affa irs to consider further disciplinary actio n, incl uding d is­ missal. A ful l statement concern in g academic dishonesty can be found in the L' ndcrgraduatc Student Handbook.

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