STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Bio/a U11ive1sity is rt co1m111111ity ofClms1ia11s co111111i11erl 10 the p1i11- riples of Chris1ia11 livi11gfo1111rl i11 the Bible allfl holds that these biblim/ sla11rlmrls are viral lo 011r i11rlivid110! a11rl rorporale re!a1io11ships. Alai11- 1ai11i11g these s1r111rlmds co111rib1t1es 10 the h11rl of atmosphere i11 fl!.Wich q11a/i1y Ch1is1io11 er/11calio11 a11rl spi1i111a/ 11111ill1r m11 best oam; a11rl slre11g1he11s the 1es1i111011y ofBio/a wi1hi11 both Chiis1ia11 a11rl semlar co111- 1111111i1ies. /11 this light, 011dgive11 the clear biblical impemtiveforspi1it11a/ se!fr!iscip/i11e, the l 11rue1si1y has establisher! these "s1a11dmrls ofco11d11c!'' IO beobse;ver/a11rl 11phelr/, by all members ofthe Bio/a w1111111111ity. Co11sis1e111wi1h theex,1111ple a11r! co111111r111rl ofJesus Christ, we believe that life w:ithin a Chris1ia11 co1111111111i1y 11111st be lived to thep;/01y ofCorl, 'With love/or Corl r111rl for 011r 11eighbors. Bei11g i11dwe/1 «v the Holv Spi1i1. we strive lo wall: bv the Spirit, "aucijj•i11g theflesh with its pas sio11s r111rl r!esim" (Cala1ia11s 5:24). To this e11d. me111be1s of the Bio/a co1111111111i1y arr 1101 10 e11goge i11 activities 'iJ!.•hidt Saipt11reforbirls. S11ch activities i11clurle, b111 are 1101 li111i1erl lo, r!isho11es1y, 1hie-ue1y,fomica1io11 , ar/11/1e1y, ho111ose.rnal praClice, rlmllim111ess a11rl 1111scriptt11,1/ divorce. Sa ip1111r also amrle11111s olhtr "deeds of theflesh" sm!t as co-ve1011s11ess, jea/omy, pride a11rl 111st -si11s 'iJ!.•hic!t the 111a1111i11g Ch1is1ir111 sho11/r!p111 off, a11rl replace w1i1h "fmir ofthespirit": love,joy, peace, ;x11ie11ce, h11rl- 11ess, goor/11ess,foi1h(t1!11ess, ge11!le11ess a11d se!fco111ro/ (e.g., L11ke 10:27; Cala1ia11s 2:20, 5:/.1-24; Ephesia11s 2.J; I Co1i111him1s 6:9-/0). As a Ch1-is1im1 er/11m1io11a/ i11s1i1111ion, Bio/a also recog11iz-es the reJpo11sibi!ity of its Boa1d of 7iusrees, famlry a11rl staff lo provide exomp/fs of 111a1111 -i11g Chiis1ia11 c!tararte;; m11r/11c1 allfl allilllfle 10 its s111rlen1s a11rl the ro1111111111ity r11 large. Thei r/ore, as 111a1111-i11g Chiis- 1ia11s, the mtire Bio/a co1111111111i1y will strive for the holi11ess of Corl ( I Peter J:/3- / 9), a11rl love Him w•1/h all 011r hea11, so11/ a11rl 111i11r! (,)fa11hewJ 22:37). / 11 arlrlitio11, we are ml/er! to love 011r(tie11rls allfl neighbors as Corl has loved 11s (1~Ja11he-@ 22:39; I 10h11 4:7-1 ! ). We 'iJ!.•il/ ar!tin.:e this mlli11g «l' 'il!.'all:i11g bv the power ofthe 1-/olv Spirit a11rl
1 avoiding si11s dear!)•forbirlrle11 i11 Saip111re (Ca/a1ia11s 5:16-21; I Co1i111hia11s 6:9-/ I; Ephesia11s 5: /-14) . rllso, we 'il!.•il/ p111we thefm it of1heSpi1-i1 from 011rLorrl c111rl'il!.•i1h 011ea11other(Calr11im1s 5:22-24). I Vhe11 the Bible is 01clear regardi11g a specifir behavio1; we will be g11irled by 011rrlesire 10 glori_jj, Corl i11 011r bodies as temples ofthe Ho!)' Spi1-i1 (I Co1-i111hir:111s 6:19-20), and 'il!.•ill discem if m1y of011r brothers or sisters i11 Christ wo11/d st11111ble i11 rheirfaith ( I Cori111hia11s 8; Roma11s 14). If 011r Lorri is 1101 glorified or a11other Chris1ia11 is han11erl or offe11rled by 011r behavio1; 1he11 we wi/l.fi7!e~)' abstain from that artivity, both 011 a11rl offthe ca111p11s ofBio/a. We J:11ow that 111a11y behaviors are lawji1/, b11t 1101 all are profitable (I Co1-i11t!tia11s 10:23- 33). The1efore, we will ro11s1a1il()' be learhable regarrli11g those ar1ivi- 1ies where the Bible is 01clear a11rl ill•i/1 e-ua/11a1e them i11 light of our p111wi1 ofholi11ess a11d love/or our Lorri allfl e{{(/t 01he1: 1 S111r/m1s of Bio/a are experted to rejrai11 f ro111 the 11se of alco ho/ir bevemges a11r! robaffo i11 c111y for111, r111rl fro 111 go111bli11g. Fu11hennore, r!iscem111e111 must be exerriserl i11 avoiding all activi ties that may be spirit11al/y or moml/y han11f11/. lnr!ivir/11al rleci sio11s regarr./i11g movies, televisio11 prop;m111s, all for111s of e/ectro11ir media 011d other artivities are experted lo 1eflec1 this 11101,;/ co111- 111it111e111. Bio/a U11ive;:,itv does 1101 pres11111e lo be a ce11sori11g age11cy for all at1ivi1ies; it does, however, expec1 ro11gib/e evidence of 111a1111i11g Ch1istia11 co11victio11s a11rl r!iscemi11gj11rlge111ent. / 11 ar!r!itio11, 111e111bers of the Bio/a co 1111111111ity will observe S1111rlay as the / ,01Yl's Day a11r! give p1i11w1y a11m1io11 to worship, rest, Chrisrianfe!/owship a11rl recrea1io11, a11rl service. These standards app ly to the student wh il e e nro lled in any of the schools or programs of the l "nivers ity on and off campus. Biola therefore rese rves the right to d iscipline or di smiss any stu dent who, in its judgement, does not confo rm to these cond uct standa rds or to othe r expressed principles, po licies, programs and expectations of the uni versity governing student conduce.
28 • Academ ic & Behaviora l Standa rds
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