
cions which provide re presentat ional sta tus for commuters. Infor­ mation and services fo r commute r students, includ ing commute r hostel housing, are handled through the Student Affa irs Division and the Department of Auxiliary Services. FOOD SERVICE Bio la provides exce ll e n t foo d se rvi ce for a ll s tud e nts . A wide \'ar ic t y of cncrees, sand\\' ic hcs, soups, fresh fruits, brea d , beverages, a nd desserts is offe re d . The food se rvice staff will wo rk o ut indi v idual program s for students with specia l dieta ry requ ire ments o r we ight red uct ion programs prescr ibed by a plwsician. A va ri e ty o f mea l p lans a rc ava il ab le. All srndcnts li v in g in th e res id e nce ha ll s a rc required to c hoose e ith e r a 10-, 12-, 15- or 20-mea l pl an; or a 10-, 12-, 15- o r 20-flcx-mea l pl an. (The numbers indi cated a rc mea ls pe r wee k .) A " fl ex" plan is 10, 12, 15 o r 20 meal s per week at Cafe Bi o la, our dining room, p lus " fl ex po ints" co pu rchase addition a l meals e ith e r a t Cafe Bio la, the Eagles' Nes t, our on-campus coffee s hop, or Common G rou nd s, our coffee house. There is a 5-mca l plan and a 5-fl ex-mea l plan whi ch a rc pro v id ed o nl y fo r commut e r st udent s o r s tud e nt s w ho res ide in che Biola aparcme ncs. DUPLICATING CENTER The Biola Dupl ica tin g Ce nt e r, loca ted on chc l\lc'.\Ta ll y Camp us, is ava il ab le to s tud ents, sea ff, faculty and the pub­ li c . The dupli cati ng ce nt er has hi gh -speed dupli cat in g e quipme nt and ca n do a va ri ety of jobs, inc luding th e rma l bind ing, cabs, cove rs, co lor copy ing, co lo r posters and ban­ ners, etc. Our pr ices arc gene ra ll y lowe r than off-ca mpu s dupli cat in g scores. There is a lso an afte r-h ours drop box located outs ide of the dupli ca ting ce nte r. BOOKSTORE The Biola Bookstore is open \ londay through Saturday for the convenience of the students, facu lty, staff and public. All req uired textbooks, as we ll as genera l books and suppli es, arc ava il ab le. The Bookstore has a large se lect ion of C hri st ian books and offers Bibles in a , ·ariecy of sty les and bindings at substa ntial di scounts. Biola insignia clothing and a large selec­ tion o f g ree tin g ca rd s, sc hoo l s upp li es, dorm-roo m furniture/accesso ri es, gift items and music. The bookstore we l­ comes specia l orde rs via its 1-800-l\ lY-BIOLA phone line. For a fee, Fax messages may be sent or rece ived at the Bookstore and a qui ck- turnaround photo development se rvice is pro,·ided . A conveni e nce score (located inside the booksto re) contai ns a gen­ erous se lection of soft drin ks, juices, yogurts, ice cream. snacks and ca ndies. D uring schoo l breaks and vaca tions thc Bookstore has shortened hours. Please ca ll (562) 903--rn83 fo r information. Website : COMPUTER STORE L ocated wit hin the Booksto re, the Bi ola Compute r Score exists co aid students with their academi c programs. The Com­ puter Score offers exceptional pricing on Apple f\l ac intosh and Dell Windows produ c ts throu gh a spec ial agreements with these compani es. Des igned co meet the academic community's needs for compute rs, software and accessories, the stude nt will

find mos t of their computing needs conven iently met. at , ·er\' compet iti ve pri ces . Through ag ree me n ts \\'ith :\J icrosoft, Adobe, f\ lacromcd ia, Co re l and oche rs, some software can be pu rchased at one-half co one-third the non-academic race. \ 'isit our website at: fo r the btcst products and pri c ing . Th e Com pute r Score keeps d iffcrcnt hou rs than the bookstore, pl ease ca ll ahead (562) 903--+88-t and check our hours.


Th e Stude nt Hea lth Ce nter prov id es acute, ambu lato ry hea lth se rvices for all cu rre nt registc rcd Biola students. The faci li ty is located directly adjacent co the libra r\'. Consu ltat ion with a phys ician or a nurse are free, howe, ·cr the re arc assigned fees for medicat ions or spec ifi c crcacmcncs. There is no third party billing se rvice avai labl e. Payment is rcquircd ac the t ime of each visit by cas h, check o r c red it card. '.\To studc nt account bill ing is prov ided. :'-:o childre n 's services arc ani ilab le at the Hea lth Center. Office Hours (24 hour access) f\ lond ay through Friday; 7:30 a.m. to 11 :00 p.m. \\'ith no lunch closing. E r-IT ava il abl e from 11:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Ph ys ician appointme nts ava ilabl e 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. :\l onday, Wedn esday and Friday; and 9:30 a.m. --+ p.m. , Tuesday and Thursday. Nurse appointmcnts arc available throughout the adverti sed o ffi ce hours. Sacu rdav hours arc l 0:00 a.m . - 1:00 p.m. fo r Se lf-Help area onl y. :'-:o R:'-: staff availab le. Sum111er sess ions and lntc rter111 offi ce hours are reduced. P lease cons ul t I lea Ith Cente r staff for s pec ifi c officc hours . :\ ledical faci li ty resources posted on the I lea Ith Ccntcr door for,, eckcnds . Insurance All students who enroll in seven un its or 111orc or chose stu­ dents who li ve in a uni versi ty fac ility arc required to hm·c current hea lth insurance. Persona l I Jr-J O Insurance plans 111usc provide cove rage in thi s loca l area. Biola fac ili tates enro ll ment in a cata­ strophic accident and illness policy for chose ,1·ho do not have an insurance plan pro,·iding coverage locally. Cose of ch is insura nce

is subject to change. Hea lth Requirements

Undergrad uates -All students ,,·ho register for seven units or 111ore and chose who arc residents of uni\'crsiry housing arc required to have an e ntrance physical cxa111 co111 pl ctcd by a physician or li censed health ca re prm·ide r using the sta ndard ­ ized Student H ea lth Ce nte r ph\sica l exam form . Send or del ive r to the I lea lth Center fo r filing. No n-Res ide nt Graduates - A St ud c nt I lcalth I Jiscory, immuni za ti on reco rd and current '1'13 tes t (wit hin one year), compl eted and sent to the 1-Ica lth Cente r, a rc requi red . Res ident G raduates - A physical exam, completed using the standardized Stude nt I lea Ith Center fo rm deli, ·ercd co the I lea lch Ce nter, is req uired for all resident graduate students. An\' of the above fo rms arc m·ailab le th rough the Admis­ sions Department or the Student r lca lch Center. Completed forms may be faxed co the I Icalch Center at 562-906--+5 l 2. Pleme cited with rite Heal!h Ce11IP!' staff.for r1ssisla11re ur olhfl' specific itifon11a1io11 (562) 903- ./8./1.

30 • Student Services

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