
CAMPUS SAFETY Bio la 's De pa rtme nt of Campu s Safety has a genuine con­ cern for th e safe ty of indi vidual stude nts and th e Biola com­ munity as a whole . Campu s Sa fe ty's primary respons ibility is to pro tec t a ll chose in d ividua ls assoc iated with Biola Uni­ vers ity and th e ir prope rty, as we ll as th e prope rty of the Uni­ ve rsity itse lf. Tra in ed offi ce rs a re on d uty 24 hours a day. The Campus Safety Depa rtme nt offers special services such as a campus escort service, a rape prevention program, bicycle registra tion service and Operat ion Identi ficat ion (engraving of pe rsonal prope rty for posi ti ve id e ntifi cation in case of th e ft ) th roughout the yea r. Vehicle registra tion, tra ffi c control , build­ ing security, ass istance in med ica l eme rgencies and uni versity switchboa rd are also hancl le cl by chi s departme nt. Recogni zing that a Christi an uni versity is not exempt from crime and clange r, stude nts are as ked to use common sense and caut ion in every as pec t of the ir acti viti es . C rime statisti cs arc ava il ab le upon req uest at the Offi ce of Campus .Sa fety, or on the Biola website. Pl ease re fe r to the Camp us Safety Hand book fo r further In fo rma ti on or ca ll (562) 903-4877 . INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES Biola be li eves that students from va rious cultures contribu te signifi cantly to the university community. T he d iversity th at comes from the ir expe ri e nces e nh ances our e nvironme nt of fa ith and lea rning. Biola, fo r its part, provides services that will he lp th e inte rnati onal stude nt to acc lima te to th e uni vers ity e nvironme nt. Also, issues re lated with U.S. Immigration and Na turali zati on fo r the In ternaci onal Students are be ing unde r­ take n by the Immigrati on Se rvices of the Inte rnati onal Stude nt Se rvices. Contact the Inte rnati onal .S tudent Division in Stu ­ de nts Affa irs at (562) 777-4007 or 4008 fo r furthe r info rmat ion. DISABILITY SERVICES Di sab ili ty Services is commit ted to e nsuring eq ua l treat­ me nt, ed ucat ional opportuni ty, academic freedom, and human d igni ty for stude nts with lea rning, phys ica l and psychologica l di sa biliti es . Di sability Se rvices actuates chis commitme nt by prov iding reasonabl e and appropri ate accomodat ions to stu ­ de nts with d isa bili t ies, ass isting students with d isa biliti es in advocacy, e ducating the Biola community about d isabilities, and by e nsuring lega l compli ance with sta te and fede ral di s­ ability laws, the Ame ricans \Vith Di sabiliti es Act and Secti on 50-t of the Re hab ili tation Act. For more in fo rmat ion, contact the O ffi ce of D isabili ty Services at (562) 94+-035 1, x585 l. COUNSELING SERVICES Perso na l co un se ling se rvices arc ava il abl e to inte res te d graduate and unde rgrad uate stud e nts fo r a modest admini stra ­ ti ve fee. Indi vidual counseling, group counse ling, pre-e ngage­ me nt, premari ta l and marital counse ling arc ava il abl e during th e sc hoo l yea r a nd summ e r month s. G roups fo r spec ia l needs, workshops and seminars arc he ld throughout the yea r. Inquiri es may be made in pe rson at the Biola Counse ling Cen­ te r or by pho ne a t (562) 903-4800 . E me rge ncy se rvice is accessed th rough thi s same number d uring non-c lini c hours. CAREER SERVICES Are you conce rn ed about yo ur choice of major? Do you kn ow how to obta in a job or pursue gradu a te schoo l after

yo u gradua te? T he answe r to th ese qu es ti ons can be found in Ca ree r Service s. Ca ree r Se rvices offe rs the following: Ca reer Planning ■ Ca reer counseling for students, alumni , staff and community ■ Ca re er tes ting (fee req uire d ) ■ Ca ree r resource libra ry ■ Unde c id ed major ass ista nce ■ Academi c adv is in g Part-time Jobs, Internships and Experiential Edu cation ■ Inte rnship coo rdin ato r fo r inte rn ship pl acement ■ S tud e nt Empl oyme nt fo r off- campus jobs ■ Job and inte rnship li st ings for ex pe ri e nce re late d to acade mi c major Full-Time Job Assistance ■ O n-Campu s Ca ree r Fa ir fo ll owed by rec ruitm e nt for jobs and inte rnships ■ Pos it ion ann ounceme nts, wo rkshops, job and internship sea rch ass ista nce ■ Inte rne t li nks fo r job sea rc h Graduate School Assistance ■ Semin a ry, G raduate and Profess ional Schoo l Fa ir ■ In fo rma ti on readi ly accessed on mos t graduate programs in th e U.S. and Ca nada ■ G radu ate Schoo l E ntrance Exam Pre parati on ■ Gl\ lAT , G RE and LSAT exa m pre para tion software ■ Graduate Schoo l and Employme nt Pl aceme nt File Service WRITING CENTER T he Writing Cente r, Suthe rl and Ha ll 213, is a pl ace where stud e nt s of a ll d isc iplines and writing abilities can di scuss th e ir writing with a tra ined writing consultant. Computers, compute r programs and a lase r printe r are avail able for stu­ de nt use. T hese se rvices are ava il abl e to a ll Biola students. LEARNING ASSISTANCE SERVICES Lea rnin g Ass ista nce Se rvices prov id es programs which ass ist students in becoming e ffecti ve and inte ntiona l lea rners in orde r to mee t the academi c demands of the Uni versity. P rograms offe re d to the unde rgraduate population include: ■ College S111di, Sh/ls course fo r s tu dents who wo uld like co stre ng th e n acad e mi c skill s. ■ 7i11ori11g Programs p rovi de d fo r mos t Ge ne ra l E ducation courses and se lecte d l\ l ajor e mph as is courses (a minimal fee may be req uire d ). ■ Prov isional E 111ra 11ce Progm111 - "EXCE L " provides spec ifi c ass ista nce to se lected new ly-admitted s tudents in th e form of stud y skill s d eve lopme nt, counse ling and pee r me ntoring. ■ / 11divid11a/ Academic Co1111seli11g and Adv ising APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES Deta il ed in fo rmati on rega rd ing g ri eva nces and appeals , whe th e r in rega rd to schola rships, acade mi c life , fede ral leg­ is lati on or stud e nt condu ct are fo un d in th e Stud e nt H and­ boo k of each schoo l. Copi es are ava il ab le upon request.

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