
Special Programs

Bi o la Llni ve rs icy va lu es ex pe ri e nti a l and c ross-cultu ra l lea rning. \Ve a re committe d co providin g oppo rtuniti es for our scud e nts co parti c ipate in spec ia l and s tud y abroad pro­ grams. Spec ial programs offer a unique oppo rtunity for sw­ de ncs co make th e wo rld th e ir c lass room, go in g beyond t he confin es of the t rad iti ona l cl ass room expe ri e nce. These a re vita l co our ability co fulfill our mi ss ion co e duca te stude nts in mind and charac te r and co impac t th e wo rld for C h ri s e. In most cases, scude ncs ca n participate in special programs ac the same cost of on-campus cuici on and average room and board. Parti cipating stude nts continue co q ualify for fede ral , scace and Biola aid. T hi s all ows stude nts co continue co obtain the max i­ mum aid poss ibl e while partic ipat ing in a special program. Scud e ncs who are interes te d in chi s type of e du ca ti ona l e xpe ri e nce s ho ul d co ntact th e a pp ropri a te direc tor of th e prog ram. T hese p rograms a rc ope n co juni ors and se ni o rs. All scudc nts parti c ipa ting in spec ial prog rams muse com­ pl e te the Special Programs regist ra ti on form (ava il abl e at the Offi ce of the Registrar or at Smart Stop). The faculty ad visor for the program wi ll he lp stude nts de te rmine th e ir coursewo rk. Initials i11 parentheses represe11t trt111soipt rorles. BIOLA ISRAEL (IS) Biola Israe l is des igned fo r the serious stude nt, commicced co C hri st and co building mea ningful re lati onshi ps with och e rs. S tud e nts arc not limited by academic major, pe rsonal back­ ground or professional goa ls. Study begins with a campus-based class during the spring semes te r, including audi ovisual presenta­ ti ons of Israe l and a wee ke nd workshop. This is done in prepa­ ration fo r fi e ld scudies in the Holy Land during the first sess ion of summe r schoo l. vVich chi s combination, the Bible as well as the morning newspape r comes ali ve as scudencs cracc the routes of biblica l characte rs in conjuncti on with mode rn e \'c nts. Whil e traveling the le ngth and breadth of the count ry, stude nts meet the peopl e who li ve today at the ancie nt sites of Cape rnaum, the Sea of Ga lil ee, Naza re th , Joppa, Je richo, Je rusa lem, r-. Iasada, the Dead Sea, Beersheba, the pl ace of Israe l's wilde rness wan­ derings, E il ac, the Red Sea and more. Direc te d by bibli ca l scudi cs professor Ron Pi e rce, chi s uni q ue tra\'e l-s cud y oppo rtunity provid es a t ho roug hl y inte ­ g rate d lea rning e xpe ri e nce. In th e co urse of scud y th e ce n­ tra l to pi c of " Is rae l" is app roac he d from th e va ryin g pe r­ spect ives of bibli cal studi es, hi sto ri ca l geograph y, inte rc ul­ tura l s tudi es, hi s tor y (a nc ie nt a nd mod e rn ), re li g ion a nd po li t ica l sc ie nce . Scu dc nts sha rpe n th e ir skill s in inte rpe r­ so na l re la ti onships (sma ll g roup d ynami cs ) whil e a lso ge t­ ting into shape ph ys ica ll y fo r some cha lleng in g hikes. With thi s in mind , ch e fo ll owing combine d sprin g-s ummer c ur­ ri c ulum p ac kage was d es ig ned, w hi c h may b e co unted cowa rd g radu a ti o n re quire me nts in a ll d eg ree p rogra ms . The prog ram in cludes seve n units of und e rg radu ate c re dit. Spring Semester Units BBST 465 IS lnteg. Semin ar: Isra e J/ r,..(iddl e Eas t 3 (An a pp rove d P h ys ica l Edu ca ti o n c lass o r indi vidu a l cond it ioning p rogra m) First Summer Session Units BBST 3 11 JS Biblica l Backg round 3 P E ED 1 IO IS PE Skill s/Tech: Conditi onin g I Though seekin g co keep cos ts as low as poss ibl e, persona l sa fe ty and qua lity ed uca ti on are our primary conside rati ons. Beca use cuici on, fees, room, boa rd , air and land ex pe nses are

a ll inc luded in a program package, it coses licclc more co study abroad than ta kin g th e same units whil e li ving on campus during the regul ar summe r sess ion. A brochure , pre liminary itinera ry and appli ca ti on form a rc ava il ab le in the Biola-lsrael office in Fe inbe rg Hall. Appli cati ons arc accepted , along with a depos it, beginning Se pte mbe r 15 in th e fall semes te r pri o r to prereg istrati on for spring cl asses. Th e max imum class size is 30 scude ncs and acceptance is on a fir st-come bas is. Fo r further in fo rm at io n , co n tac t Dr. Ro n Pierc e (ron.pi c rce@bi o la.e du ) in th e Biblica l S tudi es De partme nt. BIOLA BAJA (BAJA) Bio la Baja is a three-week ince rtc rm fi e ld trip in January co Baja Ca liforni a, \lexico, co swd y th e natura l hi story of the Baja pe ninsula. Th e program uses th e Ve rmili on Sea Fi e ld Sta ti on in Bahi a de Los Ange les on the Sea of Cortez as a base of ope ration s. Scude nts rece ive three units of e ither gen­ e ral e du ca ti on sc ie nce c red it (BIOS 120 C urrent T o pi cs : Pl ane and Animal Studi es) or uppe r d ivision bi o logy e lecti ve credit (BIOS 333 N acural I li scory of Baja Ca liforni a) by scudy­ ing th e sys te mat ics, d istr ib uti o n, be hav io r and eco logy of common pl ants and animals in a fi e ld setting. Emphas is is pl aced on dese rt eco logy, b ird and whale migra ti ons, and nat­ ural resource manageme nt. E nro llme n t is limited co 20 scu­ de ncs wh o mus t be in good hea lt h and ph ys ica l condition. The tri p fee cove rs the cos t of food, camping, boa t use, field stati on re ntal and t ranspo rta ti on. For additi onal information and an appli ca ti on sec Dr. Rafe Payne (ra fc. payne@bi ) in th e Biolog ica l Sc ie nce De pa rtme nt . BIOLA LONDON SEMESTER (BLS) Bi o la, in cooperat ion with t he Uni ve rs ity of Surrey, Roc­ hamp ton in London (L'S R), offe rs the opportunity fo r a fall se mes te r o f s tud y in th e United Kin g d om. USR is com­ posed of four co ll eges: D igby Stua rt College, F roebe! Insti­ tute Co ll ege, So uthl and s Co ll ege and \\ 'hite land s Co ll ege. It is locate d nea r Wimbl e do n, s ix miles so uthwes t of the cente r of L ondon. Appli ca ti on, payme nt of tuiti on and room a re made throu gh Biol a. Th e appli ca nt must be a junior or a seni or not gradua ting in December with a 3.0 GPA and mu st be approved by the d e partme nt of th e student' s major, th e coo rdin ato r of th e program and llS R. Stude nts who are accepted li ve in campus housing and take 3 o r 4 courses in th e regul ar uni versity curri culum. An addi­ ti ona l course will be taug ht by an instructor des ignated by Biola, whi ch fulfill s th e integrati on requireme nt (BBST 465). The Uni ve rsity of Surrey offe rs courses in a wide vari ety of aca­ demi c di sc iplines, but students should inq uire ea rl y co see if the ir academi c needs can be me t by the prog ram . Because of the nacurc of Briti sh hi ghe r educa tion, scude ncs are e ncouraged to cake th e ir courses in no more th an two de partme nts. The prog ram gives the scudc nt the opporcunicy to expe ri ­ e nce th e Briti sh educational system firsth and , while e nj oy ing the uniqu e hi sto ri ca l a nd culcu ra l e nvironme nt of London and th e Briti sh Isles . S tude nts rece ive an ori e ntation at USR be fore starting the ir te rm of stud y; and a 13iol a-d es ignatcd fac­ ulty membe r will me ntor the scude nts whil e at Roehampcon, providing counse l and guidance th roughout the semeste r. Students participat ing in the program are expected co abide by the rul es and regul ations of the Uni versity of Surrey; in addi­ tion, they arc expected co maintain Biol a's code of conduct as

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