
semeste r-l ong educat iona l experience in Ne\\' Zealand . For in for mat ion a nd an app li catio n , contact Dr. Rafe Payne (rafc.payne@b iola.ed u) in th e Bio logica l Sc ie nce Depa rtment. FOCUS ON THE FAMILY INSTITUTE (FFI) The lnst iw tc in Colo rado Springs, Colo rado, is a hi ghl y competit ive co ll ege opportunity that focuses on leade rship training with the goal of rcscoring fam ili es, rc\' ivi ng the ch u rch and transforming soc iety. A semester at the In stitute provides persona li zed expe ri ence that strengthens studc nts' love fo r Christ and for fam ili es . The program offers 15 cred it hours (8 during the summer) in a supporting and exciti ng commun it \' li,·ing and learning cm·ironment. Regardless of academic discipl in e. a semeste r at the Institute is co ns idered one of t he best " life training expe ri ences." Biola students may apply fol low in g their sop homo re \'Car. and must meet ,,·ith t he Dean of Academic Reco rds to ensu re that course selection fits \\'ith grad uation require­ ments (final candidates arc selected by the Institutc). ror more information, contact the Office of the \ 'ice Provost at Biola o r , ·isit www.focus inst . THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM (ISE) The In ternat iona l Student Exchangc Program pro,·idcs unique op portunit ies for Bio la students co study at C hri st­ ian uni vc r5it ies in Korea and Japan. Stude nts can stud y a t H and ong lln i, ·c rs it y, llannam Llnivcrsity, Jeon Ju Uni\'c r­ s itv, Seoul \\'omen'5 lln i,·c rsit,, and Yonsei L"ni, ·ers itv in 1-: ; rca, or at Tokyo Ch ri st ian L·;1i,usity in Japan . Biola ~rn ­ dcnts with a GPA of 3.0 o r higher ma,· apply for up to two scmcstcrs of exchange studv. Fo r additi onal in fo rmat ion and an app li cat ion , contact D r. Sung Lee (su ng .w. lcc@b io la .edu) in In tc rn at iona l Student Education. COUNCIL FOR CHRISTIAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES - OFF-CAMPUS STUDY PROGRAMS Th e Co un ci l for C hri st ian Co ll eges and L 1 ni\'crsitics (CCC L.), an associat ion o f 0\'Cr ninety in st ituti ons, offe rs t he fo ll owing semester and summer programs co st ud cnts of its member institutions. Becau;e Biola L' ni, ·ers it \' is a mem­ ber of the Counc il , our 5tudents can participat~ in a wide rnriety of CCCL. off-campus study programs. These are avai lab lc to juniors and seniors with a minimum GPA o f 2.75 (wit h the except io n of t he ll o nour s P rogramme in Oxford, whi ch requ ires a minimum GP/\ of 3.5) . For further in formation regarding acadcm ic rcq u iremcnts, financ ia l arrangements , and sc h ed u le p lanning sec the prog ram direccors li sted belo,, for each program. \ ' isit the CCC LI

they would on the La i\lirada campus. At the e nd of the semes­ ter USR will fo rward the swdc nt 's transcript to Biola, whe re it will be inte rpreted in li ght of ou r American grad ing system. For additi ona l information, co nt act the Coo rdin ato r of th e Bi o la London Program in the Department of Engl ish, o r visit AU SABLE INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES (ASI) Biol a Un ive rsity is a participating member of Au Sab le Institute, a Ch ri st ian env ironmental StC\\'ardsh ip in;titutc, w hose mission is to bring healing and \\'holcncss to the bi osp he re and the \\'ho le of creat ion. Students gain field experience, and deve lop practica l coo ls for cn,·ironmcnral stewa rd ship at a fi e ld stat ion in 1'l ich iga n , on an is land in Puge t Sound, in Africa or in Indi a. Seve ra l courses offe red in the summer and in tcrtcrm may be used fo r upper divi­ sio n e lccti,·e units in the biology major. Financial assistance is ava ilabl e from Au Sable. Interested students should obta i n inform at io n a nd fo rm s from Dr. Rafe Pavnc (rafe .payne@bi o ), Bio log ica l Sc ience Depa rtment. ,


Students attending the Development Studies Program in H ondu ras spend a spr in g semester studying dc\'elopmcnt theories as thev play o ut in the t hird wo rld . They live with a H ondu ra n fam il y and exper ience life in the third wor ld . Stu­ de nts \'is it banana plantations , farms that gro,, sh rimp for ex po rt and the agricu ltu re, health and litcracv p rojects of development o rgan izations, analyzing their impact in improving the li ves of the poor in Honduras . For addit iona l informati o n a nd an app li cation, sec Dr. Brad C hri sterso n (brad. ch ri stc rson@bio in the Soc io logy Department. Seminars Units Exp loring a Third \\'o rld Society .) The Problem of Po,·crt,· ,) Development Thco r 1 and Practice 3 Spanish Language -t-8 TOTAL C REDITS 13-17 GLOBAL STEWARDSHIP STUDY PROGRAM (GSSP) S tud ents attend ing the G lobal Stcmmlship Study pro­ gram spend t he fa ll or spring semester in Belize. The pur­ pose of GSSP is co prov id e C h rist ian-based undergraduate ed ucatio n that is cross-c ultura l a nd intcrdisciplinarv, with a focus on the ,,·el fare of all God's creation, both human and no nhuman. through the susta in ab le stewardship of the eart h' s intercon nected systems . The GSSP mission is accomp li shed by the interconnected dimensi ons of eco logy, theology, cu lture, and Christian disci­ pl es hip. An opportun ity to interact wit h commun ity leade rs, work with nongo\'crnmcnt organizat ions, li ve among the Bcli zea n peop le and exp lore the rema rkab le natural resources of Beli ze, inc lu ding the second largest barrier reef in t he ,,·orld and the ri ch diversity of a tropical ra inforest. Exc ur­ s io ns co the Bar ri e r Reef, 1'1ayan ruins a nd ot her areas of interest in Be li ze, 1'1cx ico and G ua tema la occur th roughout th e semeste r. Additionally, each scmcstc r students ha, ·c opport uniti es for ind ependent travel aro und Belize or other co untri es in Centra l Ame ri ca . GSSP a lso offers a ;im il ar

webs ite : ,,·ww. American Studies Program (ASP)

Founded in 1976, the American Studies Program has scn·ed hundreds of swdcnts as a "Washington, D.C.. campus." ASP uses \\'as hingcon as a st imul ating educational laboracorv ,, here coll egians gain hands-on experie nce with an internship in their chose n fie ld and explore pressing national and in ternationa l issues in publi c poli cy semi nars that arc issue-oriented, intc r­ d iscip linar\' and led by ASP facu lty and \\'as hington profess ion­ als. Internships arc ta il ored to fit students' talents and aspira­ tions, and arc a\'ai lab lc in a wide range of fields. ASP bridges

Special Programs· 33

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