

Contemporary Music Center (CMC) T he Contemporary ~lusic Ce nter - based on the beau ti­ ful is land of Martha 's Vineyard, five miles off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts - is designed for stude nts who are interested in maki ng and market ing conte mporary music. In addit ion co core courses invest igating the music industry and the inte rsection of fa ith and culture, students may choose between the Art ist Track and the ~ l usic Executive Track. 1 'hc curricu lum provides for ampl e hands-on experie nce, plus lectu res, semina rs, directed study and an inte nsive field expe­ rience in Nas hvill e or New York. When not in c lass, st ude nts wi ll be in the stud io o r the music business offices, a nd together will make and market a CD of origi na l musi c. The program isn't just for music majors, it 's for any stu­ dent co ns ide rin g a ca ree r as a mu s ic ian, voca lise, so ngwrite r, producer, enginee r, a rti st manage r, booking age nt , A&R director, marketing exec uti ve, music publisher, co ncert pro­ moter o r entertainment industry entrep reneur. For more in format ion and a n app li cat ion, conract Dr. Ger ry Fisher (ge ra s her@bio in the ~ l ass Com muni cat io n

classroom and marke tpl ace, combining bibli ca l re fl ections, pol­ icy anal ys is and rea l-wo rld experience. Students arc exposed to on-the-job lea rning that he lps che m build for their future and ga in perspecti ve on the ca lling of God for th e ir li ves . They are chall enged in a rigorous course of study to discover fo r them­ se lves the meaning of C hri st's lordsh ip in putting their beliefs into practice. The aim of che program is to help Council schoo ls prepare their swdents to li ve faithfu ll y in contemporary societv as fo ll owe rs of Christ. Participating s tudents may ea rn 16 semester hou rs of credi t. For addit iona l in format ion, con tact Dr. David Pe ters ( in the Department of Political Science. Components Recommended Credits Foundation for Public In vo lvement an d Policy Analys is 2 Domestic Policv* 3 International Policy* 3 Internship/Practicum ~ TOTAL CREDITS 16 *011e 1111i1 of s111d)• each semester loo/:s r11 r111 ff0110111ic issue i11 either domestic or i11ter11otio11a/ policv. China Studies Program (CSP) The Ch in a Studies Program enables students co engage this ancient and intriguing country from the inside. While li vin g in and exper ienc in g C hin ese civi li zat ion firsthand, s tud e nts participate in semina r cou rses on the hi sto ri ca l, cu ltu ra l, re li g ious, geograp hi c and econom ic realities of chi s strategic and popu lous nation. In add iti o n co the study of standa rd Chinese language , students arc given opportuni ­ ties such as ass isting Ch inese students learn in g E ng li sh o r working in an orphanage, a ll owing for one-on-one interac­ ti on. The program introduces students co the d ive rsity of Ch in a, inc luding I-long Kon g, Beijing, Shangha i, Xi'a n and X iamcn. Th is interdisciplinary, cross-cu ltu ra l program e nables s tudents co deal wich this increasingly important part of the world in an in formed, C hri st-centered way . Stu­ dents earn 15-17 semester hours of c redit. For informat ion and an app li cat io n, contact Dr. Don Douglas ( u­ g, School of Intcrcultural Stud ies . Approved Biola Course Equivalents A,1 ARTS 410 Sem inar in Art: Non-Western Art 1-6 Bibliml Studies BBST -l65 Integra tion Seminar 3 Geography/Histo,y [][ST 332 ~ l odern China 3 IIIST 400 Studies in Deve loping Nat ions 3 lnterm/111ral S111dies INCS 332 Peoples of Ch in a 3 INCS 473 Practicum Sem in ar 1-3 JI/or/em Lo11g11ages I IUFR 101 Chinese 3 1lillsir ~ l llSC -lS0 ,\Jus ic Practicum 1-3 Physiml Erl11ratio11 PEED I !Oz Beginning Aerobics Politim/ Scie11ce POSC 480 Studies in Political Science 3

Department. Core Courses

3 3

Faith, ~ lu sic and C ulture In side the Music Industry Practicum Artist Tmd: Esse nti als of Songwr iting

3 3 3

Scud io Recording


Exemtive Tmd: Art ist ~ lanagemcnt Art ists & Repertoire

3 3 ,1

i\ lusic ~ larketing and Sales



Honours Programme CMRS, Oxford (OHP) Honors and othe r highl y qua lifi ed students (with at least a 3.5 GPA) have the exciting opportunity to study in E ngland through an interd isciplinary semester at Oxford Un ive rsity. The rigorous academic program, aimed at increasing critica l thinking sk ill s and scholars hip from an integrated C hri stian perspective, allows participants co choose from a wide va ri e ty of tutorial study programs in numerous disciplines, incl uding the arts, reli ­ gion, history, literature, and phi losop hy. In add it ion co two Oxford tutorials, students participate in a seminar and an inte­ gra tive course through wh ich they produce a schola rl y project or term paper. Fie ld trips provide opportun iti es for experimenta l learn ing in England's rich historical setting. Participating stu­ dents may earn 16 hours of credit. For full program descr ipti on and on- line appli cations vis it For add i­ tional in fo rmat ion and app licat ion, contact Dr. E d Wi lshire (cd.wi lshire@bio in the Department of History. Latin American Studies Program (LAS) This program is designed to deepen students' cross-cul­ tural understanding and expe rience first hand th e multieth­ nic and multicultural wo rl d. It g ives students the best possi­ ble scena ri o co integrate the study of both Latin America n soc iety and Span ish language. Students have the opportunity co li \ 'C and learn in Latin Ame ri ca through the Latin Amer ica n Stud ies Program,

34 • Special Programs

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