
burg, t he sea-fo rtress env is io ne d by Pe ter the Great that became the Russ ian "window co the \Ves t," and it all ows stu­ de nts co earn up co 16 hours of cred it cowa rd the ir Biola degree. i\ lore im portantly, it provides an opportunity to grow in their faith in a multinational , culturall y diverse setting. For add iti onal in fo rmat ion and an appli cat ion, please contact D r. Aa ron Kle ist (aaron .kl e isc@biol in the Engli sh D e partment. Components Recommended Credits BBST-165 Hi sto ry & Soc io logy o f Religion in Ru ss ia 3 HIST-170 Ru ss ia in Trans ition 3 INCS332 Russ ian P eop les, C ulture & Lite ratu re HUF R101 Beginnin g Russ ian G ramma r & Con ve rsa ri on Q 16

Bio/a Eng lish Study Tour (BEST) Biola Uni ve rsity offe rs a fou r-wee k SUllllll e r E ngli sh Stud y Tour on its La i\ lirada ca lllpus for internat iona l stude nts. T he expe ri e nce includes inte nsive stud y of the Engli sh language and da il y act iviti es th at inc rease un derstanding of Alll e ri can culture . The p rogralll concludes with a tou r of San Franc isco and other popular locat ions in Ca liforni a. For informat io n co nce rnin g thi s p rogram a nd s imilar o pportuniti es a t Biola, p lease co ntact th e D e partment of Inte rn at iona l Student Ed ucation. Summer Institute of Linguistics at Bio/a In coope rati on with t he Sumlll cr in stitute of L ingui sti cs and Wyc li ffe Bib le T ranslato rs, USA, t he Uni ve rs it y offe rs, through the Dcpartlllc nc of TESOL and App li ed L ingui sti cs (TAL), a hi gh-q uality lingui sti cs program fo r stude nts planning co wo rk in cross-cultural llli ss ions. Expe ri enced instructo rs from Wycliffe teach TAL courses in phoneti cs, phonology, lllorphol­ ogy, syntax, lite racy, Bibl e tra nslation based on the field stud ies of SIL wo rke rs around the wo rl d . These courses are eq ui va­ le nt to ch ose offered at ocher SIL schoo ls and are recogni zed as va lid fo r membe rship in Wycliffe and othe r mission organiza­ ti ons. 'Chey can also form part of a degree or minor fo r regular stude nts who comple te all oche r requirc lll e nts in their depart­ me nts. T hi s co llaborat ion e nri ches TAL's applied lingui st ics program, by offe ring stude nts both unde rgrad uate and graduate trai ning fo r culturall y appropriate fi e ld-based wo rk. Inte res ted s tud e nts sho ul d co nta ct the Department of TESOL and App li ed Lingu isti cs fo r add itiona l in format ion. Torrey Off-campus and Torrey Abroad Fo r stude nts in the Torrey Honors Institute, the re are addi­ tional opportu ni t ies fo r thelll co parti cipate in special off-cam­ p us ·f'orrey prog rams. Refe r to the Torrey secti on of the ca talog fo r further informat ion, o r co ntact Dr. John i\lark Reynolds (john.reynolds@bi o la.ed u) at th e Torrey Honors Institute . SUMMER SESSION A continuing Summer Sess ion program prov ides stude nts with the opportunity for a grea ter degree of flex ibility in plan­ ning th e ir tota l program. Students may e nri ch the ir co urse of study and reduce th e overal l time spent in schoo l or dec rease their regul ar course load by ca re ful se lection of Su mme r Ses­ sion courses . Visiting stud e nts find ir re fres hing co study in a diffe re nt atmosphe re and pe rh aps a d ifferent loca le, and e nte r­ in g s tudents fin d it he lpful in ga inin g ad va nced sta nd in g. Work ta ke n lll ay be app li ed co both th e degree and th e teach­ ing c redential programs. In struct ion is offe re d in sta nd a rd courses by rh e Biola facu lty and capab le visiting professors. Courses offe red cm·e r the areas of art, Bible, theology, hi s­ tory, literature, math emat ics, phil osophy, psychology, biolog ica l sc ie nce, sociologv a nd och e r subj ec ts, in c ludin g e duca tion courses fo r teaching credent ial ca ndidates. Graduate courses in education , intercultural studi es, theo logy and psychology enab le grad uate students co continue the ir programs du ring the sulll­ lll e r. C redit is also ava ilabl e in connection with exce ll e nt fo r­ e ign cours conducted dur ing the summe r. Tuition, room and board are lowe r than regul ar charges at p ri va te co ll eges; tota l coses are competiti ve with state summe r schoo l charges . See secti on on fin ancia l information for Sulllme r Sess ion tuition. Certain courses or works hops may be offered in the summe r that are not li sted in thi s catalog. Courses may be innovat ive or

CCCU SUMMER PROGRAMS Oxford Summer Program

Thi s three-wee k p rogram in Oxford is sponso red by the Cou nc il of C hri stian Co ll eges and Uni ve rsiti es and 'v\lyc liffe H a ll , Oxford . I r defines itse lf as a "Ch risr-cenrerecl e duca ­ tional program chat is committed co exam ining hi scory, lite r­ at ure, th eo logy, and ot her discipli nes t h ro ugh th e eyes o f fa i th. " T he st ud y is done wit h Oxford acade mi cs a nd in c lud es fi e ld trips; a nd it lll ay be take n for 3-6 units of c redit. Fo r fu ll prog ralll descri ption and onlin e app li ca tions, v is it www . Co nta c t D r. Eel 'v\lil s hir e (ed .wil ) in the Dcpartlllent of 1-li sco ry co di s­ c uss how acade llli c c redi t is ea rned o r tra nsfe rre d to Biola. Summer Institute of Journa lism (51)) Bi o la lllay choose rwo s tud e n t journ a li sts to appl y fo r chi s four-week, al l expense-pa id expe ri e nce to Was hin gto n, D. C. A total of 15 stu de n ts frolll Counc il schoo ls are se lec ted co part ic ipate in t he ln sr iturc , whi c h lases fr olll lllid -i\ lay to mid-Jun e . The In st itut e ble nds c lassroo lll expe ri e nce with hands-on wor k and is an exce ll e nt o ppo rtunit y ro lea rn throu g h lectures and panels with lead in g journali sts who sha re a strong C hri s t ian commitlll c nr. Pa rt ic ipants a lso jo in in selll in a rs taught b y CO lllllluni cat io n s profes so rs frolll Co un c il-lll em ber in st ituti ons, ca ke pa rt in fi e ld trips, and co lllpl ece works ho p projects for loca l n ews p a p e rs . Th e co urse prov ides va lu ab le ins ig h t and tra inin g in ga th e ring and wr itin g news , edit in g co py and des ig nin g layout. T he In st itu te seeks to develop st ud e n ts as C hri st ian journ a li sts ex hibi t in g both professional is lll and lega l/e thica l integrity. Pa rti cipating stud e nts may earn -I units o f cre dit. For more inforlll ati on, contact the i\ lass Co lllmun icacion Departlll e nt. OTHER STUDY TOURS Occasiona ll y, o p portun iti es occ ur for Bi o la stud e nts to a ttend sy lllpos ia , se lllinars, and co nfere nces at inte rn a tional co ll eges a nd uni vers iti es for whi ch academic c red it lllay be ava il ab le . In additi on, unique exc hange prog ra lll s a re ofte n o ffe re d direc tl y ro s tud e nts and th roug h Bio la Uni ve rs ity. Fo r cxa lllpl c, B io la rece n t ly spo nsored a SUllllll e r stud y to ur in the fo rlll e r Sov iet U ni on , and N urs ing st ud e nts had spe­ c ia l stud y opport uniti es in Alaska and Ecuado r. C urrentl y e nroll ed or prospective Biola stud ents shoul d con tact th e Office of Ad llli ss ion fo r furth e r inforlllati on.

36 • Sp ec ial Programs

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