
the content rnav be in response to spec iali zed needs or curre nt copies. Summer Session course listings arc ava ilabl e in l\ larch. Visiting s tud e nts need to obta in a Spec ia l S tud e nt Sta tu s App licat ion from the Office of Admi ss ion. Ad mi ss io n to the summe r program docs not presuppose o r gra nt acce pt­ ance to t he Uni ve rsity for th e regu lar sc hoo l yea r. For fur­ ther informati on, please co n tact the Office of Adm iss ion. INTERTERM To facilitate th e cornp lccion of g raduation and a lso to a ll ow expos ure co creati\·c lea rning and to enr ich s tudents' academ ic programs, the Cni\'crs icv provides a th ree-week lntc rtc rrn program in January. A balanced prog ram of genera l ed ucat ion, Bible, e lecti\·cs and graduate courses is offe red on campus. Opportunities to parti c ipate in travel and ot he r non­ traditi onal co urses are a lso offe red by various departme n ts. Jntercc rrn co urse li st ings arc avai lab le in October. Unde rg rad uate tuition charges arc abo ut one half of the reg­ ul ar tuition charge. Resident hall rooms a re pro\'ided at no extra charge for on-campus fa ll students who occupy a room du rin g the s pring se meste r. All ot he r s tud e nts a ttend in g lntcrccrrn arc charged a prorated week ly rate. Separate p ri ces will be ava ilab le for meals during lntc rtcrrn. For further infor­ mati on, please co n tact the Office of the Reg istrar. ARMY ROTC The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps program is ava il­ able co all stude nts of Biola Unive rsity through the Department of \li litary Science of CSl 1 F. Army ROTC prov ides scholar­ ships and chall e ng ing leade rsh ip trai ning. The curr icu lum includes rappe lli ng, ph ysica l fitness deve lopment, practi ca l app li cation of managerial techniques, and classes in military hi story and tactics. Armv ROTC also a ll ows students to pursue commi ssions in the L 1 .S. Army. Programs Th e military sc ience c urri c ulum is d ivided into cwo parts. Bas ic Cou rse is the fir st two yea rs of lowe r di, ·is ion stud y dur ing whi ch s tudents comp lete 12 uni ts of leader­ s hip c lasses. Adva nced Co urse is the last two yea rs of uppe r division stud y co ns ist in g of 14 units of leaders hip c lasses, a nd a s ix week su mmer camp cvpicall y between junior a nd seni or yea rs . (Cade ts rccei\'c an a ll owa nce fo r tra\·c l ex pe nses a nd are paid for attending thi s camp.) Stude nts who did no t enro ll in Army ROTC as a fr es h­ man or a sophomo re ca n recc i\·c c qui\·a lent c red it in severa l different ways (sec Two-Year Program be low) . Admi ssion to the Ad \'a nccd Course is limi ted to students who meet all academi c and physical requ irements. Students in this course rece ive a subsiste nce all owance of between $250 and $400 a month for IO month s during each of th e two aca­ demic yea rs, plus mili tary sc ie nce books and uniforms. After compl et ion of th e Ad vanced Cou rse and co ll ege, stude nts arc e lig ibl e to be commi ss ioned as second li cuten,rnts in one of th e Arm y's 17 spec ialty areas in e ither t he Arnw l\' a tional Guard, /\rmy Reserve, or active Army. Students' desires arc a major factor in determining which scr\'i cc option is se lected. The act ive ducv obl igat ion for rhose stu de nts se lected to ente r the Na ti onal Gua rd or Army Rescr\'C is cvpically fo ur month s. Students e nte ring the Act ive Army scn ·e longer peri­ od s. ROTC stud e nts des iring to obta in adva nced degrees may be granted a de lav in repo rting to their initi al assignme nt.

Scholarship Scho larships are ava i lab le on a national and reg ion a l basis. Two and three yea r sc ho la rships arc ava il ab le o n a competiti ve bas is to any qualified st ud ent of Bio la Uni ve r­ s ity who desires to compete. An Arnw scho larship will pay for m ost tuiti o n coses, sc h oo l s upplie s, a nd pro v ide a monthl v subsiste nce all owa nce of betwee n $250 and $400. The scho la rship compet iti on is condu cted from Novembe r through February during th e schoo l vcar prior to when the scho larship wo uld go into effec t. Sc ho la rship winners a re announced in i\lay, and the scho larship becomes effective at the sta rt of the fo ll ow ing Fal l term . Two Year Program Th is program is d es ig ned for s tud e n ts who rece ive pl aceme nt c re dit fo r two years of ROTC. Pl aceme nt c red it ma y be g ive n for a va ri ecv of co ndition s . In c lud e d are: completing three years of hi gh schoo l ROTC; attending a specia l one-wee k Bas ic Co urse summe r ca mp; joining t he Army Rese rves o r J\:acional Gua rd : prior military se rvice on act ive duty (\·ete rans may rece ive \'A benefits co ncurrentl y with Advance Co urse benefits); a nd by co mpl et in g two yea rs of co ll ege leve l Air Force or l\'avy ROTC. Extra Cu rricular Cadets in Armv ROTC arc eligible to participate in a wide variety of ex tra-curri cular activiti es. Include d are rappe ll ing, land navigat ion, parachuting and othe r ad\ ·cnture opportunities. Further Information Biola C ni ve rsity stude n ts who des ire more informat ion rega rdin g thi s program may wr ite : Department of i\lilitary Sc ie nce, CSCF, P.O. Box 6830, Fu ll crco n, CA 92834: or ca ll (7 14) 278-3007. AIR FORCE ROTC Through arrangements wit h Loyola i\larvmount Un iver­ sity (Li\ l U) in west Los Ange les, stud e nts may pa rticipate in th e Air Fo rce Rese rve O ffi cer T ra ini ng Corps (AF R.OTC) program. AFROTC offe rs a var iety of nm-, three- and four­ yea r scho larsh ips, man y of wh ich pay the fu ll costs of tuition , boo ks, a nd fees . S uccess ful cornplcc ion of AF R.OTC aca­ dem ic classes and leade rsh ip laboratories ca n lead to a com­ mi ss ion as a second li eutenant in the L' nitcd States Air Force. C lasses consist of one hour of academ ics and two hours of leadership laborato ry for fres hme n and sophomores and three hours of academ ics and two hours of leadership laboratory fo r juniors and seniors. T he academi cs hours earned can normally be counted as elective credit cowa rd graduat ion. All AF ROTC classes and laboratories arc he ld on Friday to better accommo­ date stude nts commuting from other co lleges and unive rsit ies. Curre n t ly, Li\l U docs not cha rge fo r the co urses and offers c ross-cown stude nts free park ing whil e attending AFR.OTC act iviti es . Additionall y, AF ROTC cadets und e r scho larship and all juniors and seni ors rece ives a monthl y, tax-free st ipe nd. For more information , contact the Lovola i\ larymount Uni­ versity Department of Aerospace Studies (A FROTC) at (3 10) 338-2770, http ://www. I rn u. cd u/acad/ro tc/ma in. htrn. Oth e r AF ROTC detachme nts arc located at: Un iversity of Ca li fo rni a, Los Angeles, (3 10) 825- 1742; Uni\ ·c rsiry of Southern Ca lifornia, (213) 740-2670; San Diego Sta te L' ni vc rsicy, (619) 594-5545; and Ca li forn ia Scace Uni ve rsity, San Be rnardino, (909) 880-5440.

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