
Undergraduate Programs

HIGH SCHOOL RECORD An app li cant for regula r standing rnus t be a grad uate of an acc red ited high school with a sc holastic reco rd (in c ludin g SAT I or ACT sco res) whi c h in dicates ab ility co pur sue hi ghe r ed ucat ion success full y. Biol a U n ive rs it y wclco rn cs appl ica tion s frorn s tud e nts who have bee n home schoo le d. A transc ript showing h igh sc hoo l work comp lete d, SAT' or ACT sco re s, two re fe r­ ences, and a pe rsona l inte n ·iew a rc re quired. GED sco res rn ay be re qu es t e d at the di scret ion of th e Di recto r of Adrnis sio ns. Stud e nts rnusc be 17 yea rs of age by th e cirne o f e nrollm ent at the l ·ni ve rs icy. ll omesc hoo led students are e li gib le to qua lifv fo r a ll rn e rit scholarships. The app licant mu se ha ve a h ig h sc hoo l diplorna . Th e followin g is a rcco rnrn e nd e d co ll ege prep c urricu lurn: Eng­ li sh (fo ur yea rs) , mach e rnatics · (three vea rs), sc ience (two vears, in c ludin g a laboraco ry sc ie nce) , fore ign la ng u age (four s yea rs) , soc ial sc ie nce (two yea rs) . Add iti ona l high sc hoo l co urse e lec ti ves a rc recommended as we ll. Prospec­ ti ve s tudents inte rested in the nursin g prog ram rnu sc take chemi s try and a lgebra in hi gh schoo l. App li cants a rc urge d co ha ve at least two yea rs in one fore ig n lan guage in hi g h sc hool. T he appli ca nt wit h fou r yea rs o f the same lang uage in hi gh sc hoo l wi ll not ha ve co rake any foreign language unl ess rnajoring in Bib le, which requires G ree k. Th ose with no foreign language in hi g h sc hoo l o r w ishin g co begin a new la ng uage in co ll ege co meet the ge n e ral educat io n requirerne nc. rnust ta k e 12 units (3 serncscc rs) o f fo re ign langu age for most rnajor s. Cata log inforrn at ion rega rdin g eac h rnaj o r will indi cate anv excepti ons ro th is rul e. ADMISSION PROCEDURE The follow ing rnusc be filed in see king ad rniss ion: 1. Th e pe rso na l app li cat ion forrn , in c luding an id entifi­ ca ti on pi c ture. The ap pli ca tion for adrniss ion rnu sc be accornpanicd by a $-+5 non-re fund abl e appli ca tion fee. 2. An offic ia l hi g h sc hool tran sc ript. T h e app lica nt should re qu est th e hi gh sc hool to se nd chi s d irectly co th e Offi ce of Ad rni ss ion. 3 . An offic ia l transcript se nt dirccc lv co th e Office of Ad rni ss ion from each schoo l the app li cant ha at tended s ince high schoo l. This inc lu des schoo ls atte nd ed for e ve n pare o f a sc rncscc r. T hose appl y ing to t he cd uc,1t ion or nursing pro­ g rarn s sho u ld have an additiona l copy of each schoo l's tran­ script sent cl irecch· co the ap propriate dc parcrnen c. 4. Two perso nal refe re nces : one frorn t he ap plicant 's pc1 s tor o r so rn conc on the pastoral staff who kn ows the app li cant and one from th e sc hoo l lase a tte nded (teac he r o r counse lor) or frorn an c rnpl oyc r if the applica nt has bee n out of sc hoo l fo r at least one yea r and has been wo rking . S. T he sco res of the Scho las t ic Aptitude Tes t I (SAT I ) of the Co ll ege Ent ra nce Exa rnin a ti on Board o r the ACT mu s t be s ubrnircecl. Jnforrnac ion rega rding test ing dace s rn ay be sec ured from a high schoo l co uns e lo r. App li ca nts a re e nco u raged to ra ke the SAT I or the ACT no lace r than the Janu a ry rest in g date. The SAT J is preferred. 6. Interv iew: All applicants are expected to parti c ipate in an inte rview w it h an adrniss ions representat ive pr ior to a

deci sion on the ir app li ca ti on. On-campu s interviews a re pre­ fe rred, when poss ible, but phone inte rviews arc subst ituted when crave! d ista nce ro Biola proh ib its rhc campus vis it. 7. App li cat ion dead li ne fo r fa ll is r-larch 1 and for sp ring is Dec e rnbcr 15 . Appl ica t ions mav be s ubm i tted after deadl in es ( lace fe e o f $55), and w ill b e co ns idere d a nd processed if s pace is ava ilabl e and t ime a ll ows . Applica tion Deadlines Fall File ro111ple1ed b) 1 : Xo1ijiratio11 : Dcccrnbcr 2 (Ea rl y Act ion =1) Dcccrnbcr 20 January 15 (Ea rl v Act ion ;2) February 15 r-larch I (Regular Deadline) r-larch20 ,\Tote: Files completer! after 11arch I 'i1!.' ill he processed 011 Cl hi-111011thlv hrtsis w:ilh 11otificr11io11 of ar/111ittr111re begi1111i11g CJfter April I. Applim1io11s r11e ro11sir!ered lateaftl'r ,1/rmh I (latefee of $55) a11rl will be /JtVffsserl if.1pr1ff is rtmilah/e a11rl timeallow 1 s. Spring File completed by: Xotifiwtio11 : December I 5 (Ea ri v Act ion ;:' J) Ro lling Basis Note: Official rlom111ents jJ1ese11ter! for ar/111issio11 or evC1 l11r1- 1io11 hero111e pm! of the s111rle111 's r11,1r/e111ir fi le a11rl m 111101 be ret11m ed or copier!for rlistrih11tio11. HOMESCHOOLED STUDENTS As a home sc hool e r see kin g adrn iss ion , the re arc two rncan s by whi ch yo u ca n app ly: 1. Standard Procedure App li ca nts rnu st s ubmit an applicat io n a long with hi gh sc hoo l tran sc ripts, SAT o r ACT sco res, cwo refe re nces a nd a persona l inte rview. Note: Co11tact Office of rlr/111issio11 fo r tm11so-ipt g11irleli11es. 2. Procedure Without Transcripts Applicants rnu sc s ubrnit a n appl icat ion a lo ng with the GED o r Scace Ce rtifi cate of l ligh School Proficiency, SAT or ACT sco re s, two refe re nces and an inte rview. Plea se co n tact th e l3iola Tran sfe r Co un se lo r o r t he T ran sfer Eva lu ato r wi th any quest io ns rega rd ing courses at a Cornmu ni ty College. NOTIFICATION App li cants who are granted acceptance arc required co va l­ ida te the ir acceptance bv the pa y rn e nt of an e nro llm e nt deposi t o f $ 100 (non- refundab le after ~la\' I). Accompa nyin g the lette r of acceptance will be a hea lth form, wh ich mu se be prope rl y compl eted by both th e appli­ cant a nd the applicant's ph ys ic ian prior to e n ro llme nt. A m e di ca l consent form is al so re quire d of s in g le s tud e nts und e r the age of 18 ac the cirne of entran ce. TRANSFER STUDENTS Transfe r students must p resent the sa rne app li cat ion for rn s and transc ripts as those applyi ng for frc shrnan standi ng. T he transcript frorn the lase school attended muse bear the stateme nt of honorab le d ismi ssa l. The Office of the Registra r has fina l authority for the re lease of transfer cred its inco Biola Uni ve rsity.

38 • Undergraduate Program s

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