Transfer students with less than 27 semes te r units of regu la r co ll ege wo rk muse qua lify for ad mi ss ion on the basis of both their hi gh schoo l and their co ll ege reco rd. Those trans ferring with 27 semes te r units or more of co ll ege work will be considered primaril y on the basis of their co llege grades (high school grad ua t ion tran sc ript is sti ll req uired). A cumul a tive GPA of 2. 5 is required for adm iss ion co Biola. A minimum grade average of "C" (2.00) is req uired co transfe r co ll ege units in to Biola on each course attempted ac the co ll ege leve l. Transfer stud ents will not be req uired co cake the SAT I or the ACT if given soph omore c lass ifi cat ion upon e ntrance (req uires 27 semeste r units of accepted c red its) . However, a ll tran sfe r swd e nts e nt e ring th e nursing program mu s t have the SAT I or the ACT. Transfer stude nts coming from institutions whi ch arc noc accred ited or recogni zed may be given the opportuni ty co vali date credi ts th rough the Co ll ege Level Examination Program or through consul tat ion. In fo rmat ion on chis proced ure is ava il ab le from the Registra r's O ffi ce. Provis ional crcJit for li bera l arcs courses from non-accred ited institutions will be gra nted in acco rdance with the polic ies of state co ll eges or uni ve rs iti es of the scare in whi ch the institution is located. Provisional cred it is conside red va li dated onl y when the student pe rforms at the "C" level or better fo ll owing e nrollme nt in Biola Uni versity. On ly co ll ege- leve l c redit ea rn ed dur ing the 11 th and /o r 12th grade wi ll co un t coward Biola 's curri c ulum. For s tu d e nt s with previo us c red it, a combin ed max imum of 32 units will be awared for a ll form s of adva nced c red it options inc lu ding AP, CLEP and IB. COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRANSFER A student wi ll be permitted co transfer a max imum of 70 units of credit from a community co ll ege. Upper di vision credit ca nnot be all owed for courses taken at a community col lege. Final authority fo r the acceptance of transfer credits in to Biola Uni ve rsity rests with the Office of the Registrar. Cur re nt stude nts taking courses at loca l community colleges while enro ll ed at Bio la shou ld req uest writte n pri o r a pprova l of courses in ord e r co assu re that transfer credit will meet th e needs of their curricu lum. No course belo\\' a "C" (2.0) grade will be transferred from anothe r inst itu tion . C rcdit/t\o credit and Pass/Fai l courses shoul d not be caken. \ 'ocationa l or tech ni ca l courses will not be acce pted for uni1·e rs ity c redit. Adm is sion counse lors are prepared co gil'c academ ic adv isement co th ose atte nding, or pl annin g co attend , community co ll eges with the intent ion of transferring in to Biola Uni versity. DISTANCE EDUCATION Biola Uni ve rsity wi ll accept cred it fo r eq ui va le nt courses from schoo ls acc redited by regional or nat ional agenc ies recog nized by CH EA (Council for H igher Ed ucation Admini stra ti on), inc ludin g courses by co rresponde nce/d ista nce earning. BIBLE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT Biola ha s a res idency req uire me nt fo r bibli ca l s tudies. Of the 30 units of Bible required of a ll students, 15 units must be taken at Bio la. Students may petition the Regis trar 's Office for an excep ti on to chis rul e. Transfer c re dit , credit for prior lea rning or c red it by exam in ati on may not be used co fulfill the miniumum res id e ncy requ ire me nt.
Transfer students may fulfill th e ir ge neral ed ucat io n requirements by compl e tin g Bi o la Uni ve rs it y's General Educat ion C urri culum or, pri or co enrolling at Biola, com pleting th e lnccrsegmenta l Ge nera l Educat io n Transfe r Cu rri c ulum (IGETC) . Th e IGETC mode l for the Ca li fornia Sea te ni ve rsity (CSU) an d U ni ve rs i ty o f Ca li fornia (UC) sys t e m s a re accepted by Biola Uni ve rsity with the fo ll owing provisions: I. T he c urr e nt fore ig n language re quirement for all Bac helor's degrees cannot be co mpl eted by t he IGETC ce rtifi ca ti on. 2. T he minimum of 130 units fo r grad ua tion will stay the same. 3. In add iti on co th e IG ET C, a ll prerequisites and sup port courses for ex isting majors mu se be met. 4. Transfe r students fo ll ow ing t he IG ETC must com plete it before they enro ll a t Biol a Uni ve rsity. Students who do not compl e te it before they e nro ll wi ll follow the Biol a Ge nera l Education c urri culum. ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM Bi ola ni ve rs ity, as a membe r of the Co ll ege Entrance Examination Boa rd , recognizes the me rits of th e Adva nced Place me nt Progra m a nd w ill gra nt c redit for Adva nced Pla cement co urses taken in hi g h sc hool. C redit will be given when recomme nd e d by the hi gh schoo l and when the Advanced Placement examina ti on grade is 3 or better. No te: A maxi11111m of 32 1111i1s ca11 be awarded/or all fon11s of advanced credit ( AP, CLEP f B, etc.) 1lfilita1y credit is 1111li111ited. The 111axi11111m for CPL is 30 1111its. COLLEGE LEVEL EXAMINATION PROGRAM Biola University subscribes co the Co ll ege Level Exami nation Program (CLEP) of the Co ll ege Entrance Examina tion Board . Biola Uni ve rs ity e nco urages transfer stude nts from non-accredited schoo ls co va li date certa in cre dits on the bas is of the examinations provided by thi s program. High schoo l students with supe ri or reco rd s are e nco uraged to take th e genera l examinations pri or to atte nd ing Biola Uni ve rsity. C redit for C L EP gene ra l examination s will be awarded only in those areas whe re a gene ral ed ucation requirement has not been met by previous co ll ege co ursework and onl y up co the amount needed to compl ete th e requirement. (Fo r exa mple, a minimum of only eight units in the sc i e nces and mathemat ics will be re leased if the students have no cred its in these a reas.) E lect il'e c red it will not be g iven for the general examin ations of CLEP. C redit will be awarded for CLEP subject examinations in areas not covered by CLEP genera l examinations, provided no college credits have been attempted or ea rned in the same field. Students should not cake Engli sh compositi on through CLEP. Students are advised co take the CLEP test as earl y as pos sible in th e ir co ll ege program co rece ive the max imum va lue from them. Normall y, stude nts are a ll owed to cake CLEP on ly until 27 semester unti s of co ll ege- leve l work are completed . Stude nts are allowed co cake the Fore ign Language test at any time. Biola Uni versicv rese rves the right to determine the score
Undergraduate Programs· 39
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