Exam . There w ill be a lace ma ke-up fee of $25 when placement exa ms a re not taken on the dates indi ca ted in the student' s accep ta nce letter. No n-nati ve Engl ish speak e rs who do not pass the Bio la Eng li s h P lace me nt Exam (BEPE) mu s t enro ll in th e prescribed Eng li s h for No n Nat ive Speakers course(s) prior to enrolling in E ng li sh 100. Note: /111ema1io11a/ st11den!s, please see the English Lc111g11age S111dies section ofthecatalogfor English / 03, 105, 107, and 109. Literature 3 units ENGL 220 Film and L iteratu re ENGL 230 L itera ture in Context ENGL 240 Ameri ca n Literature Students may cake any one of the above co urses to fulfill the lite rature req uirement. Fine Arts 3 units Any one of the fo ll ow ing w ill fulfill this requ irement: ARTS 100 Art Apprec iation 1\IUSC 101 Int roduct ion to 1\ lus ic COMM 160 Introd uction to Drama History 7 units To fulfill the seven-unit hi story requirement, Hi sto ry 207 or 208 is required as well as e ither l listory 105 or Politi ca l Sc ie nce 205. H isto ry 105 Un ited Scates Hi sto ry (4 units re quire d ) or Political Survey of America n Gove rnment Sc ie nce 205 (4 units req uired) Students who may ha ve comp leted t hree units of United States Hi sto ry or United States Governme nt a re adv ised to cake Hi story 115, Perspectives on American History (1 unit ) or Politica l Sc ie nce 215, Perspecti ves on Ame ri ca n Gove rn ment (1 un it ) to comp lete the requirement. Hi story 207 or 208 \,I/arid Civil izat ions I or II (3 units required) Note: An a/temate route for meeting the req11ireme111 for Histo,y 207 or 208, Histo,y 105 or Political Srie11ce 205 is to take the appropriate Histo,y rlepam11en1 proficieury exami11a1io11 . The exa111i11a1io11s are givm r<R,>ice a year in SPpte111ber and Febrnmy. For those s111rle111s, who pass the exa111ina1io11, upper divisio11 His to,y co11rses will be s11bsti1111ed i11 lie11 of His101y 207 or 208, Histo,y J 05 and Political Science 205. Appropriate 11pper division course work is detennined in co11s11/ta1io11 with the Histo,y depa,1111ent. Philosophy 3 units Any one of the fo ll owing will fulfill this requirement: PHIL 2 10 Int rod uc ti on to Log ic PHIL 211 Introduc tion to Anc ient Philosoph y PHIL 212 Introduction to Med ieva l Phil osophy PHIL 213 Introdu cti on to Mode rn Philosop hy PHIL 214 Int roduct ion to Philosophy PI-IIL 215 In troduct ion to Eth ics PH IL 216 Introduct ion to Philosophy and Aesthe ti cs Physical Education 4 activities Each s tude nt is required to complete four ac ti vities of ph ys ica l educat ion to be eligible fo r graduatio n. Select ion from th e fo ll owin g ski ll c lasses ( 110, 130, 140, 150). Stu dents may se lect one unit of rec reation ski ll to meet the general education require ment. Note: First Aid and CPR do not count as P. E. activity c red it.
A st udent may e nro ll for one act ivity and repea t once at a highe r leve l if offered (intermed iate or adva nced ) for ge n e ral e du cat io n purposes . Examp le: A st ud e nt who ha s taken beginning vo ll cvba ll once may take it at the inte rme di ate/advanced level once. ln add it io n, two different act ivi t ies are required to fu lfill the four activity genera l act ivit y requirement. Students 21 at the time of entra nce to Biola are exempt from the ph ys ica l educat ion requireme nt. Behavioral Science 3 units Anth ropology 200, Psychology 200 or Sociology 220, or 362. C heck t he catalog to determine whi ch majors req uire Psycho logy 200 as a support co urse. Note: Psychology 200 is req11ired for all majors leading lo a teathi11g rrerle11tial. Science/Mathematics 8 units Eight units are req uired in sc ie nce and/or mathematical sc ie nces. Computer Science courses may not be used to fulfill the Sc ience/1\ lat hemat ics requ irement. A minimum of three units in math and three units in sc ience is requ ired. Bio logy 100 wit h 110 a nd P hysica l Sc ience 101 with 102 have both been des igned fo r the s tudent wit h a limi ted background in sc ie nce. The co urses in Sc ience/1\ lat hemac ics approved for Genera l Educat io n c red it are: Options: Anthropology 220 Biology: 100, 110, 111 , 120. 130, 290 C hemistry: 100, 105, 11 2 Mathematical Sciences: 101, 102, 103, 105, 120, 130, 190,2 10 Phys ical Science: 101, 102, 103, 107, 11 0, 111 , 132,250 Note: Bio/of[)' 252 H11ma11 A11a1omy a11rl 281 Physiology are for 1111rsing, h11111an biology a11rl physical ed11ca1ion majon· only. Che111is1ty J 12 is for n11rsi11g majors. For those s111r/e11ts who 11eed to co111ple1e one or 1,1110 1111i1s re111ai11i11g in their 11101/t/science req11ire111en1, Co111p11ter Scimce I 04 or Pltysim/ Srie11ce I 05 is acceptable. Excep1io11, those i11 rite Br1cltelor of11/usicprogram. GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS Whi le the genera l education requirement will normall y be met from the courses specified in the ca talog, in exceptional cases whe re students have the approp ri ate prerequ isites and whe re the department in wh ich the course is taught deter min es that the intentions of the general ed uca tion req uire me nt wou ld be sati sfied, students may request permiss ion to substitute an upper division c lass for the lower d ivis ion course spec ifi ed in the catalog. Students are to secu re wr itten approva l for such a substitution prior to tak ing the class. ELECTIVES No rma ll y a stude nt has considerab le freedom in the choice of e lectives in add it ion to the bibli ca l stud ies and theo logy, genera l education and major requ irements. However, in add i ti on to the note given at the end of the bib li ca l st udies and theology requirements, the non-mu sic major is limited to a maximum of e ight units of c redit in app li ed music (includ ing ensembles) and the non-phys ica l education major is limited to eight units of credit in ph ys ica l education or skill courses.
42 • Undergraduate Programs
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