325 Nineteenth Century Thought (4) In c lud es wo rks such a, Isaia h and J eremi ah, Goethe's Fa11s1, Auste n 's Pride a11rl Prej11r!ire, Bronte's Ja11e !•)re. Tocqucv ill e's De111ocraq• i11 tl11m-ica, a nd Jo hn St uart i'dill 's 011 Liberty r111rl Other t•:s.wys. Cred it given for BBST 25-t Sp ri ng, junior yea r. 410 America and Russia (4) Inc lu des read in gs such as t he No n-P,1L1line e pi stl es, Newma n 's 7"he Ir/ea of a / 1 11i'i-'eJ:1"i1y. se lect io ns fr om l~me rso n , i\lel vill c, C hri stina Rosse tti , Doscoyc\'s kv's Bro/hers Kr11,1111r1;:,0'1,·, T o lso\' 's A111w Karmi11a, ,Vmmtive of the Llje of Frer!erid: Do11glr!ss, and l\'ay of the Pilgri111. Credi t g i\'cn fo r uppcr-di\' is ion Bibl e e lec ti ve. Fal l, seni o r vear. 465 Twentieth Century Thought (4) Examines works such as Dan ie l, Reve lation, C. S. Lewis' 7"he Abo !i1io11 of ,l/r111, N ietzsche's 0111he Ce11ealogy of , I/orals, Fre ud's Civi li.w1io11 a11rl fr., Oisro111m1s. Doroch,· Sayers' 7"he ,l/i11rl of the ,1/aJ.·er, and se lec ti ons from F lanne ry O'Conno r and T.S. E li ot. Thi s is req uired on lv if the studen t 's major docs not ha,·e an Integra ti on req uirement. Cred it given fo r BBST 465. Spri ng, seni or yea r. 480 Torrey Honors Thesis (4) Th e lase term of the seni or yea r wil l be de, ·oced to wr it ing a tuto r supe rvised ch cs is of not less t han 12,000 words. These required four credits a rc counted toward the tota l number needed for grad uation from T orrey a nd Biola l ' ni \'crs iry . The thes is ma y he waived fo r swdcnts chat do senior theses, projects, recita ls, e re., fo r the ir majors, with prior appro\'a l. Students may subst itu te an internship in th e ir maj or field or a T o rrey off-site program for the thesis. The internship must be appro\'ed b\" the T orrey D irector and st ude nt ' s majo r advisor. All th eses an d inte rn ships shou ld make a sign ifi ca n t contri buti on to chc sw dcnt's majo r fie ld of srndy. Cred its ea rned through a T orrey Abroad program ma\" be substituted for t he Hono rs Thesis with prior approval. 490 Selected Readings and Topics (1-4) D es igned primarily for uppcr-di, ·i ion s tudents in Torrey who want to study spccia li ,:cd topics nor co,·e red in ca ta log course offerings. :-S ia\' he taken up en three t imes with d ifferent read ings. Admiss ion is by ap prornl of th e Director. 491 Independent Study (1-4) Ind e pend e nt rea din gs o n a topic c hose n by the s rnd e nt. Offered both semes ters . Adm iss ion is bv ap pro\'a l of th e Direc tor. i\ lay not be repeated. 492 Torrey Off-Campus (1 -4) Independent read ings on a to pi c chosen by the professor. Offered usuall y in the summer. i\lay be take n up to three times with diffe r e nt readings . i\ la\" subst itu te fo r che To rrey I lono rs Thes is with approva l. Adm iss ion is by approva l of the Director.
Torrey Abroad Torrey Ab road is a t h ree-week s umme r cou rse. Students work in a se lec ted overseas loca tions, s uch as J\,Jongolia, o r Afri ca with the loca l C hri st ia n o rga ni za tions. Swdcnts read books pri o r to th e trip and arc le d b y Torrey tutors in inte gra ting that reading w ith their c ross-c ulwral expe ri e nces . Component RecommendedCredits Yi\l DT-192 Torrey Off-Campus -I COURSES DESCRIPITIONS Cou rses arc norm a ll y, but not a lways , taken in the semester sequen ce desc ribed below. 110 Greek Thought (4) Introd uces th e student co such " ·o rks such as !!tar!, Orl)'sse)', Pelo po1111esir111 ll'ar, Pl aw·s P/111erlo, .li mo, Svmposi11m. 'f'imaeus, a nd Rep11blir, along with works from Aesc hylus and Sophoc les. Credit give n fo r ARTS 100 and CO:'\ 1:-Sl 100. Fall , fre shman yea r. 111 Old Testament Beginnings (4) Introd uces t he student co Bibli ca l litera ture and inc lud es wo rk s such as Genes is through Jos hua and Heb rews. C red it g ive n fo r BBST 105 . Fal l, freshman yea r. 124 Church Fathers and Wisdom Literature (8) Explores wo rk s suc h as Job through Ecc les ias tes, the Aposto li c Fat he rs. se lect io ns fro m C lemen t of Alexan dria , Ath ana s iu s, C reeds of t he C hurch. Augus tin e's 011 Christian ·rearhi11g, Con fessions, and City of Corl. Credit g ive n fo r ENG L I lOA/B a nd ENGL 230. Spring, fresh man yea r. 125 Greco-Roman Thought (4) Exami nes works such as Aristotle's ,\'iromachea11 Ethics, Euripcdes' Barchae, \'irgil's Aeneid, T ac itus' rl1111a/s of Imperial Romr, Ovid 's ,lle1a111orphoses, and i\ larcus Aurel ius' ,l/erlitalio11s. Cred it g ive n for BBST 109. Spring, fresh man yea r. 214 Medieval and Reformation Thought (8) Considers \\Tirings such as 'f'he Divine Comer!)', Cc1111erb111y Tales, D011 Q11ixo1e, Philofrllia, Boe th ius' Co11sola1io11 of Philosophy, Anse lm. Abe lard, Aqu inas' S11 111111r1 Theologica, i\lartin Luther, John Ca lvin , and Creeds of the C hurch. C red it give n for HIST 207 o r 208 and PHIL 2 1-t. Fa ll , sophomore yea r. 215 Life of Christ (4) De lves in to t he Gospels acco rding to i\ la tthew, Mark, Luke, an d Joh n, and che Aces of the Apos tl es. C re dit gi \'en fo r BBST I 10. Fa ll , so ph omore year. 220 Earl y Modern Thought (8) l~xa min es wo rk s suc h as se lection s fr om S ha kes pea re, J o hn Donne, George Her be rt , Pasca l, Descartes , Loc ke 's Essay Co11- cemi11g H11111 r111 ( '11rlerstr111rli11g a nd Seco11rl Jim tise 011 Covem111e111. Hume's F.11q11irv Co11remi11g H11 111a11 l'11rlersta11r!i11g, H o bb es' f .er.:ia1ha11, Federalist Papen, a nd t he L' .S. Co nsriwri o n. C re dit g ive n fo r HlST 105 and Be ha vioral Scie nce re quir e ment. Sp ring, sop homore yea r. 224 Pauline Epistles (4) Explores each of th e Paulin e Epis tl es . C redit given fo r BBST
306 leve l. Spring, sop homo re year. 310 Revivalism and Romanticism (4)
Includes works such as I and 2 Samue l, Kings. and C hroni c les, se lect ions from Willi am Blake, Sam ue l Co le ridge, John Wesl ey, Jonat han Edwards, and Ka nt 's Cro1111rli11gfor the ,1/etaphysics of A/orals. C red it g ive n fo r Bl3ST ZS 1. Fall , junio r yea r.
44 • Yorrry Hon ors In stitut e
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