
Pre-Professional Programs

l\,lany opportunities exist fo r Biola scudents who arc act ively seeking professional education and training. Severa l agreements cu rrently exist (Ch iropractic and Engineering) chat all ow Biola students co participate in degree completi on programs leading co speciali zed Bachelors degrees or both Bachelor's degree and a first professional doccoracc. Add iti onal opporcu nici cs are ava ilable that prepare the Biola graduate co enter the professional ed uca­ tion/training phase with confidence. A signi fi cant number of Biola graduates are currcntlv servi ng in professional capacities. They routinel y cite their excell ent undergraduate educat ion pro­ grams as predictors of success in their profess iona l endeavors. Scudents who are interested in pursuing professional degrees afte r attend ing Biola shou ld plan ca refull y and cons ult with potential profess ional schools concerning their req uirements. In some cases, assistance from a major adviser shou ld be supple­ mented by ocher adv is ing resources ava il ab le at Biola. The Office of Ca reer Services assists scudents in various ways. If a scude nt is unsure about pre-professional advising, he lp should be sought from the Office of the Vice-P rovost for Undergrad uate Education, located in l\lctzgcr Hal l. The fo ll owi ng provides some bas ic information about pre-professional education ac Biola. PRE-MEDICINE Students who w ish to pursue a career in medicine shou ld plan co build a strong fo un dation in the sc iences a nd mathematics . Courses in biology, chemistry and physics form th e co re of thi s pre paration. While most st ud e nts at Biola who are preparing co enccr medical school major in biological science or biochemi stry with a pre-med emp ha­ sis, ot he r majors arc possible if the student compl e tes al l of che co re sc ience courses required bv che medical schoo l. I\ led ica l schools also expect a broad background in the lib­ era l a rts such as is provided by Biola's program in ge nera l ed ucation. In add iti on , Biola's biblical and theological stud ies requireme nt and its integration of a bibli ca l perspective in all courses, equ ips the prospective C hri stian health professional in mind and character to impact the world for Jesus C hri st. A Pre-1\ledical Adviso rv Comm ittee he lp s co prepa re stude nt s fo r the rigorous process in,·o h ·ed in app lyin g co med ical school. Tn particular, students arc ass isted in the ir preparation fo r medical sc hoo l interviews. In for mat io n abo ut the Prc-1\lcdical Advisor y Committee and l\lcd ica l Co ll ege Adm iss ion Test (MCAT) is avai lable from the sec­ retary in the Sc ience Building. For further information , please co nsult with either the Department of Biological Sci­ ence or the Department of Physical Sc ie nce. PRE-DENTISTRY Preparation for entra nce into dental sc hoo l is s imil a r co prepara t ion fo r medical school. Students sho uld contact th e dental schoo ls of their choice fo r spec ifi c entrance require­ ments. In format ion on the Ame ri can Dental Assoc iat io n Deneal Admissio n Test ca n be obta in ed from th e sec rctarY in the Science Building. PRE-CHIROPRACTIC Biola's new Pre-Chiropractic Program is a 3 + 1 1/2 cooperative degree compl cc ion program lead ing co a Bachelor of Science degree in 1-1 uman Biology. The needs of society for hea lth care

practitioners are changing. Doctors of Chi ropractic arc providing lcgicimatc, alternat ive treatment strategics co clients both directly and through H.l\lO's. C hiropractic medicine has long been known to have a holistic emphasis. Biola provides a context in which to prepare a more thoroughly educated doctor of chiro­ practic whose faith is truly integrated with her or his profession. This program is offered in cooperat ion 1,·ith Los Ange les Co ll ege of Chirop ract ic. Students attend Biol a fo r three years taking courses in biology. chemistry, physics. Biblical s tudi es a nd th e libera l a rts . The upper division biology co urses arc taken wh il e enrolled at Los Ange les Co ll ege of C hiropractic (LACC) during the final yea r. L'pon successful comp letion of the program, the student rece ives the B. S. degree fr om Biola. pon success ful complet ion of the e ntire c hiropract ic progra m and exam in ations the scudcnc ,1·ould receive the Doctor of Ch iropractic degree from LACC. LACC is located just three miles from Biola, in Whittier, CA. It is a profess ional schoo l, accredited by the Western Association of Schoo ls and Co ll eges and the Counci l on Chiropractic Education . Students intere ste d in this program should major in Human Biologv. Spec ifi c requ irements for chis program a re li sted under chis heading in the Course Description s sec­ tion of this Carnlog. Further information may be obta in ed from the Department of Biological Science. PRE-PHYSICAL THERAPY Students interested in a ca reer in phys ical thcrapv have the opportunity co pursue one of two program opt ions ac Biola . Both of the se option s are de s igned to meet th e entrance requirements of .l\la scer' s Degree programs in Physical Therapy. (A !\ laster's Degree in Phys ical Therapy would be req uired to wo rk in ch is field.) The opt ions con­ tain a common core of courses, but differ 111 the co ur ses which complement chi s co re. The choice bet\\'een the two o pti o ns depends on a student's interests, ab ili ties and ulti­ mate ca ree r goa ls. Ph ysica l t herap y can be practiced in a var iecv of settings, from spo rts to schoo ls to hospitals . The core cou rses common to both options include se lected courses in biology, chemistry, phys ics, mathematics and psy­ c hology. Pre-ph ys ical therapy students typically maj o r in Sports Ph ys iology in the Department of Physica l Ed ucation and Sports Sciences. or chcv major in Human Biology in the Department of Biological Sc ience. Consu lt with eit her of these departments for the specific deta il s of chis program.


Many stude nt s arc inte rested in caree rs in a reas such as veterinary med ic in e, pharmacy, opcomct rv, medical technol­ ogy, podiatrv, tox ico logy, public hea lth and nutrition. Entry inco many of these programs does not necessaril y req uire a BA/BS degree, but it is often adv ised or is th e norm. Each of th ese a reas has its own required basic science and genera l ed ucatio n courses; the student is advised to determine these from the cata logs of the schools of inte rest. In genera l, Biola offers a ll of the pre-requisite co urses necessary for gain ing acceptance into these programs. In formation on severa l of

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