
these programs is a\'a il ab lc in the Science office o r on th e Pre-l\ledical Ad\·iso ry Committee bulletin board.

The stud e nt interested in ch is program should maj o r in Physica l Science with an emp ha s is in pre-e ng in ee ring.

PRE-LAW Each year a number of stud e nts come to Biola ant ic ipa t­ in g a caree r in la\\'. La\\ ' schools a rc seeki ng stud e nts with exce llent read ing comprehe nsion, strong ana lyt ical and crit­ ica l thinking sk ill s, the ab ility to write c lea r an d e ffec ti ve prose, o ra l communi ca ti on ski ll s and expe ri e nce in se rvin g othe r people. They a lso seek students \\'ho have a breadth o f knowledge which includes a n understand in g of hi sto ry, human bcha\·ior and soc ia l and po liti cal in st ituti ons . The successfu l completion of a c ha ll engi ng undergraduate pro­ gra m and a high sco re in t he Law Schoo l Ad mi ss ion Test (LSAT) is t he most ap p rop ri ate preparation fo r law schoo l. T he Amer ican Bar Association docs not recommend any part icu lar undergraduate major as primary preparation fo r law school. Ac Biola, pre-la\\' swdcnts ha\'e chosen from a \'a ri ccy of majors si nce many law schoo ls look fo r diversity in the back­ g ro und s of t heir students . Traditional pa th s to law school include majors in Business, Comm uni cation, Engli sh, History and Soc ial Scie nce \\' ith an emphasis in Political Scie nce. For a Christian p lanning a career in the legal field, Biol a's curriculum composed of an undergraduate major, ge ne ra l educat ion and a biblical stud ies requi rement provides a so lid fo undation. The 30-un ic bib li ca l swdi cs program contributes a biblical and theological framC\ \·or k on \\' hi c h co bui ld a Ch ri st ian pcrspccti\·c on the pract ice of law, espec iall y in the areas of \'a lu es and ethics . T he implications of a C hri sti an \\'o rilh·ie\\. arc further de\'clopcd in t he ge nera l educa ti on curri culum \\·hich can be customized for the pre-law student. Following t he recommendations of the Ame ri ca n Bar Assoc iat ion, the pre-law student is urged to se lect ENG L 2-lO: American Literature, Pl !IL 210: Int roduct ion to Logic or PHTL 214: l ncroducc io n to Philosophy. and POSC 205: Sun·cy of American Government in partial fulfillment o f t he General Ed uca ti on requirement. Addit iona l co urses ca n supp lement preparat ion depe ndin g on th e s rnd e nt' s indi"idual areas of interest. For further information about the LSAT or about chc pre­ law program at Biola, please sec Professor Da\'c Peters in the I l istory/Po li cica l Sc ience Department in Su therla nd Ha ll. PRE-ENGINEERING Biola's pre-engineering prog ram is a 3 + 2 coopera ti ve degree comp letion program in wh ic h a student ca kes 3 years of classes ac Biola, including the foundat ional sc ie nce and mathematics courses of a typ ica l e ng ineer in g program. In addition, the student takes the Biblical s tudi es a nd ge n­ era l educat ion courses co meet Biola's requirements. Biola has a forma l arrangeme nt with the l lnivcrsicy of So uthern Ca liforn ia whic h permits the swdcnt, if qualified, to com­ p iece the remaining 2 years of an engineering c urri culum a t l 'SC and receive both th e Bachelor o f Science degree from Biola in Physical Science, and the Bac he lor of Engineering degree from USC. Some swdcnts in thi s program e lec t to transfer to an engin ee rin g school ocher th a n LTSC; students in terested in this option shou ld co n tact the sc hool of their cho ice no later than the beginning of t heir sophomo re vea r.


A stude nt wis hing to prepare for caree rs as a speech-l an­ g uage pathologist o r a udi o log ist o r deaf inte rprete r should c hoose the Communi cation Diso rd e rs majo r in the D epa rt­ me nt o f Communi ca tion Swdics. Co ursework in thi s maj o r follows the g uidelin es of the Ame ri ca n Spccc h-Lang uagc­ Hea ring Association (AS ! If\) and provides st ude nts with an unde rstand ing of both normal communi cat io n processes as we ll as communi cat ion disorders. Students have the opportu­ nity to begin the ir c lini ca l train ing in t he on-ca mpu s Bi o la Speech & La ng uage C li n ic whi ch pro\·idcs speech-l anguage assessment an d treatment fo r members of the loca l commu­ nity in a ca re full y supe rvised sett ing. Swdcnts \\'ho compl ete thi s major arc prepared fo r the graduate stud ies necessa ry to obta in p rofess iona l credenti als. The Communi cat io n Disorders major at 13iola Uni\'cr­ s ic y is a membe r of th e Co unc il of Academic Programs in Communi cat ion Sc iences and Diso rd e rs and the \Jational Aca dcmv of Prep rofcss iona l Programs in Communi catio n Sciences and Disorders. In addition, the major has a loca l chap te r of the Na ti o na l S tud ent Speec h Language Hea ring Associat io n (\/SS LI-IA ), t he American S peec h-Langu age H ea ring Assoc iat ion 's p re-p rofess ional o rga ni zat ion for stu­ dents in communi ca ti on di sorde rs programs. PRE-SEMINARY Bio la l 1 ni vcrs ity provides an exce ll e nt background in und e rgra duat e ed ucat io n for semi nar y training . Th e req uire me n ts in genera l ed uca ti on , Bib le and majo r fie lds mee t the requirements fo r adm iss ion into scmina rv. T he pre-seminary student shou ld compare t he program at Bi o la l'niversity with the requirements of the part icul a r semi nary the student plans to e nter. PRE-BIBLE TRANSLATION Students interested in wo rking in Bible translation, lin ­ g ui st ics o r li teracy wit h o rganizations such as t he \\'ycl iffc Bibl e Translators arc ab le to get \\'yc liffe approved under­ graduate co urses in these areas. These courses a rc caught by me mbe rs of S IL and Wycl iffe in the Department o f TESOL a nd Applied Lin g ui st ics (TAL). For fur t he r information about thi s program stud ents shou ld contact the S [L office in the School of lntcreultu ra l Studies. For information abo ut a minor in App li ed Linguistics, sec the TAL chair.

46 • Pre-Professional Programs

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