
Student Activities

SPIRITUAL FORMATION The Unive rsity believes th e spiritual life of the indi vid­ ua l stud ent is of utmost importance. Therefore, every st u­ dent is urged to sec as id e cime fo r pra ye r and scudying God's \Vo rel. Students can al so choose to be part of sma ll di sc ipleship groups - me n or wome n. In add ition to these personal devotional periods , undergraduate scuclents meet each J\lonclay, \Vccl nesday and F rid ay in Chase Gym nas ium for a 40-minute chape l service of worsh ip and praise and an alternate chape l o n Thursday. Th e g radu ate schoo ls plan separate c hape l programs. The c hape l programs include spea kers c hosen from facu lt y, alumni, students, vis itin g g ues ts; mu s ica l groups; C hri st ian films; drama; and oche r spec ia l even t s. Eac h fa ll th e re is a Sp iricu a l Emphasis \ \leek. Once each semester the school observes a planned Day of Prayer, and in forma l prayer groups meet as a regular pare of res id ence ha ll life . The Tor rey J\ l c mo ri a l Bible Co nfere nce and th e J\lissions Confe re nce arc hi gh points in the deve lopment of the sp iritua l life of the student. Accen ­ clance is required at a ll of these even cs.

STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION The Student t-.lissionary Un io n (St-. l U) is a scucle nt le d organ izat ion, fo und ed in 1922, chat has ac the hea rt of its mi ss ion to g lorify God and to sec Him glorifi ed . All of hi s­ tory is moving to a time when Goel will restore a ll of c re­ at ion to what He had intended from the beginning. God began I !is wo rk of restoration t h rough Ch ri st, reconciling che world co Himse lf. God has made us age n ts of ch at restoration by making us His ambassadors. St-. l U seeks to moti vate studen ts to a li fet im e of se rvi ce co chc t-.lascer t h ro ugh it s S ho rt Te rm t-.lissions Depart­ me nt , Praye r t-.liniscries, l\lissions Confe rence and Long Term ss ions Department. St-.lU facilitates the se nding of more than twenty sho re­ term mission teams to locations a ll ove r the globe, including such places as C hina, t-. lozamb ique , J\lcxico, 1-lo ll a ncl and Romania. They sponsor a Persecuted C hurch S imul a ti on, weekly pra yer meet in gs and ocher even t s t hrou g h their Prayer t-. lini str ics. T he entire student body attends Mis­ s ions Confe re nce, which includes exciti ng events such as G loba l Awareness, where students experience another cul­ ture, and Exp lorat ions, where they ca n visit such places as a mosq ue or a t-- lormon temple. T he Long Term l\ li ss ions Department seeks co answer many pract ical questions from stude nts interested in long-term crosscultura l work . St-.lU offers a multitude of opportunities for in vo lve ­ ment with 24 staff positions and more t han 100 vo luntee rs each year. T hey a re located in the upper leve l of t he Stu­ dent Uni on Building and are open l\ londay through Thurs­ da y, 10 a. m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 10 a.m. co 3:30 p.m. They can a lso be reached at (562) 903- -188 1. ATHLETICS Interco ll eg iate at hl et ics at Biola Uni ve rs it y provide me n a nd women with interest and abi li ty in at hl etics an oppo rtunity co compete with other in s titutions of hi g her ed ucat ion whose size and athletic policie s are s imilar. Interco ll egia te compe titi o n for me n is co nclu ctccl in th e following spores: baseball , basketball, J. V. basketball , cross-country, soccer a nd track a nd fie ld. Spo rt s for women in clude basketball , c ross-country, t ennis, cra c k and fi e ld , socce r and vo ll eyba ll. Int ram u ra l activities are orga ni ze d in both team a nd indi vidua l spores for men and women .


All registered uncl crgracluacc scuclencs are members of the Assoc iacccl Students (A.S.), Biola's und ergraduate stu­ dent government. The stated purpose of chis organ izat ion is: "To develop a community that is seek ing Goel, that is committed to one another and that is impact in g the world for Jesus C hri st." T he A.S. President presides over two bod ies chat com­ prise th e studen t government, chc Executive Counci l and th e Services Co unc il. The Executive Cou nc il , wh ich holds the legis lati ve powe r of A.S., is chaired by th e President and cons ists of e lected senators, t he Vice President, Co n­ troller and Secretary. The Services Counc il , whi ch plan s activiti es, provides serv ice s, and mini sters to stud e nts on and off cam pu s, is cha ired by the Vice President and con­ s ists of the fo llowing members: Socia l Board C hair, J\ lulci­ cu ltural Relations Board Co-cha irs, C hape l Board C ha ir and C hair E lect, Intramu ra l Board C hair, Marketing Director, C lub Director, Inte rnacional Student Association President, C himes Editor (rh e stude nt newspaper) and Biolan Ed itor (the undergrad uate yearboo k). A.S. offe rs man y ave nu es for in vo lve ment with 20 elected positions, over 40 appo inted and hire d positions, and man y vo luntee r opport uniti es eac h year. They a re located in the uppe r leve l of th e Scude nt Uni on Building and a re open J\londay through Thursday, 10 a.m. co 5 p.m. a nd Friday from 10 a .m. to 3:30 p.m. T hey ca n also be reached at (562) 903--rn82.


Each graduate school has an appropr iate stude nt govern­ me nt progra m which prov id es leaders hip a nd activ iti es appropri ate for grad uate scuclents . For add iti ona l informa­ ti on contact the respective graduate school offices.

Co-Curri cu lar and Extra-Curricular Opportunities· 47

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