STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The und ergraduate s tud e nt bod\' sponso rs t11·0 s tud e nt publica tions: a week ly newspape r - the C himes - and a vea r book - the Bio lan - which also contains a fi ne arts section. These serve co transmit news, kee p a reco rd of school life and provide further outl et for student creativity and expression. THEATRE PRODUCTIONS The Speech/Drama e mph as is wi t hin the Communi ca ti o n Studies De partment provid es fa ll a nd s prin g drama producti ons and man v s tuclcnt-dri1·cn produ ct ion s fo r th e campus and immediate community. These productions arc open for audition co a ll stud e nts, faculty and sta ff. Th eat re seaso ns in c lu de seri o us drama, comed ies, o ri g ina l s tud e nt and family productions and musical th ea tre. FORENSICS In recent years Biola C ni, ·c rsity has been ranked with successful speech squ ads among co ll eges a nd uni, ·crs iti cs nat ionwid e. As an acti, ·c member of th e Pac ifi c Southwest Co ll egiate Forensics Association, Bi o la reg ul a rl y ,m e nd s debate and indi vidu a l evcnts speech cournamc nts t hroug h out th e weste rn states. Each year in th e fall, Biola hosts an interco ll egiate speec h to urn ame nt on cam pu s. S tud ents' performance op port uniti es qu a lify fo r nation a l cournaments
each year in indi vidu al e ve nts and team debate, and more students ably re prese nt th e llnivcrsity. O ther Performance Opportun ities One-act pla y fundra isc rs fo r th e forensics team, student film productio ns and occas iona l on-camp u~ musica l theatre product ions ha ve open audit io ns for a ll s tudents, staff and facultv members. Pe rformance dates a re spread throughout the acade mi c yea r. STUDENT MINISTRY A key compo ne nt in the spi ritu a l life of a C hri s tian is the ca ll of our Lord Jesus C hri st to se rvice. As an integral part of our academ ic program, the student mini stry sta ff provides a broad range of opportunities fo r scn·ice and ministry. The intent of Stud e nt :'llini stri es is that stud e nts a rc e nco uraged and eq uipped to be committed di sc iples of C hrist and hca ltlw minis ters of the gos pe l in the church and the wo rld. The Student :'I lini stries Office is ava ilable to pro,·idc information on a nirie ty of ministries and e ncourage stude nts co prayerfull y seek where the) ca n be invoh·ed during the ir years at Biola. Riola has been a leade r in ex pect ing outreach and sc n ·icc as part of its undergrad uate ed uca tion. If you hm e any questions, please contact the Student 1\linistrics Office.
48 • Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Opportunitie s
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