
ACCREDITATION AND AFFILIATIONS Bio la Uni ve rs ity ho ld s in st ituti ona l accrcclicacion by the Accred iting Commi ss ion for Senior Co ll eges and U nive rsi­ ti es of the Western Assoc iat ion of Schoo ls and Co ll eges"' (1961 ). In aclclicion , the in st ituti on and certai n of its pro­ g rams a re accredi ted by th e Ame ri ca n Psycho logica l Assoc i­ ati on ( 1980), the Association of T heo logica l Sc hoo ls (1977), th e Na ti o na l Assoc ia ti on of Sc hool s of M us ic ( 1970), the Scace of Ca li fornia Boa rd of Registe red N urs in g ( 1966), t he Na ti ona l League for Nursing Accredit in g Commiss ion ( 1972), the Ca li fornia Commi ss ion fo r Teac he r Preparat ion and Li censi ng ( 1960), the Assoc ia ti o n o f Co ll egiate Busi­ ness Schoo ls and Prog rams ( 1997) and the Na ti ona l Assoc ia­ t ion of Schoo ls of Art and Design ( 1998) . Note: Dales i11 ( ) ref/er! the i11i1ial approval date. Bi o la l lniversicy is a uth o ri zed t0 tra in students und er t he Veteran's Bill of Ri ghts. fn add iti on, t he Uni ,·e rsicy is a ffili ated with a number of professiona l organ iza tions, of whi ch t he fo ll owing a rc representat ive: America n Anthropo logica l Assoc iati on; Ame ri ca n Associa­ tion of Co ll eges fo r T eache r Educat ion; Ame ri ca n Assoc ia­ tion of Co ll eg iate Registra rs and Admiss ion Officers; Ame ri­ ca n Associat ion of 1-I ea lch, Ph ys ica l Ed ucatio n and Recre­ ation; Ame ri ca n Co uncil on Education; Ame ri ca n Guild of Organ ises; American lncc rco ll cgiare Athl et ic Women; Ameri­ ca n Library Assoc iati on; Assoc iated Co ll egiate Press; Assoc ia­ tion o f C hri stian Schools, In ternaciona l; Association of Co ll e­ g iate Business Schools and Programs; Assoc iat ion of Co ll ege Unions Interna ci onal; Ame ri ca n Associa tion of Highe r Ed u­ cation; Associat ion of ln depenclenc Ca li fo rni a Co ll eges and Uni ve rsit ies; Ca li forn ia Assoc iati on of Hea lth , P hys ica l Eclu­ ca ci on, and Recreat ion; Ca lifornia Counc il on the Ed ucat ion of Teachers; C hora l Cond ucrn rs' G uil d (Ca li forn ia); Cou nc il for C hri st ian Co ll eges and l lni\'ersicies; C hri stian Scholar's Rev iew; Co ll ege Entrance Examinat ion Board; Counci l on Pose-secondary Accred itati on; Eva nge li ca l Teache r Tra ining Association; l nte rcoll egiate Press ; J\ fusic Educator's Na ti onal Conference; Na ti onal Association of Inte rco ll egiate Athl et ics; Western Associat ion of G raduate Schools; \;\lesre rn Council on Hi gher Ed uca ti on fo r Nu rsing; and \\lcsccrn In terstate Commi ss ion fo r Higher Education. * If yo11 wish lo co11latl rhe \ \'ASC for a11y ro11rems, please co11- 1acl rhe111 al: 985 Ar/a111ic Ave., S11i1e JOO; Ala111er!a, CA 94501; (510) 748-9001. DOCTRINAL STATEMENT In asmuch as the Uni vers ity is in terde nom in ationa l and ye t theo logica ll y co nservative, the Arti c les of In co rporat ion co n ta in a doctrina l sraccmc nc whi c h is g iven be low: The Bible, co ns ist ing of a ll the books of t he O ld and New Testa me nt s, is the \Vorel of Goel, a s up e rn aturally g ive n reve lation from God Himse lf, co nce rnin g Himse lf, 1-li s being, nature , characte r, will and purposes; and co n­ ce rning man, hi s nature, need and duty and des tin y. '!'h e Sc ri ptures of t he O ld and New Testaments are wit ho ut e rror or misstatement in their mora l and sp iri tua l teaching a nd record of hi sto ri ca l faces. Th ey are without error o r defect of any kind .

Ci-lARACTER -13 l'IL0 ING COl- 11\ ll" :S-TrY. We as pire to men­ tor a nd se rve o ur s tudent s in a m a nn e r that nurtures stre ng th of charac te r and C hri st ian community. EVA>IGELIS~I. Bio la sta nds as a beacon of faith, to equip men and women fo r C hri st-centered publi c se rvice and the mini st ry of "making disciples" at home and around th e world. THE GOALS OF THE UNIVERSITY The U ni ve rsity see k s to ed ucate C hri st ian me n a nd wome n in undergraduate and grad uate programs to produce think ing C hri st ians who: I. Are broadl y ed uca ted with a bib li ca l foundat ion and worlcl v iew. a. App rec iate with d isce rnment the breadth o f ideas and creat ive express ions that have shaped humanity. b. App ly c riti ca l th inking in o rder t0: i. reason logica ll y, ii. use a broad range of in vcsciaacivc approaches, and iii. exe rc ise fa it h a pp ropr ia tel y in t he process of cr iti ca l chinkin g. c. Communi ca te and defend their ideas on the basis of evide nce. cl. H o ld and app ly a bib licall y-based system o f va l­ ues and beliefs. e . Deve lop a commitme nt t0 cross-cu ltura l und er­ sta nd ing and e ngagement in ord er t0 fun ct ion and serve in a di verse world. f. Seek t0 view th e mse lves and oth e rs as God does. g. Participate in se rv ice a nd expe ri e nti a l lea rnin g oppo rtunities . 2. Demonstrate co mpete nce in the sec o f kn ow ledge, skill s and attit udes approp ri ate tO the ir fields an d lev­ e ls of st ud y. a. Demonstrate competence in writte n and oral exp res­ sion, obse rving th e convent ions of th e ir di sc ipline. b. Integra t e m ajo r fields of s tud y w ith a b ibli ca l wo rlcl, ·iew. c. Appl y et hi ca l principles chat arc co ns isten t wit h biblical va lu es 3. Und erstand and app ly bib lica l knowleuge. a . Demonstrate knowledge a nd understa ndin g o f the Bible. b. U ndersta nd th e hi srn ri cal roots o f the C hristi a n fait h and its re levance tO contemporary c ivili zat ion. c. Appropriate bibli cal knowledge as the fo un dation for co ntinu ed cha racter deve lopme nt a nd forma­ ti o n in th e image of C hri st. 4 . Articu late and li ve o ut a bibl ica l wo rl d view. a. E ngage the wo rld of ideas. b. Engage their vocat ions as fa ithful steward s of God's ca lling. c . Live with integrity. cl. Se rve the body of C hri st and others as C hri st served. e. Ca rry out C hri st's comm iss ion t0 make disciples of a ll nations. f. Live as responsib le cit izens .

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