
370 Topics in Cultu ral Anthropology (3)

430 Field Excursion: Turkey, Greece and Rome (4) E xamines the a rchaeo logical, hi s­ torical and geograph ic backgro unds of Ac ts, the Ep is tl es a nd Reve la­ tio n. The p rogra m visits arc haeo­ logical s ires in 'T'urkey, Greece and Rome including E phes us, P is id a n Antioch , Co rinth , Athe ns and sev­ eral othe rs. Anthropology st udents will examin e the a rc haeo log ica l fi e ld re ports from e ac h of t hese excavat ions as part of their prepara­ t io n. Pre requi s ite : BBST 110 o r consent of th e in strucror. 432 Field Excursion : Israel (3) Exam ines the arc haeo logica l, h is­ tori c al and geograp hi c back­ ground s of the Old ' r es tament and th e Gospe ls . The progra m vis its a rchaeo logica l s ites in lsrae l, and students a rc able to experie nce the h isto ri cal and geographic context o f t he Old T esta m e nt a nd t he gos pe ls . Anth ropo logy s tudents will examine th e archaeolog ica l fi e ld re ports from e xcava tions in Israe l as part of their p re parat ion . Prerequi site : BBST 109 or consent of the instructo r. 450 Internship in Archaeology (1-3) Swdenrs may spend fo ur weeks to a semeste r in a fi e ld learn ing situa­ tion , durin g whi c h time a swdent under supe rvis io n e ngages in th e app lication of arc haeo logical mcth­ hod s in a c urre nt archaeolog ica l excavat ion. Prereq ui sites: 3 12, 3 15

325 Comparative Folklore and Mythology (3) A crossc ultural comparison o f th e ora l tradition s of cultures includ­ ing an exam inat ion of t he maj or t hemes, c ultural u ses of myth , and t he a nthropo log ica l ana lys is and inte rpreta ti o n of t he folk li t­ erature in soc iety. 330 California Native Americans (3) Survey of nati ve Ca li fo rnia gro ups indi ge n ous to th e sta t e at the beginning o f the hi sto ric pe riod. E n vironrnc n ca l and tec hn olog ica l adapca ci ons 1 soc ial o rgani za tion , re li g io us sys te ms, a rt a nd c ulture c hange are exp lo red in this s ur­ vey c la ss . Pr e re qui s it e : 200 or consent o f in s tructo r. 335 World Archaeology (3) Survey of th e d cvc lo prn c nt o f a n c ie nt c ultur e an d so c iet v t hroughout t he wo rld. Reg ional development of cultures and ge n­ eral thernes of soc ia l be havior arc explored, with a foc us on t he adap­ tation, social o rga nizati on, ccchn ol­ ogy and c ulture change. Pre requi­ s ite : 200 or co nsent of instrucror. 350 Anthropological Field Practicum (1-6) A s ix-wee k field lea rning s iwation durin g w hi c h t i me s tud e nt s, under supervis ion , w ill e ngage in t he a pplication of fi e ld rncthods of resea rc h in c lu d ing part ic ipato ry observation , intCr\'icws, n1app ing 1 a nd othe r darn gat hering strategics as a pprop ria te ro th e ir disc ipline. 361 Gender Roles in International Setting (3) The dynamics o f male and female roles in \Vcstc rn, non­ Wcs t c rn and bibli ca l c ulture s . f oc us on respons ibiliti es, o bliga­ t io n s, expectat io n s, leade rs hip and interrelationship s as thc v re la te to the soc ie ty as a whole . 365 Biblical Archaeology: Ancient Near East (3) The history o f archaeology a nd lit­ erature of th e Anc ient Nea r East and the bearing of arc haeologica l findin gs o n th e interpretation of t he Old Testament. Prerequi­ s ites : 2 1.5, BBST 109 or co nsent of the inscrucror. 366 Biblical Archaeology: Palestine (3) The h istory of th e exca vation , th e h isrory and geograp hy of Pa lest in e and how a rc ha eo log ica l findings have bearing upon Biblical inte rpre­ tat ions. Pre requi sites : 2 15, BBST 110 or consent of th e instructor.

var iati o n , pri mate be havior, foss il humans a n d a rc haeo logy. Th e la boratory (3 ho urs) wi ll cons ist o f a hand s -on s rnd y o f spec ime n s and a n examinati o n of the re la­ ti onsh ip between h uman b io logy and t he influ e nce of c ulture . 300 Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery (3) A treatment of conce pti ons of rh e s upe rna tural , the fu nction o f re li­ g ion in soc iety, re li g ion a nd social con tro l, the natu re of religio us rit­ ual and par ap h e rn a li a , sac re d places and re li g ious practit ion e rs . P rerequi site: consent of in structor. 310 Introduction to Linguisitic

Exa minati o n of a va riet y o f anth ropo logica l issues from either a t heo ret ical o r app lied pers pec­ ti ve including: marr iage c ustoms, leadership patte rn s, politi cal re la­ tion s, indi ge nou s m ove m e nt s, culture change, wor ld v iew, ere. i\-lay be repeated w ith d iffer e nt co urse conten t. Pre req u is ite : 200 . 400 Crosscultural Leadership (3 ) Crossc ulcural s tud y o f leadership including dive rse patterns of auth or­ ity, legitimacy, public support, lead­ ers hip recrui t1T1c nc, and training as they affect communicaci on, nat iona l and international devcloprncm. 401 Modern Anthropological Theory and Practice (3) An exa minati o n o f th e theori es and principl e fi gures w ho ha ve co ntribu ted to th e deve lopme nt of mod e rn an th ropo log ica l inquiry, resea rch s trateg ies an d field methodo logies. 402 Social Organization (3) Crossc ultural s tud y of the ba s ic huma n g ro ups of fam ily, k in and co mmunit y, e ngag in g the s tu­ d e nt in fi e ld met hod o logy and researc h, and appli ca tion of prin­ c ip les and data of socia l organ iza­ tion to crossc ultural enterpr ise s . 403 Economy, Society and Values (3) Ex pl orat ion o f theory an d me th­ ods for the study of econom ic and soc ia l relation s a s th ey irnpac t human va lues, \:Vith c1T1phasi s on ana lyt ic too ls for c om parati ve resea rc h and c rosscu lwral applica­ ti o n. Prc:rcqui s itc : 200. 410 Topics in Archaeology (1-4) Examina tion of a variety of iss ues re lated to archaeolog ica l iss ue s e ith e r from a theoretical or pract i­ ca l perspecti ve. These topics rnay include : Ad va nced Archaeo logica l Met hods, Fie ldwork in Archaeo l­ ogy, Pre hi srorv Ca liforni a, Sout h­ wes tern Archaeo logy, Arc haeo logy of No rth Am er ica, A rc ha eo logy Laborato ry i\ lethod , e tc. May be re peat e d o nce wit h diffe re nt co urse conte n t. Prerequ isite: 305. 420 Topics in Urban Anthropology (3) Examinat ion o f th e c ultu ra l ad ap­ tation res u ltin g in the g rowth o f c ities, patterns of migration , soc ial e ffec ts o f urba ni zatio n , re lat io n­ ships to s urro undi ng corn muniti es and th e grow th o f mega lo po l is internatio nall y. i\lay be re pea te d with diffe ren t course conte nt.

Anthropology: Language, Culture and Society (3)

This cou rse is a wholisric app roach to language t hat add resses the in te rd ependence of lan g u age, interaction and culture in society. It exam in es the re lationship be tween cogniti on and be havio r to langua ge in com munit ies world­ wide. Topics include t he s tru c­ ture of la ng uage a nd inre racti o n 1 symbols and metaphors, language and ident ity, la ng uage a nd cogni­ ti o n, c lass ifi ca ti on of ex peri e nce, and language and powe r. 312 Archaeology Methods and Theories (3) Survey of approac hes, methods and theo ry used in curren t an d pa st archaeological researc h. The c lass a ddr esses the u se of assumpt ions, models, strateg ies and research designs. Prerequ i­ s ite : 2 15 or consent of in st ructor. 315 Field Methods in Archaeology (3) Field a rchaeo logy examines the prin c ipl es of arc ha eo logica l s ir e survey, excavat ion a nd labo ratory o perat io n. T he course is foc used o n th e h a nd s-o n s rud y o f rhe methodology of fi el d and labora­ tory processes commo nl y used to recover and s rud y rhe wid e range of m ater ia ls rec ove r ed from

or consent of the inscruc ror. 480 Directed Research in Anthropology (1 -3)

Indi v idual directed resea rc h , n anthropology on a specifi c top ic o r prob lem. Prerequ isite: junior or se nior standing and co nsent of pro­ fessor. i\ lay be re pea ted with d if­ fe re nt content to a total of 6 units.

arc haeolological contex ts . 321 Prehistoric Cultures of North America (3)

The origin and developmenr of th e c ulrures of the prchi srori c peop les of N ort h Ame rica, north of i\ lexico, are explored usi ng a rc ha eo logica l e vi dence . The class foc uses on th e deve lopment of regional and cont i­ nent-wide patterns of human adap­ tation. Pre req ui sites: 200, 215.

50 • Course Descr iptions

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