'l'l,r, follom,i11g f!e11eml er/11mrio11 r-0111 :\·es /1rrve /;en, rll~\'l~{{,/led for 11// s111- rlio 1111 1111,)01:1" r111rl a1'/! !¥!ff11irerl for the /J11d1elor of Fi11e A,1., rlegfft': Pl,i losojJhy .!/6 (/11rrorl11rrio11 to P!,i/oso jJhy a11rl Aesthl'tirs); Hihliml SrNrlies ./65 ( fllt r'g1,1tio11 Se111i11a,JA11 r111rl the !Jihle). It is high~!' axo1/1111eNrlerl that all S111rlio A11s 111aiors om·" a .\l11ri11tosl, lajJIO/J. Co/I/(!('/ the /)epr111111{'/I/ of, \11 office for 1'/!co111111e11rlerl jJJeti(imtio11s. S111rlio 1111.r st11rlents i11 the 7i11n')' 1-/01101:1" !11s1i1111e 111r1y 11eerl fl/I arlrli- 1i0Hrt! sn11ts!er 10 co111ple!f rrJ111·srrw:01J. r/111' to the 1i[!OmNs sd,erlllf,, c111rl 11111011111 ofm•od · fff(llinYIfor both pm[!mlll.r.
Chair: f\lurra\ \ lcf\ l il la n. \l.F.A.
students arc required ro main tain a 111ini111um g rad e of "C'' (2 .0 ) in a ll dep artm e ntal coursework . Srndencs who foil co ma in tain a 111inimum "C" g rade ("C _,. o r below ) 111u sc repeat t he course in o rde r co remain in chc prog ra111.
g in s thro ugh th e Gochie. W o rk s of a rt a nd arc hite c ture a re di s c ussed in terms of s cy le, mea ning and socia l contex t. Fi e ld trips co area muscu n1 s examin e ori g in al art from the Classica l era co t he Go thi c. F ee: $60 . 126 History of Western Art II : Renaissance th rough Romanticism (3) Second in a two -pa rt s u rvey of \\'cs cc rn v is ua l a rt and a rc hitec ture. chi s course co, ·crs ch e g reat art is tic contrib u tio n s from t h e Rena issan ce co chc mid-19th ce n tury. Work s of a rc and a rc h iccc curc arc di sc u sse d in te r111 s of sty le, mea nin g and soc ial con text. Fi e ld trips to a rea museum e xa m ine orig in al arc from eac h era . Prerequi s ite : I 16 . Fee: $60. 21 0 Sculpture I (3) I ntroducti on co the m et hod s, materia ls, and coo ls of sc ulptu re and ge ne ral co ncepts of sc ulprnral form . Prerequi s ite: 111. Fee : $90 . 211 Ceramics I (3) A n int roduct ion to whee l t ech niqu e a nd beginning throw in g ski ll s. 1-'o rmul ac io n of bas ic g laze app li cati o ns in th e deve lo pment of f ire ce ra111 ics wi ll be e mpha s ized. Pre req ui s ite : 2 10. Fee: $90. 213 Painting I (3) Basi c co lo r cheorv a n d pai ntin g tec hniqu es. Trad itiona l co con tem pora ry s cv les \\'ill be exp lored. Prerequisite: 108. Fee: $60. 221 Photography I (3) An introducti o n co the fu ndame n ta ls of black and whi te photography cm·ering both c rcaci, ·e a nd tec hni ca l aspects. Studen ts highl y recom me nd ed to own a 35mm came ra. P rerequis ite: 108. Fee: $90. 304 Ceramics II (3) Con tinu e d indi,· idual dc\'c lop ment in a ll areas of cera mi cs . 1ncroducin g , ·csse l con st ruction from ha nd- bu ilt techniques, low fire g laze ap pli ca ti o ns an d intro duction s in firin g the kiln s . Pre requi s ite : 2 11. F ee : $90. 305 Sculpture II (3) Emph as izes sc ulptu ral aest heti cs a nd app ropr iate technolog y . F oc u s o n formulating a co ncep tual a nd techni ca l bas is for work. Prerequ is ite: 2 10. Fee : $90. 306 Elementary Art Workshop (3) De ve lop in g a nd pre parin g a rt projects s ui c,1b le fo r e le m e ntary sc h oo l pupil s . Onl y fo r libera l s tud ies maj ors . Fee: $90.
l'rofr:,sor: Krammc, A,socia cc Pro fessor : Cal li s i\,sisrnnc l' rofe»o r: .\l c\ l il lan Instruccor: \ 'a lcncinc
t\ /Jad1elor of Fine A 11s d egree in Stud io r\rcs ( B.F. A.) is offered upon comp let ion of t he un ive rsity baccalaurcace a nd che s tudi o arcs m ajor i n one of the fo ll o 11· in g e111 ph ases: ck s ign. incerdi sc ip l i n ,1r y, painti n g, photo g raphy, scu lpture.: or rran smcd ia.
The Dcparcmcnc of Arc creates a n aca d e mic cn , · ir onmcnt th at ch ri ".:s on an incc rrc lacionship of Bibli ca l Chriscianicv and art ist ic prac t ice. \\'c t:quip srndencs 11·ich a foundation a l and intt:gra cive u nder srnndi ng of arc prod11ccion based on technica l and conceptual sk ill s with ,1 criric il as-;L'.s\rnc ,u of arr hiscor~ and cu lwral i" ucs . 1: mphasis i, pl aced on untl crscantl ing, and responding co socio-pol ici ca l, phii<hophical a nti sp irirnal co n ce rn ,. Th rough rhis program, stu dents arc prepared co bt: influcnc ia l concrih11cor, o f contemporary c ul ture. crt:acing II orks o f arc chm celc brnct: God's di, ·usc a nti com pl ex wor ld II hilc s h,1pin _g futurt: discus sions perta in ing to t he , ·isual a rcs. '/1/,,, l),,pr1111111•111 of, 111 is mnwliterl 1/1m11[!h thl' .\'a1io11al . l.,.roria1io11 of ,\'d/f)OI.,· of. 111 (//Jr! /) f.1'(((11 (,\ '1 \S. \D).
COURSES (ARTS) 100 Art Appreciation (3)
MAJOR Studio Arts (72 units)
An in troduct io n co the hi s to ry of art cr ici c i, m and aes th e tics; a v is ua l a na l,s is o f works of a rc: compara t ive swd ics on se lected paintings a nd sc ulptures. \ l eers GE Fin e Arcs re quire111enc. Fee: $60. 107 Drawing I (3) An introduct ion to drawin g, per s p ecc i, ·e. line, s ha pe. valu e tex ture and composic ion . F ee: $60. 108 Figure Studies I (3) An introd uct io n co fund amenta ls of drawin g and scu lp t in g th e huma n fig ure from gesrn re co fin is hed " o rk. Empha s i, on s hape fo rm ~. \ al uc, and struc ture as a ppl ied to obscn·a ci o n al a nd expressi\'e app li cations. Fee $60 110 2-D Design (3) A foun d ation co urse co csrn b lis h v i s ual d es ig n co n ce pt s . Thi s cour se ex amin es c l e ments and pr in c iple s of t\\·o -dim e n s io n a l des ig n. Fee : $90. 111 3-D Design (3) t\ foundation co urse co establ is h , · i s ual d es ig n concepts. Thi s cou r)c exam in e.;, e l ement s and pri nc ip ies of th rec-dimensio na l d es ign. Fee: $90. 112 4-D Design (3) I ntroduct ion to ti111c - th e fourth dim e n s io n - and cimc ba st:d artwork s, including in sta l lation, pcrfo rmance arr, v id eo art , a n d anim at ion. S t udi o ex pl o ration wich e mp has is on hi stor ic al a nd c urrent iss ues as the,· a ppl y to i ndi , idu ,il di rection a nd express io n in time . Pre requisites: I 10. 111. Fee: $ 140. 116 History of Western Art I : Prehistoric Through Gothic (3) Sun·ey of \\'csce rn "i s ual art and architecture from its ancient or i-
D es ig n e mphas is Stud io r\ rcs majors must compl e te the foll ow ing: 107. 108. 110. 111 , 11 2, 11 6, I 26, 2 I 0, 213, 22 1, 3 1 I , 3 12, .l 14, 3 15, 33 1, (., 41 . 348 or 428) 423. 429, 433. 434, 440,441 , 450, and 475. Inte rdi sc iplinary e mphasis Stu dio Arts 111 ajo rs 111usc compl ccc rhe fo ll owing: 107, 108, 11 0, I I I , 11 2. 116, 126, 2 10. 2 13, 22 1,3 11 , 3 14, ., I .'i, 433, 434. 440. 441 , 450. 4 75 a nd 5 e lective e mphas is co urses. Painti ng e mph as is Studio Arcs majors must com pi ece the follow ing: 107. 108. 1 IO, 111 , 11 2. 11 6. 126. 2 10. 2 1., . 22 1,307,308,3 11 , 3 14. 3 15 . 3 19, 408.413, 433, 434. 440. 441. 450, and 475. Ph ocograp h v emp ha s is Studio A rcs majo rs 111u s c com pl ete : I 07, 108 , 110, 111 , 11 2, 11 6, 126,2 10, 2 1.1, 22 I.., I I , 3 I4, .1 I .'i. 322, 323. 3., I . (341 , 34 8 or 4 28), 34 5 , 433, 4.H 440 . 441 , 450, a nd 4 75. Sc ul pt u re e 111 phas is S tudi o Arcs majors mu st compl e te th e fo llow ing : 107. 108, 110, 111 , 112, 11 6, I 26. 2 IO. 2 I3, 22 1, 305 , 3 11 , 3 I4 , 315, (2 o f t he fo ll owin g: 2 11 , 304. .,27 o r 352) (341 . 348 o r 428). 4 I5, 433 . 4.,4, 440. 441,450, and 4 75. Tran s mcdia emp has is S tu d io Arts majors mu st cumpl cct: t he fol lowi ng: 107, 108, 110, 111,1 12, I 16. 126,2 10, 2 U. 22 1,31 1,3 14 ,3 15. 327. (341 or 4 28), 34 8, 352. 354. 4 .,.1, 4., 4 , 440, 44 I, 450, and 4 75. S111rlio arts 11/(/jors ore exe111jJt fm 111 the f!i'IIPm! erl11mtio11 req11ire- 111mts i11 j,11e arts 1111d forei[!11 /1111- [!llflgt'. 7'!,r f!eJJerrd er/11mtio11 req11ire- 111mt for s111rlio 1111 1111,jo1J is 1'/!rl11red i11 !,i.rro1y (011l)'fo111· of eight 1111irs are rl'q11irl'rl - I/IS'/' 105), r111rl sr11- rle111s need to tal:e 011/1• six 1111its i11 111r1rhfllwfin· a11rl/or srie111e.
: \ II ,rndcnts seeking admission in to cht: Dt:parc111cnc of Arc must demomcr,1tt: portfo lio a nd bac k g round stre ngths nc;ccssary for suc cess fu I compl ccion of t he sta ted c urri cu lum. ,\ d111 is, io n inco Bio la lJni, ·c rs ir~ do c" not p: uarantt.:e ad111ission into the Depart111ent of 1\r t. ,\dmi \s ion into t he D epa rc- 111 enc o f' Arc requires a st:p:irate applicat ion chat may be obrninctl din.:cth fro111 ch t: deparc111ent. 562- 903-4807. All incoming freshmen. tra nsfer students from other insti tutions and transfer srndents from other Bi o la departments must complete an application, \\'hi c h includes t he submi ss ion of a port folio. to he accep ted fo r ad111iss ion into tht: l)eparcment of Art. How e, er. if' a c urrent Bi o la s tudent wanes co t ran sfer into t he Depart m e nt of 1\r t a nd docs not ha,·c a po rtfo lio, they ma, apph· for a one se 111 c,cc r tr ia l acceptance in o rd e r to create a n ap pli cat ion portfolio to submit fo r rcv ie\l' at the com pl e tion of the ir fir,c se 111 cstcr co co n t inue a nd be acce pted fo r adm is sion into ch t: Dcparc111c nc of 1\rc. r\fcc r accepta n ce in to the Bac he lor of Fin e 1\r ts p rogra m.
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