319 Figure Studies II (3) Exte n sive in vest igat io n of t h e fig ure. Emphasis is placed on a broad approach to understanding and inte rpreting the human f ig ure . Pre requ is ite : 108 . Fee : $60. 322 Photography II (3) Focused exp loration of black and white photog raph y cove rin g both c rea ti ve and tec hnical aspects. Srndents hi g hl y recommended to own a 351nm camera. Prereq ui s ite: 22 I. Fee: $90. 323 Photography Ill (3) Extensive ex plorati o n in s tudio prob lems wit h emp has is on hi s tor ica l a nd c urrent issues as t hey applv to in di, ·idual direction and expression in photography. Pre requisite: 3Z2. Fee $90. 327 Installation and Performance Art I (3) Int erd isc iplinar y stud io exp lo ration in instal latio n and perfo rm ance s rndi cs . Course ll"ill foc u s on studio practice wit h an emphas is on t he hiscory of instal lati on and performance art. Pre requi s ite: 2 l0. Fee: $90. 33 1 Digital Photography I (3) Studio exp lorati on in digital photo production. Em ph asis p laced o n digital image manipu lation, as wel l as theory re lat ing to d ig ital phocography. Prc requi
307 Drawing II (3) Exp lo rat ion of the ove rlappin g re lationship s of traditional and experimental methods o f drawing: to in c lud e processes , tools, and surfaces . Concent rat ion on issues of fo rmal, na rrat ive, and symbol ic dev e lopment with em pha sis p laced o n fini s hed works of art. Prerequisites: 107, 108 . Fee: $60. 308 Painting II (3) Cont inuation of the exp lorati on of paint in g as a v is ual language with emphasis p laced o n te ch ni ca l and conceptual development. Exploration of hi sto ri ca l and co n t emporary issues in pain t ing . Concentration on deve loping imaginat ive resources of the ind i vidu a l through the usc of oils and acry li cs . Focus placed on co lor , s hape, im age theory and tech nique. P rereq ui site: 21."l. Fee $60. 311 Modernity : Realism to Surrealism (3) The hi sto ry of painting, scu lpture and architecture from 1850 to 1940. Major aesthetic iss ues that shaped 20th ce ntur y a rt and influenced the ea rl y 2 1st cent ury will be examined. Prerequisites: 11 6, 126. Fee: $90. 312 Letters and Symbols (3) T ypography, icon stud y, and app li cat io n . This course explon:s how t y pe advances the mean in g and visual strength of a message, idea, or communicative device. The class also includes the considera tion of the mean ing of symbols and non-ty pographi c forms as the y appl y to vis u al communi cat ion. D iscussions wil l include cons idera tion of art history and its influence within communication design prac tice. Pre re qui site: 11 2, Fee: $ 1-t0. 314 Integrated Design I (3) Students de ve lop methods of v is ua l communicat io n t hat draw on th e c umul at ive experience of 20, 30, and 40 cou rsework. Through the use o f digita l/a nalog tools and readi ngs related to the hi story of design, exploration of c re at ive ideas and processes an.: rel ated to commun icat ion design w ith a n emphas is on deve loping indiv idua l sty les and concepts. Prerequi site: I 12. Fee: $ 1-t0. 315 Contemporary Art Trends (3) A s tud y of arr produced s in ce World \Va r I I. focusing on c ur rent movements within the inter nation al art community. Prereq ui site : 3 I I. Fee: $ 1-+0.
to its cu rrency wit hin t he g loba l conte111porary art scene . E111pha s is is pl aced on t he influe nce of major forms. functions a nd mate rial s used by the peoples of Asia, Africa. Ocean ia and th e Americas on contemporary art. Prereq ui site: 126. l'ce: $90 . 434 lnterdi ci plinary Investiga tions (3) Junior lc, ·e l cross-e111phasis sw dio and theory seminar focusing on indi vidua l and co ll aborative t hematic inl"estigations. Prereq u is ite: junior standin g. Fcc: $90. 440 Senior Seminar (3) Senior- level cross-emphas is stu dio and theory investigation. l ndi, ·idua l din.:ccion is nav igated through thorough cr i ti qu e a nd discourse. Prerequisite: senio r sta ndin g. F ce: $90. 441 Critical Thought (3) An inten,i, c, rcading semina r focusing on writings that ha,·e intlu cnccd contcmpor,1ry art cr iticism and theo ry. Course will focus on spccitic authors and/or rhcmcs that have impacted the production and discussion of art with in the 2 1st century. Prerequisite: 126, 31 1, 315 and senior standing. Fee: $90. 450 Internship (3) Apprenticesh ip program des igned to give st ud ents first-hand expo "iu re to profess ional a rti sts , designers ,rnd art i nstirntions. Internships individual ly tailored to meet the needs of the student. Approved internship experiences require stude nt to comp lete between 90-120 hours with one or more mentors or organ izatio ns. Prerequisite: junior standi ng. 475 Culmination (3) Cou rse is a cu lmination of studcnt 1 s an pracricc, c ri tica l theory 1 and prac tical sun· iva l s kill s n ee d e d to become a professional artist. i\ lcct ings and discussion ll"il l focus on the pragmat ic c lements of ar t pro d uction: gra nt writ ing, press re la tio ns, s li de/portfol io presentation as wel l as di scou rse and c ritique of a final portfolio and ex hi bition. The se ni or exhibitio n requ ires developed a rtwork s based o n an integrated theme. Fu ll statement of intent must be prese nted a long with visual samples of ideas at the begi nnin g of the se me ste r , ap p roved and s igned by commit tee. Final project is ex hibited at the Uni versity Art Gallery. Prereq ui s ite: sen ior sta nding. Fee: $90.
teeture, c h oreograp h y a nd ps y cho logy of body and space. Pre requisite: 327. F ee: $90 . 354 Video Art II (3) Advanced studio exp lorat ion 1n , ·ideo art studies. Emphasis placed on the hi story of video and fi lm art. Students arc recommended co pro vide their own video cameras. Pre requis ite: 3-+8. Fee:$ 1-t0. 408 Drawing Ill (3) Extensive exploration in srndio problems 11·ich emphas is on his torical and cur rent issues as they apply to individual direction and expression in drawin g. Prerequi site: 307. Fee $60. 410 Seminar in Art (1-6) Indep endent srndv in areas of co n centration under faculty direction w ith emphas is in hi s tory, st udio anU c rea tive research. Seminars may be repeated. Pre
requis ite: Consent. 413 Painting 111 (3)
Extensive exploration in studio problems wit h emp ha sis on his torica l and c urrent issues as they app lv to individual direction and ex press ion in paint ing. Pn.:req ui sitc: 308. Fee $60. 415 Sculpture Ill (3) Advanced sc ulptu ral concepts emp has iz ing individual de, c lop rnent of style, aesthet ic ideas, and continuati on of media exploration. Pre req ui site: 305. Fee: $90. 423 Integrated Design II (3) A co nsideration of psvchological, techn ica l a nd aesthetic concerns relating co var ious types of com municat ion design incl udi ng 2-D. 3- D and 4-D forms. Emphasis on production processes. Discu, s io ns ll'ill include cons id eration of art history and its influence 11·ithin communicat ion design practice. Prereq ui site: 3 1-t. Fee: $ 1-+0. 428 Web Design I (3) Exploration in srn di o problems with emphasis on the psychology of intcraetivitv and interface design as they apply to individual direction and exp ressio n in web site produc tion. Prcreq ui s ite: 3 1-t. Fcc:$1-t0. 429 Integrated Design Ill (3) Advanced research and srndio exp loration within the arcna of commu ni cation design. Emphasis is placed on d eve lopin g design with a c r itical understanding of cu lrnrc and id ent i ty. Prereq u i s ite: -+ 23 . Fee: $ 1-t0 . 433 Global Art Paradigms (3) Investigation of no n-westcrn art and architecrnre in re latio n ship
s icc : 22 I. Fcc: $ I -t0. 341 Animation I (3)
l nterdiscip l inarv s rndi o exp lo rat ion in ana log and digital an i mation. Course focuses on cxper imencal and theoretical move ment, a nd choreograph y system s investigating c ulrnrc a nd id e n t ity. Prerequ is ite: I 12. Fee: $ 1-t0. 345 Digital Photography II (3) Ad,·anccd stud io exp lor at ion in digital photo production . Empha sis p laced on expe rient ial and the o retical approaches to photogra ph y. Prerequi s ite: 331. Fee: $ 140. 348 Video Art I (3) Exp loration of video arr includ ing fo rmal , conceptual, a nd nar ra ti ve approaches . Emphasis on the u se of v id eo as a c reative med ium for personal expression. Empha s is p laced o n the history of v ideo a nd film art. Students are recommended to provide the ir own v ideo came ras. Prereq uisite: I 12. Fee: $ 140. 352 Installation and Performance Art II (3) Advanced interd isc iplinary stud io explorat ion in instal lation art and p erforma n ce a rt studies. Emphasis is placed on the archi-
5~ • Course Descrip ti ons
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