
Biblical Studies

A DIVISION OF TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Dean of t he Facu ltv: tl li chae l Wilkins, Ph.D. C hair: Dave T all ey, Ph.D. FACULTY Professo rs: Cunis, Pierce, Rae, Ru sse ll A5sociate Professors: Bc rding, \\' . Flor), Hellerman, Horner, l lu tchi son, Nun ez, T all ey, Williams Ass istant Professors: Lee, ·-i ·hoennes

and characte r fo rmation. ti Iuse be completed during rhe first yea r. 105 Foundations of Christian Thought (3) lntrodu c rion co rh eo logy w ith speci al e 111ph as is on o ur Ch ri st ian h e rit age as expressed in th e C reeds and Council s of the early church ; the doctri ne of Scripture; introduction co th e in tegra ti on of the va ri ous fi e ld s of knowledge with the Bibl e; and th e illlpor­ tance a nd d eve loplll e nt of a C hri s ti an world view. tl lu sc be co lllpl ered during the first year. 109 Old Testament History and Literature (3) An ove rview o f the Old Tesca­ Jllent with e lllphases on the pur­ pose of the wr iters; hi sto ry and cu lwre; lite rary ge nre , s tru cture , and themes; persons and events, toget her with practica l app li cat ion for C hri stian li ving. \Va lk Thru th e Old T estament fee : $20. Fa ll and spring semeste rs on ly. 110 New Testament History and Literature (3) An ove rview of the New Testa­ ment with emphasi s on the pur­ pose of the writers; hi stori ca l and cu ltu ral b ac kground ; lit erary ge nre, structu re, and themes; per­ sons invo lved; toge th e r with prac­ t ica l appl ication to Ch ri stian living. 150 Old Testament Survey (4) An overview of the Old Testalllent foc us ing on boo k outlines , key rhellles, persons and events in bibli­ cal history, along with personal appli ­ cation. For BOLD students onl y. 251 Christian Thought I (3) Th e Biblical doc trin es of God, C hrist , man , and sin , with refer­ e nce to t he hi sto rv and deve lop­ ment of C hristi an theo logy. Pre ­ requi site: 105. 254 Christian Thought II (3) The Bib lical doctri nes of sa lvation, the Hol y Spir it, the church , and la se things, with reference to th e hi scory and de ve lopment of C hris­ ti an th eo logy. A service lea rning compone n t is in co rporated in to thi s class. Pre requisite: 105. 306 Early Christian History - Acts (3) Swdy of t he Book of Acts from a m iss io ns perspective , de a lin g w ith th e act ivi t y o f th e ear ly church and its current express ion in e va nge li sm and mi ss ions. Pre­ req ui sites: 103, 105, 110.

ou ts ide th e deparr111e nc to fu lfill the ir non-p rescribed e lecti ves.

307 Missiological Principles in the Book of Acts (1) A look at miss ion iss ues in th e book of Aces, through the lens of biblica l, hi sto ri ca l, c ulw ra l and stra te g ic stud ies with an emphas is on con­ temporary interna ti ona l C hr istian­ ity. Required fo r swdents missing chis elllphas is in their studv of Aces. Electives 220 Guided Study (1-3) For chose need ing units to colll pl ete th e ir Bi ble requirement. Reading with written reports on bib lica l and/or theological subjects. Prereq­ ui s ite: conse nt of und e rgrad uate Bib lical studies chair. For BOLD students onl y or by permission. 301 Biblical Studies Research Seminar (3) Resea rch ski ll s for use of the inter­ net, libra ry and reference works in biblica l studies and theology. tl lerh­ ods of writ ing with emphas is on crit­ ica l chinking, pers uas ion, and eva lu­ at ion arc covered, culminat ing in a resea rch pape r and ora l presenta ­ t ion. Requi red of Bible majors. For Bib le l\l ajors onl y. l\ lust be taken with in the first two years at Biola. 311 Biblical Backgrounds (3) Concribucions of archeology, geogra­ phy, cultu re, and history to biblica l incerpreracion. ]\ lay include abroad­ study in lands of the biblical world. 312 Principles of Interpretation (3) Methods and principl es fo r inte r­ preci ng Sc rip ture throu g hout church history and the present e ra. Theory is applied to rexes with an emph as is on th e grammac ica l-hi s­ corica l method. Pre req ui site: 103. 320 Inductive Bible Study (3) Indu c ti ve method a ppli ed to se lected bibli ca l rexes. Pre req ui­ site: 103. 330 Jesus' Life and Ministry (3) C h ronologica l s tud y o f the gospe ls , s imilarities a nd differ­ ences be twee n th e writers, as well as the hi sto rical , cu ltura l and theological facto rs aidi ng in intcr­ p rec ing eve n ts and teachi ngs . Prereq ui site : 110. 340 Guided Study (1-3) In-depth study of a specific book or books of th e Bibl e including writ­ ten report on th e relevance of the book to the student's life. Course offered to fulfill BOLD progra m requiremc: nt. Pre req.ui sice: consent


C hallenge exams arc des igned for t hose who have a wo rkin g knowledge of the course content as a result of attending a Christian high school , fo r exa111ple, but were not able to transfe r that work to Bi ola. Inforllla l, personal stud y normall y wi ll not prepare one adequacelv to pa ss th ese exa111s . These exams mav be ta ken onl y d uring the stll­ denr's first year ar Biol a. Also, if rhe student has taken the Old Testa­ lllent or :--Jew Testament class (or even a portion of ir), he is not eligi­ ble to ra ke the challenge exalll . Exams arc give n in two parts, wr itten and oral. Successful pe r­ formance 111usr be atta ined on the written and oral portions in orde r for the swdcnt to receive credit for th e challenge exam. Grades arc reco rd ed on a cred it or no credit basis on ly. No re-ta kes perlllitted. New 'T'esta lll ent Hi sco ry & Lite rature (3) O ld T es tame nt Hi sco ry & Literature (3) CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Jointly sponsored by the Biblical Studies and C hri sti an Educat ion departmen t s, chi s prog ram is des igned for chose desi ring a con­ centrated year of biblical studies and C hri stian mini stry, with out a bac­ ca laureate <legrcc. I t in vo lves 33 selllcscer units of regular uni ve rsity coursework and meets the standards fo r orga nizat ions requiri ng one year of Bible training. Specific courses include BBST 103, 105, 109, 11 0, 25 1, 25 -t , 306, CEE D 150, plu s e ith e r BBST 320 or C EED 320, three units of BBST or CEED elec­ t ive, and t hree units of BBST or C EED independent swdy and/or pracriculll. For chose who ha ve a bacca laureate degree, a course of study lead ing to an ]\ I.A. is ava ilable thro ugh Bi o la's graduate school , Ta lbot School of Theology. Please sec graduate section for derail s.


A strong emph as is in Bi blical Stll(.lies has always been at the con.; of Biola's ctrrricul um. It i5 intended that all students regard less of major will grad uate \\·ith a working knowl­ edge of the Scriptures and a Christ­ ian world view, inccgracc<l ,, ith aca­ demic lea rning as well as persona l and professional li ving.


All swd enrs must compl e te: 30 un its of Bibli cal Swdi es including 103, 105,109,110,251. 25-t , 306, -t65 and t\\ o b ible e lec ti ves. Bi ola has a res id e ncy requireme nt for bibli ca l swdi es. Of the 30 units of Bible required of all students, 15 units mu st be take n at Bi ola. Students may petition the Regis­ t rar's Office fo r an except ion to ch is ru le. Transfe r cred it, c redit for p ri or learning o r c re dit by examinat ion may nor be used to fu lf ill the minimum res iden cy requirement. :--- Iajo rs ot he r than Bibli ca l Studies or C hristian Edu­ ca ti on ma y co un t a maximum of 30 units coward grad uation.


A Bar!telor of Aris i11 Bi!tliml S111dies is offered upon the comp le­ t ion of the uni versity bacca lau rea te and major requirements. Obcain­ ing a deg ree wit h thi s major require s ., 9 u ni ts. \ l ajors nwsc comp lete: ge nera l re quire ment s (excl ud ing the two e lectives) plus 30 1,311 ,3 12, -tl 1, -t1 2, 45S , 18 units of 300/-t00- leve l Bible elcc­ rives, H1ST 32 1, 12 units of e ither Greek (BLGR 101/102, 20 1/202) or I lebrew (BLH I: 101/102, 20 1/202). In addition co the 111ajor require­ ment. st udents arc encouraged co se lect a specialization of 12-14 units

COURSES (BBST) Core Curriculum 103 The Bible and Spiritual Formation (3)

of the Biblica l Studies dept. 341 Pauline Literature (3)

Eq uipping ro interpret and ap pl y the Bible in accurate and dynalllic ways for s piritual transformat ion

Auth o rs hi p, occas ion of wr itin g, t hemes, th eo logica l iss ues, li te r-

Course Description s · 53

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