
Biblical Languages


fcrcnr content for a max imum of six units counted coward gradu a­ tion. Prereq ui s ites: 103, 105, 109. 450 Advanced Study: Christian Thought (3) lndc pc ncl e nc student research and wr iting in addition co a seminar srv lc classroom atmosp he re for the stud v of se lected texts and/or co pies from e ithe r o r both tesrnmcncs, the­ matically ,1 rran ged to emp h asize biblical, hi srorica l and/or sys tematic theology . 1\ lav be repe,1ted wich differe nt conte nt fo r a maximum of six units co unted cowa rd g radu ,1- tion. l'rc rcquisites: 105. ZS !. ZS-t. 455 Pauline Theology - Romans (3) Studv of Pau l's theology and world­ , ·icw as co nta in e d in the boo k of Romans, with special ,mention g iven to int roductor\' and historical mat­ ters. Pre requisites: I03, I05, I I0. 458 Theology of Mission (3) Study of God's rctlcmpc i,·c aces in Scr ipture in behalf of m ank ind. with app li cat io n to chc mission of the c hurc h today. Prerequisites: I 03. I05, I09, 110, 25 1, 2.'i -t, 306. 465 Integration Seminar (3) Sen ior leve l ca pstone semin a r in which the student will sea rc h the Bib lc and thc literature dealing with the copic(s) undcr d iscuss ion in the co u rsc lead ing to the discovery of m c,1 ns whe rebv the s ubj ect area rnav he " integrated" w it h Biblica l truth. The res ul ts of the research wil l be incorporated in a paper or project whic h will be c ri t iq ued bv the sem in a r membe rs a nd by t he professor. (1\ !av be repeated with diffe rent content with a ma ximu m of six units counted cowa rd g radua­ tion). Prerequ isites: I03, IOS, I09. I 10, or permission of ch e instructor. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Guided ind epende nt reading, research, p ro bl em-so lv in g and preparat io n of a forma l paper o r project d o ne in cons ul tation with a se lected professor. i\ l av b e repeated w ith different co n te n t for a combin ed tota l of s ix units of -t 80 and -t 90 cou ntcd coward graduati o n. Pre requi s ite : Pe nni s­

t hemes, theo log ical iss ues, lite r­ a ry sc ruccurc and cont e nt. Pre­ requ is ite: I09 . 392 Minor Prophets (3) Authorship, dace of writing, h is­ cor ica l a nd c ultur a l b ack drop. th e mes, theological iss u es, lite r­ ary stru ct ure c1nd content. Pre­ requi s ite : I 09 . Advanced Study Electives (Desc ription s ofte n provide gen­ e ral framework for focused e lec­ ti ves . S pec ific cities for -+3 0 , -t-+0 and -t SO appea r in the semeste r sc hedu le prefixed by ' 'Adv Sc :"; secti ons of -t6S, by " Integ Scm: " ). 411 New Testament Theology (3) 1\ l c chod , pract ice and history of t he di sc iplin e . i\ l a y emphas ize selected w rit e rs o r themes. Prc­ rcqui s ites: I03. I OS, 110. 412 Old Testament Theology (3) Meth od, pra c tic e and hi sto ry of ch c discipline . i\lay e mph as ize se leccc d write rs, th emes o r eras .

a ry structure and co nt ent of Pau l's writ ings . 1\ lay foc us o n a smaller unit s uc h as Pr iso n o r Pas­ tora l Lccce rs. Pre requ is ite: I 10. 342 Johannine Literature (3) Auth orship , occasion of writ in g, the mes, theologi ca l issues, literary structure a nd content of J o hn 's writings . Pre req ui s ite : I 10. 343 General Letters (3) Aut horship , occ as ion of writing, t h e m es, th eo log ical iss ue s . liter­ ary structure and content of no n­ Pauline lecccrs. Pre req ui s ite: 110. 360 Pentateuch (3) Mosa ic authors hip , hi sto rica l and culcural backdrop, themes, th eo­ logica l iss ue s, literar y s tructure a n d conte nt. Prerequi s ite: 109. 371 Early History of Israel (3) Conqu es t throu g h th e es tabli sh­ ment of David 's kingdom, focusing on h istori cal, cu ltural and theologi­ ca l iss ues that aid in interpreting eve nts and texts . Prerequis ite: 109. 372 Later History of Israel (3) Kin gs and proph ets from So lomon thro ug h chc rccurn from ex il e, emphas izing hi srorical , cul­ tural and th eo log ical iss ues th a t a id in inte rpr et in g e ve n ts and

Professo rs : Arn o ld, Cunis, Finl ey, Ri gsbv, Ru sse ll , Wilkins Associ ate Professor: Rh ee Assisrnnc Professors : Geringer. llubbard Greek The purpose of these co urses is co introduce stude nt s co the Greek language in o rder co e nhan ce their perso n a l under­ stan din g of chc New T estament an d co prepare t hose who d es ire to purs ue graduate bibli ca l s tudics . Th e plan is to provide s tudents with tools whi ch will e na bl e them to utilitc the Grcc k text in future s rud v, in terpreta tion a nd expos i­ tion of the \\'ore! of Goel. Upon comp let io n of 12 unit s of Greek. it is intend ed that the student's proficiency in the Greek language will e n a bl e him / h e r co read and tran s late a Gree k text ,rich accuracy us ing a srnnda rcl lex ico n and gra mma r; to exp lain the signi fi ca nce of te nses, cases and important gra mma ti ca l st ru ct ures; to cxcgctc a b ibl ica l text accurate ly; and co und e rtake indi vidu a l resea rc h in bibli ca l and extra- bibli ca l G reek. ' I 'he cou rses G reek IOI , 102,20 1, and 202 will fulfill the genera l e ducat ion for­ eign language requirement. COURSES Greek (BLGR) 101, 102 Elementary Greek Grammar I, II (3,3) A n intr oduc t o r y s tud y of the basic cleme nt s of ·c " · T esta ­ me nt Greek, e mph as iz ing synta x an d dc, ·e lopme nt o f vocab ul a ry. Tra ns lation of selected po rtions of the 1 c"· T estame nt. with exte n s i ve cran s lari o n o f a se lec te d !\'cw T es tam e nt book in the second semes te r. 201, 202 Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis (3,3) A comprehensive s urvey of New Testament Grcck g rammar a nd voca bul a r\' wh ic h builds upon t he fir s t yea r of study . Incroduction to tex tu al c ri t ic ism an d exege ti ca l methodology which will aid st u­ d e nt s in interpret in g th e New Tcs camc nc. Read ing in se lec te d port io ns of t he ! ew T csca mcnc. Pre req ui s ite : I 02 or equ ivalent. 304, 305 Studies in Biblical Greek (1-4, 1-4) Exegesis of biblical Gree k texts fo r advanced st udents, vv irh acccncion

Pre req ui s ites: 103, IOS, I 09 . 430 Advanced Study: New Testament (3)

ln dep c ndenc st ud ent researc h and writing in addition to a semi­ na r sty le classroom a tmos phe re for the stud y of se lecccd texts a nd/or cop ies . i\ lay be repeated wich di f­ fere nt conte nt for a max imum of s ix unit s co unte d toward grad ua­ t ion. Pre requ is ites: 103, !OS, I I0. 440 Advanced Study: Old Testament (3) lnd epc nd c nc student research and wri ting in addition co a semi­ nar style classroom atmosphe re for th e stud y of sc lccccd texts a nd /or cop ies. ;-.. Iay be re pe ated with dif-

text s . P re requi s ite : I 09. 380 Wisdom and Poetic Literature (3)

Authors hi p, dace of wr it ing, hi stori­ ca l and cultural backdrop, themes, t heological iss ues, litera ry structure a nd content of Job ch ro ugh Song of

Songs. Prerequis ite: I09. 391 Major Prophets (3)

Aut h o rs h ip , dace of writing, hi s ­ tori c al and c ulcural ba c kdrop.

s ion of the instrucror. 490 Practicum (1-3)

Supe rvised exper ie nce in teaching bib li ca l s tudi es. fn c ludcs course p re parat ion, o bservat io n a nd eval­ uation. i\h1 v be repeated with dif­ fe rent content for a combined rota! of s ix uni cs of -t80 and -t90 counted cowa rd g raduat ion, Prerequi site; Perm iss ion of chc instr ucro r.

54 • Course Descr iption s

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