
Biological Science

to translation , g rammar , bac k­ gro und s, incerprecacion, and prob­ lem s o f a n a lys is . St ud y may include one or more porti o ns o f New T estament li terature. Pre ­ requi site: 202 and/or consent. l'vlav be repeated with d ifferent conren~. 403 Hellenistic Greek (3) Read ings from the Jewish , pa tri s­ tic and pagan writers of the Hel­ le n isr ic period , includin g the Septu agi nt , with a ttention to lit­ erar y a n a lys is a nd compari so n with rel eva nt bibli ca l a uth ors. Opportunity ma y be g ive n to use th e GRAMCORD a nd lb yc us compute r projects. Prerequisite: 202 or equivalent. 405 Advanced New Testament Textual Criticism (3) A survey of th e materials , hi s tory and theo ries of New Testament tex tual c rit ic ism. Prerequisites: 20 1 and two years of G reek. 407 Advanced Greek Grammar (3) An atlvanced s tud y of sy ntax focusin g on nuances of grammar a nd s tyle. To fac i l itate thi s s tud y, in additi o n to the use of adva nced grammar, special s tud­ ies and articles, ex te nsive use is mad e of examp les drawn from bib lica l and extra bib lica l lire ra­ rnre. Prerequi site: 304 and 305. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Indiv idua l research and writing for adva nced s tudents by specia l arra ngement. Srndy may include concentrati on in New Testame nt litera ture , hi sto ry, tex tu a l cri ti ­ cism, spec ia lized g rammati ca l or lexical projects, introductory mat­ ters, or New Testament rheol­ ogy. Prerequisite : 202 and at leas t six units of upper division Greek anti/or conse nt. May be repeated with diffe rent content. Hebrew (BLHE) 101, 102 Elementary Hebrew Grammar (3,3) Introduct ion to the langua ge of th e Hebrew Bible: morphology , syntax , as well as read ing and trans lation of bib li ca l texts. 201, 202 Intermediate Hebrew Grammar (3,3) Ad va nced grammar and syntax with emphasi s upon rapid read ing as wel l as th e de ve lopment of exegetical ski lls. Prerequisite: l 02.

Chair: Raphae l Payne, Ph.D.

transfer co ur ses mu s t be co m­ pleted with a "C" grade (2.0 on a 4.0 sca le) o r higher. The mini­ mum req uire d pre-c hiropractic courses taken at Biol a arc: Biology 111 , 112, 252, 28 1; C hemistry 105, 106,301 ,302,3 11 , 31 2; Ph ysics l l l, 11 2; either i\ Iarh 101, 105, or 2 10; Psycho logy 200. Ethics is stro ng ly recomme nd ed . T he uppe r di vis io n bi o logy cou rse requirements to be caken at LACC are Anatomy/Physiology/I-I istology I, II and III , Human Biochemistry and Genera l Pathology. No le: S111de11ts i11 the pre-rhiro­ pmclir H11ma11 Biology program seq11e11ce are exemp! from ge11eral ed11- ca1io11 rcq11ircmc11/s i11 li1crat11 re (3) a11d his101y (4) \Vest rmd 1he World. The s111de111 is also exempt from the l11s1semcsler residency req11ircme11I. Nole: Philosophy 215 is reco111- me11dcd for H11111a11 Biology . Pre-Physica l Therapy Emphasis (65units) A B11che/or of Science degree i11 H11mm1 BiologJ' with an emphasis in pre-Ph ys ica l The ra py is offered upon the comp le tion of the univer­ s iry bacca la urea te and major requ iremen ts: Biology 11 l , 11 2,252, 28 l , 3 1l , 3 12, 322; Chem istry I05, 106,301 ,302,3 11 ,312; Phys ics 111 , 11 2; i\lath 21 O; Phys ica l Education 30 l , 302; Psychology 200, 309, 320. The srndent shou ld be aware that most gra du a te prog rams in ph ys ica l t hera py require an ove r­ a ll minimum GPA of 3.0. there­ fo re , 11/I co urses 111 us t be com ­ pl eted with a "C" g rade (2 .0 on a 4.0 sca le) o r higher. Nole: All Biological S,ic11ce 11111/ors m11oma1imllr meel the ge11er11I ed11ca­ tio11 req11ire111e111 of eiJ?,hl 1111i1s of science 1111rl ma1hem111ics. Theforeig11 l1111g1111ge req11ircme111 is me! by two yems i11 high school o,ji,sl four 1111i1s i11 colkge.

uni ve rsit y bacca l a ur c ace and major re quire me nts. The biolog­ ica l sc ie nce majo r require s the comp le ti on of the following. MAJORS Biological Science (69 Units) Fo rty units from the Dc part­ m e n r of Bi o logical Sciences, inc ludin g l l l , 11 2, 222, 28 1 o r 282, 3 12, 322, 34 2, 40 I , 450 o r 4 70, and a minimum of l l units of upper di vision cl ecci vcs . Twenty- nine units of support­ in g sc ie nces from the Depart­ me nts of Ph ys ica l Sciences and i\larhemat ica l Scie nces a rc a lso requ ired including C hemi st ry 105, 106,301 , 302 ,3 11 ,3 12; Physics 111, 11 2; and i\lach 101 or 105 o r 2 10, and chc re mai ning units from the supporting sciences . Biology 312,40 1, 450 and 470 have been desi gnated as the writ­ ing compe tency courses . Other uppe r di v is io n b iology co ur se work may be used with the con­ sem of the de partme nt. Note: The eight 1111i1s of geneml ed11m1io11 srie11ce req11ireme11/ fire me/ by the complr1io11 of the major. Othe r progra m s/o ptions in co njun c tion with thi s major arc: Science Teaching Credential S111de111s i111eres1ed i11 fl 1cachi11g crcdc111ia/ 11111s1 h11ve p11ssi11g scores 011 1hr 11ppropri111e Pmxis/SSA 1' cx11mi- 11f1lio11s prior 10 s11b111i11i11g r111 11ppli­ m1io11 for s111dc11/ 1e11chi11g. See !he Dcpm1111c111 of l~d11catio11 fo r dc1ails. Pre-Chiropractic Emphasis (74 units) A Bachelor of Scie11ce degree i11 H11111r111 Biology with an emphasis in pre-Chiroprac ti c is offered in coop­ erat ion with Los Angeles Co ll ege of C hiropracti c upon completion of the univers ity baccalaureate and majo r requirem e nts . Stude n ts attend Biola fo r three yea rs taking courses in bi o logv, c h e mi st ry, physics, bibli ca l s tudi es and th e libera l a rt s. The uppe r di vision biology cou rses are tak e n at Los Ange les C ollege of C hiropra ctic the fina l yea r. Upon s uccess ful completion of the prog ram , th e student receives a B.S. degree with a major in Human Biology from Biola. Upon successful completion of the enti re chiropract ic program a nd examinat ions the s tudent rece ives th e D.C. degree from Los Ange les Coll ege of Chiropractic. Th e student should be aware that LACC has a minimum GPA req uireme nt of 2.5 , and chat all

FACULTY Professo r: Pay ne Assoc iate Professo rs: Ebe ling, Kuld , Lin , Va n De use n


The b io log ica l sc ie nce major, suppo rted by c he mi s trv, ph ys ics a nd ma th emat ics, inco rporates a breadth in the major areas of bio l­ ogy to se rve as a base for ad va nced or more s pec ia li zed s tud y. The curri culum is designed to prepare stud e nts for the fo ll owing: (I ) fur­ ther s tud y in th e hea lt h related field s of medi c ine, dcnci srrv, vet­ erinary medicine, pharmacy; med­ ica l technol ogy, ph ys ica l th e rapy, and phys ician 's assistant, (2) g rad­ uate stud y in various di sciplines of bio log ica l sc ience, (3) second a ry education , (4) ca ree rs in appl ie d biology re lated to ag ri cu lture , indust ry, miss ions, e re. Upon comp letion ofrh c biologi­ ca l science major, it is imended chat the student be abl e to: (l) under­ s tand and a ppl y th e scie ntifi c me thod ro hi sto ri ca l and cu rre nt prob lems in the various bi olog ica l di sc iplin es and re late chem to broader applicat ions in life, (2) inte­ grate pertinent scriptural princip les with known biological faces, (3) di s­ cuss theories of evo lut ion and ori­ g ins within th e comcx r of a scrip­ rnral view of creation, (4) know the basic biologica l fun ct ions of li ving organi sms a nd relate th ese func­ tion s to the level s of biol og ical organi za tion (hierarch v) a nd ro a better understa nding of himself, (5) demon strate writing compe te ncy and communi cat io n skill s while usin g sc ie ntifi c termino logy, (6) under sta nd th e re lat ions hip of chemistry, phys ics and mathematics to th e biol og ica l sc ie n ces, (7) de sc rib e ge ne ti c processes a t molecular and organi smal levels, (8) explain cel lular organization. func­ tion and regulation, (9) unde rsta nd energy dynamics at the va ri ous lev­ e ls of biolog ical orga ni zation, ( 10) describe the in tegrated regulatory systems of planes and animals, (l 1) use (and understand the theory of) se lected scientifi c instrumentation and research techniques.


A Biological Srie11rcs Minor is offered with the compl e ti on of 20 units, 12 of which mu st be upper divisio n. Genera l Biology (111 anti 11 2) are requ ired. The rema ining e lective units are to be approved by a department adv iser.


High school re quirements are: one yea r of biologv, o ne yea r of chem istry, three years of mathe­ ma tics, and two yea rs of foreign language . One year of phys ics is d es irabl e. Deficienc ie s ca n be


A Bachelor of Scie11ce degree i11 Biological Scie11ce or a Bachelor of Scie11ce degree i11 H11ma11 Biology is offered upon comp le ti o n of the

Course Descriptions· 55

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