
including such topics as biologica l divcrsity 1 cycles in nature. popula­ tion dynami c,. pol lu tion, progn.:ss, enc rg) sources, narnral rcsourccs, endange red species, and attitudes cowa rd the earth. lfll mo11 Biology. Se lec t ed body systems and/or diseases "·i ll be swd icd in detail. X111ririo11. A detai led st ud y of the b as ic nutritional needs of hum a ns: \\'ace r, ca rb ohydrat es. li pids, proteins. , ·icami ns and minerals. Also included is co, ·er­ agc of certa in nutritional issues such as health foods, mega, ita ­ min,, obcsi r, and food addi ti,cs, as well as a compute r-a id ed per­ sonal di ce-ana lysis assignment. Pla111/!111 imal S111rlits. An i,n-esc igac i,e and/o r identification approac h to studv in g ,elcctcd plant a nd /or anima l g roups. Transportation fee: $500 (if fi e ld ca ught ). (Sec also Bi ology 333.) 130 Seminar in Biological Science (1-2) Directed rcscmch (li terature or lab­ oratory) in sclcctcd areas of bio logy with \I ritten and/o r ora l presenta­ tions by students; intended co stim­ ul ate inquiry and creat ive thought. Noc open to biology majors. 211 Invertebrate Biology (4) Ta,onorn, and morpholog, of in,crccbrace phy la; laborato r\' di ssect ion of in, c rtcbrat cs. Three ho urs lcc cure, fo ur ho urs labornto r\'. Prerequ is ite: 100 and 11 0, or 111. Lab fee: $40. 222 Botany (4) T he study of the organs, ti ss ues, fun ct ions and responses to e,wi­ ronmcm oft) pica I fl owering plants and the morphol og, and life his­ tory of th e major lower plant grou ps. Some classification of local forms is included, and limited use of t he sca nnin g electro n mi c ro­ scope is arni lablc. Three hours lectu re, four hours laboratory. Pre­ requis ite : I00 or 111. Lab fee: $-10. 252 Human Anatomy (3) An introd uction to the bas ic struc­ ture and fun ct ion of the human body. Laboratory emp hasis rnr ics from sec tion to ,cccion to meet the needs of th e different maj ors . Cada ve rs arc used. Two hour s lec tures, one ho ur pre-lab. three hours laboraton·. Lab fe e: $40.

fulfilled ll'ith pe rmi ss ion from the Departmem of Biological Science.

fee $40. (1-- lay be re peated for a maximum of cwo units credit. ) 311 Neurobiology (3) Analyze, neuroanacom, and s,·nap­ tic transmission at the nc uron1uscu­ lar junction and between neurons of the CNS. Emphasis on unde rstand­ ing cellular orga ni zation and neuro­ phys iology of major su bs,s tcms of the vertebrate ner,ous system, with particula r atte ntion to the brain. \' isual system. srinal cord, and auto­ nomic ncn·ous S\'stem. Alternate yea rs. Prerequ isite: 100 or 111. 312 Cell and Molecular Biology (3) Di scusses the mo lecu lar organiza­ tion and function of cells and their organel les, with emphasis on chro­ mosomt: struct ur<,;, gene exp ression, membrane ,cruccurc and functi on, cncrg,· con, ·ersion, and expe rime n­ tal method, 11 scd co stud\' subcellu­ lar componcnts. Prerequ isites: I I2 and Chcm istrv 30 1 and 311. 322 Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology (2) Practica l ap pli ca tion of trad iti onal and cu rre nt laboratory techniques used in research, including micro­ scopy. hi ,co logv, c hr omosomal anah·sis, iso lation and purification of DNA, RNA and enzymes, DNA restr iction mapping, ce ll transfor­ mation. ana l\ t ica l biochemistry, and ce ll cu lturing. Six hours of lab­ oratorv, one hou r di scuss ion/q ui z. Prerequi sites: 11 2 and C hemi st ry 30 I and 3 I I. 1' Iust be taken con­ c II rrc n cl y \\·ith or subsequent to

plan t and an imal communiti es of Southern Ca li forn ia. Two hours lecture, four hours laboratory/fi e ld. including one or mo cx tcnded field trips. Pn.: requi siccs: I00. I JO or 11 2. . 'T'ransporwcion fcc: $65. 281 Physiology (4) t\ stu dy of the basic concepts of phys iologica l regu lation from thc le,e l of the ce ll to the integrated intact orga ni sm inc luding neura l , mu5cular, and ncuro-cndocrinc rcg­ ula ton· system,. Laboraror, includ­ in g human systems analysi~ and clectroplwsiology. Three hours lec­ wre, one hour pre- lab, three hours labor.nor,·. Prerequisite: Cherni,cr,·

ENGLISH REQUIREMENTS Swdencs "ish ing to e nroll in any courses in the Biologica l Sci­ e nces mu se be e li g ible co cak e En gli sh 1 l0A or must have the pe rmi ss io n of t he 111 scr uccor to cake th e co urse.

COURSES (BIOS) 100 Biological Principles - Lecture (3)

Unifying principles of bi ology ll'ith emphasis on human organ systems. No lab is required, but Biology I 10 is the lab course designed to accom­ pany chis cou rse. Biology l 00 with­ out the lab ( 110) will not rece ive: rransfcr credit at most ocher unin:r­ sicics. Not open to bi ology majors. 110 Observational Biology - Laboratory (2) Obscrvacio na l and in vcst igat i\ ·c ap proac h co survey ing a ra nge of biological organisms and examining selected human systems. Three hours lab. one hour lecw re/discus­ s ion d es igned to be take n with

IO.'i or 11 2. I ,ab fee: $-10. 282 Microbiology (4)

A studv of microb ial orga ni sms with emphasis on bacteria and , ·iruses, including their morphology, physi­ ology . metabolism and ge netics; host parasite interactions: humoral and cel l-mediated immuni t,. Lab­ ora cof\· practice in handlin g microorganism,. including identifi­ catio n an d c ulture techniques. Three hours lccwrc, fo ur hours lab­ oracor,·. l'rerequisicc: Chemi,crv IOS or I I2. Lab fee: $-+0. 290 Natural History of Marine Mammals (1) Biology and nawral hiscor,· of marine mammals with special empha,is on the Californ ia gray whale. T eaching techniques for marine mammal con­ sc rn1c ion and biology. 300 Health Science (3) Fulfill s t he ceachcr cc rcifica ci on requirement in hea lth educat ion. Proper nutrition and obes i[y; men­ tal hea lth and ,cress management: , ubsrn nce abuse (drugs, to bacco and alcohu l); human scx 11 alicy; and physical ficncs, and disease. Three hours lectu re. The cou rse is designed fo r major, in physical edu­ cation and/or teac hin g credent ial candidates. Nm fo r genera l educa­ tion requirement in the sciences. 301 Vertebrate Biology (4) Th e biology of ,·crtchratcs, stressi ng st ru cture and funct ion. Laboraco rv dissect ion of rcprc­ scncaci,·e , ·crtcb raccs (s hark. mud puppy, cat) emphasiLes comparn­ ci,c anatom) . Prereq ui site: 11 2. r\lce rna tc yea rs. Lab fee: $40. 310 Prosection (1-2) An introduct ion to the huma n body through d issect ion and demonstra­ tion of a sel ected portion of a human cada,cr. Thircv hours of laborncor,·. Prerequisite: consent. Di ssection

Biologv I 00. Lab fee: $-+0. 111 General Biology I (4)

lnrroductorv co ur,c for maj o rs emphas izing the principles of cellu­ lar and molecu lar biology. ge netics, developmem, systematics and natu­ ral se lec tion. Laboratory (-+ hours) di,·ided between obsen ·acional and experimental a pproac he s. with emphasis on collection and interpre­ tation of quantitative data. Frc:quc:nr lab discussion of relevant issues and literatu re will bc inclu ded. Fall semester. Lab fee: $-+0. 112 General Biology II (4) Continuation of genc ral biol ogy emphasizing t he princip les of human physiology, eco logy and homeostatic mechani sms. Laborn­ torv (4 hours) will in,o lve di ssec­ tion as we ll as experimenta ti on. Frequent lab discussion of rc lc,ant cu rrent iss ues and literature will be included. Prerequi site BIOS 111 or signature of instr ucto r. Spring semester. Lab fee: $-+0. 120 Current Topics in Biology (3) Se lected topics of current inte res t and conce rn are studi ed. Sections arc offe red each year upon sufficient demand. Topics arc the fo llowing: H11111r111 Ecology. An introduc­ ti on co contemporary environmen­ tal problems emp has izing man 's role in their cause and respons ible stewa rd ship of narnral resources,

Biology 312. I ,ab fee: $60. 333 Natural History of Baja California (3)

Systematics, distribution, bcha,ior and ccolog, of the common planes and animals of Baja. 1'mphasis on desert eco logy, and bird and whale migration,. The course is a three "eek field tr ip to Baja Ca lifornia, \lcx ico. Offered du ri ng intcrtcrm only. Prereq ui sites: One course in college Bi ology. Trip fee: $600. 342 Genetics (3) Integrates princip les of 1--lcnde li an and molecu lar genetics cowa rd understanding structure and fun c­ tion of the gene. Emph as izes q uancirn t i, c analvs is o f ge neti c data and exp lores cu rrent iss ues of ge ne ti c e nginee ring from tec hni ­ ca l and et hi ca l ,·icll'points. Pre­ requisites: 312. Alternate yea rs. 352 Marine Biology (4) In tro du c tion to ocea nog raph y. marine pl ant a nd an imal di,·e r­ sit\', and ecologica l relationships. Research tec hn ology emphas ized

262 Natural History of Southern California (3)

A field-o ri ented co u rse co study and idcnt ifv the common plant s and anima ls fo und within the major

56 • Course De sc ription s

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