
through fi e ld trip observation and group experimentation. Three hours lec ture , four hours labora­ tor y. Pre requi s ite: 11 0 o r 111. Lab fee: $-Hl. 401 General Ecology (4) An in troduction ro the genera l concepts of th e eco logv of popu­ l::1t ions, communities and ccosys­ rcm s, in c ludin g physiological eco logy, speciation and evoluti on­ ary theory. Laboratory inc lude, computer si mul a tion s, fieldwork and a researc h proj ect. Pre requi­ s ite : 112 or 222. Lab fee: $-tO. 402 Parasitology (4) T axo nom y, life hi sro rv, ph ysio l­ ogy. eco logy, and morphology of anima l r arn'>itcs ,, ith c.mpha~is on chose affecting man . Three hours lecture, four ho urs labora­ to ry. Prere qui s ites: 11 2. Alter­

immune syste m , humoral and cell m e di a t e d immunit y a nd ana lysis of medicallv s ig nificant di so rders of the immune sys tem. Pre requi s ites: 282 or 3 I 2. .1/irmswpy. Theory and app li­ cation of bright field, dark field , phase co ntra st , po larizing, sca n­ ning and transmission micro­ scopes . Pre paration te c hniques of biol og ic al material s for, a nd observation with e lectron mi cro­ sco pes e mph as ized. Prerequi­ s ites : 11 2 or .l 12. Lab fee: $-10. Omi1!tolof!J'. Svsrcmacics, di stri­ bution. ph ys io logy. beha vior and ecology of birds. Field identifica­ tion emphasized. Pre requi site: I 00, I IO or 11 2. ' I'ransporrarion fee: $-10. 450 Directed Research (1-4) Lite ratu re and laborato ry or fi e ld resea rch of a spec ific subject or tech­ nique in biology; advanced swde nrs ga in experi e nce in experimental design, laborntor\' in vest igation and technical writ ing. Requires a writ­ ten report. Prerequi s ite: junior or se nior bio logical sc ien ce major standing and consen t one semester in advance. Lab fee: $-10. 460 Practicum (1) ■ Pre-Medical Practicum ■ Pre-Dental Practicum ■ Pre-Medical Technology ■ Pre-Veterinary Practicum Pra{'firn111 . Profe ss io nally s upcr \' iscd obse r\'a tion , demon­ stration and srnd y in a loca l med­ ica l, dental or labo ratory fac ility. Introduct ion to hea lth rnre philoso­ ph ics , hospital and patie n t rou­ tines, pe rso nn e l, instrumentation and spec ific treatment practices (ph le boromv credential with med­ ica l techn o logy sec tion ). Case stud,· and research paper required. Thirty hours o f observation. Pre­ requ isite: junior standing and pet i­ ti on filed with Prc-l\lcdical Ad,·i­ so ry Commirccc one semes te r pri or ro c nrollmem. Insura nce fee: $20. 470 Seminar in Advanced Biology (1) Lite rature research fo llowed by oral prese ntat ion, group di scussion and eval uation: independe nt thought and s tmlv st re ssed. !\ l ay b e repeated for maximum of rwo units of cred it. Se,·c ral courses in e n\' i­ ronmemal studies, ava il able through Au Sable Institute, may be used for upper di\'i s ion e lecti ve units. Sec an adv isor in the Depamn e nt of Biolog ica l Sc ie nces for further derails. Prerequi si te: junior or 5cnior biological scie nce major sta nd ing.

enzymes act ion in biol ogica l sys­ tems. Pre re qui s it e : Chemisr r,· 302. Alte rn ate yea rs. 412 Biochemistry II (3) i\larhemacical m.;acment of bioe ner­ ger ics emphasi;,ing major conce pt, and problem so lving; principle, of me tabolic processes. Prerequi site: Chem istry .'lOZ (Chem istry -102 rec­ ommended ). Alte rnate years. 422 A, B Laboratory in Biochemistry (1, 1) A laboratory course to aceompanv -ti 1, -t1 2 (C he mi sm· -ti 1, -11 2). T' hc iso lacion 1 charac teri zat ion a nd ana lysis of biomole cu le s including the use of biochemica l inst rumcncacion and me thodo logy for " ·,ir k in protein struct ur e, en1.vmo logy , metabol ism a nd ge netics. Prerequi s ite: C he mi stry 302. Lab fee: $-tO eac h semeste r. 431 Developmental Biology (4) Anal yze, the mol ec ul ar, ge ne ric and ce llu lar mec ha ni sms which control de, e lopmcnt of body fo rm and speciali zed ce ll types from a s in g le fcrrili egg, and w hi c h m a intain sta ble diffe rentiated states in the adu lt. Laboraro rv

emphasizes gamctogcncsis, verte­ bra te e mbryo logv, hi srn logy and directed expe rim ental manipula­ tion of embryos . Pre req ui s ite: 3 I2. Alternate vca rs. Lab fee: $-10. 440 Topics in Advanced Biology (2-3) One: sect ion offered eac h ye ar upon s uffic ient demand. Co urse may be repeated wit h diffe rent conte nt (,ecr ion title). T opics arc the fol lowing: !~11rloffi11olog1• . Di ,cusscs molecu lar mechan ism s of hor­ mone sy nth es is, relea se a nd act ion on target cel ls, with e mpha ­ sis on mammali an neuroscc rctory and e nd oc rin e s,·stems . which coord ina te spec iali zed body func­ tion and influence beha\' ior. Pre­ requi s ites: 11 2, 28 1 and 3 I 2. ,llari11e Fmlo[!;:,'. Observation an d field ex pe rim e ntat io n with marine o rga ni s m s . Co ll ect ion an d ana h s is of ecolog ica l d ata u s in g und erwa ter t ec hniqu es. Prerequis ites: 352 and sc uba ce r­ t ifi ca tion. One hour lecture, four hours labora tory. Lab fee : $-+0. !1111111111 0!0!()'. A s rnd y of th e sc ru c rnre s and fun c ti o ns o f rhe

nate yea rs. Lab fee: $-Hl. 411 Biochemistry I (3)

Structures and p roperties of bio­ molcc u lar compo nents of ce ll s: inc luding prote in s, ca rboh ydrate,, lipid s. nucl eot ides, nu c le ic acids, vitamins and coc nzymcs, kinet ics and mec hani sm and regulation of

Course Descrip tion s · 57

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