Business Administrati on
Business administration majors may use Business 190 and 223 for a math credit coward t he sc ie nce/ma the matics rcquircmcnrs for rhc general education requ irements, but the unit s can not be counted in bot h general ed ucation and in the majo r. Phil osophy 2 IS, Commun ica tion 18 1 and Psyc hology 200 are recom mended fo r all b usiness majors.
Dea n: Larry D. Strand, 1vl.B. A.
who can make significant contr ibu t ions in the work p lace or in C hri st ian organizations they may ser\'C.
Int roduces a nd integrates a ll the parts of th e mode rn organ iza tion act ing in a g lobal e n v ironment. All ows studen ts to see th e neces sity of a broad e ducation a l back ground to an o rga ni za tional career, a n d allows t hem to exp lo re iss ues of fa ith in a bus i ness ca lling. 190 Business Statistics (3) Collection a nd presentation of business data, cen tral te ndency and dispers ion measures for bus i ness a na lys is, sampling and in fer ence for confid e nce inte rva ls a nd hypo thes is resting, busi ness fore cast ing with s imple and multiple regress ion, ind ex numbers. 200 Economic Principles (4) M icro and macro econom ic theory with an emphas is on the application of thi s t heory to c urrent economic issues, including the study of chose who developed the th eory a nd their predecessors . Iss ues in vo lv in g trade and finance among nat io ns a nd their comparat ive eco nomi c system s wi ll also be exa m ined. (For non-business majors onl y.) 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) Macroeco n om ics : s up p l y and demand a na lysis, fi sca l and mon etary po licy, money and banking, international trade a nd t he bal ance o f payments. 202 Writings in Microeconomics (3) Intcgrat ion of basic microeconomic th eory with resea rc h and composi tion o n iss ues related to mar ker efficien cy. The course incl udes an ana lys is of t he firm in the various market structu res as we ll as stud ies in the resource markers and regul a tory act ivities. A paper w ill be a pa rt of co urse requi rement a nd will double as pass/fail on wri ti ng com pete ncy requirement. !\lay not be transferred without consent. Pre requi si tes: E ngl ish 11 0A and 11 OB. 211,212 Principles of Account ing I, II (3,3) Bas ic for a ll b us iness majo rs a nd those see kin g to learn t h e la n g uage of bus in ess; procedure for setting up a double e ntry boo k keeping sys te m. Second semes ter: co rporate acco unting and e le mentary cost account in g me th ods . Prerequi s ite: 2 11 prereq ui s ite for 212. One hour each week, non-cred it, laboratory. Fee: $ 10.
FACULTY Professor: V. Smith Associate Professo rs: Buckles, Hanna n, Rundle, Y. Smith, Strand, \\'oodwa rd
Admission into Bio la Unive r s ity does nor g uara ntee admiss ion as a bus in ess ad mini st rati o n major in the School of Business, nor permiss io n to e n roll in upper division business administration courses. (Intermed iate Acco unt in g excepted.) The following requireme nts mu st be observed: A. Comple te, with a minim um of a "C" (2.0) grade in each course, Busi ness Statistics 190, Accounting 21 1 and 2 12, Economics 201 and 202, Engli sh 110 A and B, and Ca l cu lus for l\lanagcment Sciences 223 (24 semester ho urs), or the equiva lent, wit h a c umulative grade point average of 2.5. A m in imum require ment of 30 hours of General Educa tion (includ ing Bible) must be com pleted with an overall GPA of2.5. B. Accomplish an overa ll cumulat ive GPA of 2.5 in all co l lege leve l course wo rk completed at th e rime of formal app licat ion to the School of Business . C. File an appl ication with t he School of Bus iness for adm is s ion , which s h a ll in c lu de an essay, a nd affirm tha t the a bove requirem e nt s h ave been ac hi eved either at Bio la Unive r s ity or another accred ited institu t ion. The appl icat ion shou ld be fi led at the co mpletion of the fourt h semester with a fee of $20. D. Meet app roval o f t he fac ulty of the Schoo l of Bus iness. The process wi ll requ ire an interview. E. Prior to forma l admiss ion, stude nt s sha ll continue to be advised as pre-bus iness majo rs.
Bi o la Un ive rsi t y, through its Schoo l of Business. is nationa ll y accred ited by the Association of Co ll egiate Business Schoo ls and Programs to offer a 8flchelor of Sci e111e i11 811si11ess f\r/111i11i.11mrio11 degree w ith emphases in the fo ll owing: acco unting, information sys ten1 s, management and marketing. Each program is structured to g iv e the student broad under sta n di ng of the soc ial a nd eco nomi c e n v i ron m e n t in w hi c h C hri s tian business persons func tion, and provides a common body of know ledge for s tud ents who e lect chis majo r. Students s tud y eco nomics, finance, man agen1enr, business lav,1, acco unt ing, a nd marketing as t he core of th e major based upon quanrira ri ve management ski ll s. The four individual emphases prepa re students through addit ional spec ified courses to enter a ca reer field in those areas, or to select a g raduate sc hoo l upon graduat ion. Ir is the purpose of the School of Business to prepare highl y skill ed, technica ll y competent busi ness persons who have b road prepa ration in the liberal arts as we ll , and
Requirements for the emphases arc as fo ll ows : Accounting (60 units)
1\lust compl ete 3 11 , 3 12, 3 13, 314,315, -II I , 412 and three uni rs of upper division business electives. Information Systems (60 units) Must compl e te: IOI , 275, 302, 3 11 , 402, 432, 463 and three units of uppe r d ivision busi ness electives. Finance Progm1111111der revisio11. Management (60 units) i\lust com plete : 318,42 1,434, 453, -164 and 9 unit s of up p e r d ivision busi ness electives. Marketing (60 units) l\ lu sr com pl ete : 332, 337, -132, -133 , -13-1 , -135, three units of upper div isio n business e lect ives and one of the following: 453 o r 460 (with depa rtme nt a pproval) .
A ,l/i11or i11 811si11ess Ad111i11is1m- 1io11 is offered with the completion of 18 units (20 1, 2 11 ,2 12,230, 328,370) p lu s six unit s ( 190 a nd 220) of s pec ifie d quantitati ve p re requisite cou rses . Business 190 also cou nts coward th e genera l education requirement for sci e nce/math, but th ese units ca nnot be counted coward bo th ge nera l educat ion and a business minor. COURSES (BUSN) 101 Introduction to Computer Science (3) Introductio n co compu ter hard ware a nd so ftware. Problem so lv in g method s . Elementa ry co n cepts of a lgorithm deve lopment. C programm ing. F ee: $25 (Sec also Compute r Science I 05) For informati o n systems majors on ly. 111 Contemporary Business Enterprise (3) D esigned to experie ntially exp la in how organizat io ns work and to show students how a bus i ness career ca n be a mini st ry .
A Bflche/or of Scie11ce degree i11 B11si11ess f\r/111i11is1ra1io11 is offered upon the compl et io n of bacca lau reate requireme nt s and the busi ness major in one of chc fo ll owing emphases: acco unting, marketing, management and in formation sys tems. Thirty of th e required unit s mu s t be upper division. Other requ i rements in c lud e courses : 111 , 190, 20 I , 202, 2 11 , 2 12, 220, 223,230, 327,328,36 1,370, 470. The genera l education require ment fo r a fo reign lang uage for those following a bus iness adm inis trat ion major may be met by cwo yea rs of high school language or the first four un irs of a coll ege language.
58 • Course Descriptions
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