361 Business Law (3) T he lega l and regulatory enviro n rncnt of business incl uding a survey of the lega l system, torts, contracts, c111p lovrncnt and labo r law, bus i ness orga ni za ti ons 1 admin istra ti ve law and the regulatory process. Pre requ isite: uppc r-di, ·ision stand ing. 370 Business Finance (3) Prob le rn s and rn e thod s in secur in g fund s for bu s in ess f i rm s, n a tur e of sec uriti es m a rkets , sho rt- and long-tc rrn fin anc ing . Pre requ is ites: l 90, 2 I 2. 392 Principles of Adverti sing (3 ) Fac ts o f ad ve rt is ing p rinc ip le s and t ec hniqu es. Th e s tud y of cffcc ri n: and ine ffect ive forms of advert isi ng. App licat ions linked to publi c re lati ons, medi a eve nts , ma rket ing, a nd com1nun icatio n e ncou n ters . (C ro ss -li s te d wi t h i\l CO\I 392.) 402 Data Base Management (3) Inregrarcd data base sys tem, logi cal organ izat ion. data desc ript ion language (DDL), data man ipul a t ion language (Di\ JL ), hi e ra rchica l networks a nd re lat io na l da ta bases, o,-c rvicw of se lected data base ma nage ment sys te n1 s (DB I\ IS). Pre requi site: : CSCI 230. (Sec also Compu ter Science 402) 407 Computer Appl icati ons in Business (3) Th e study a nd app l icati on o f spreadsheet and database software to bus in ess p ro bl e ms w it h a n emphas is on prob lem so lving and presentation techniques. Pre requi sites: 212, 220, 230, 370. Fee: $20. 411 Advanced Accounting (3) Exa rnines esse nti a l c lc rncn rs of cor po rate conso li dati ons, bra nch a nd d c pa rt rn c nr a l accou n t ing, in tc rn acion,11 accounting, advanced partn e rship and fund acco unt ing concepts. Pre requi sites: 312, 313. 412 Auditing (3) Int rod ucri on to standards and pro ced ures whi ch cornpr isc the con tem po ra ry ,1udit e n v iro nn1 e nt. T opics include, e thics, legal liab il ity, inte rnal control , substanti ve evi dence, and re port ing. Course work inc ludes co rnprc hc nsivc prac t ice audi t. O ne hour each week non cred it lab. Pre req ui sites: 3 I2, 313. 421 Managerial Nego tiation and Leadership (3 ) lanagc ri al leade rshi p with in th e po liti ca l rea liti es of 111 nde rn orga niza ti onal life. A strong crn phas is will be p laced upon res pons ib le ha nd ling of power and t he e th ical di le mm as t h a t g rad u a t es w i l l
niza ti onal be hav ior and commu ni cat ion; leadership, rn anage111 c nt of confl ict, change and inn ovat ion; busin ess ethics and soc ieta l re la t ionsh ips. P re requ is ite: u ppe r d ivision ~ra nd ing or consent. 332 Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations (3) Examinat ion and c, ·a luati on of the pri nc iples of bas ic ma rk et ing as a ppli ed to th e non- profit secto r. Phi losop11Y of non-p rofi t market ing and its practica l applicat ion wi ll be 11 til i1.cd thro ugh individual swde nt projects. Spec ific market ing stra te gics will re late to churches, soc ial service orga ni zations, fo unUat ions and other designated non-profi t organ izat ions. Pre requ isite: 2."lO. 334 Promotions (3) Inrroducrion to the ro le of Promo t ion and Advert ising as currentlv used fo r produ cts, se rvices, ideas and events by business firms, corn rn unir,· organi,.ar ions and churches. ll nde rsra ndi ng of the promoti on m ix includi ng p ubli c relat ions, publicirv. sales pro111 or ion and pe r sonal sell ing. Pre requisite: 230. 336 Sales Pract icum (3) /\nalvsis of the sales rnanager as a profess ional market raccician in a 111arketing fi rm. Includes st11Tev of persona l sel ling effort "·irh emphas is on interrelat ionshi ps bcm·ecn sales act ivity and related marketing func t ions. Involves appli ed approaches and actual real world experiences in saks. Prereq uis ite: 230 or consent. 337 Direct Marketing (3) A p rac t ica l approach to cxa rnin ing t he va luc and strategics of di rect mar ket in g . F oc us is beyond j ust p rod uct awa re ness, hu e instead will exami ne act iYi t ies t hat se<.:k a direc t res ponse fr om the re s po nd e n t. Di sc uss , ·ari ous co111b in a ri ons of promo t ion strategics that he lp orga ni za t ions ide nti fy new customers and a lso enha nce relat ions hip s wit h ex ist ing ones. Prereq u isite: 230. 345 Current Economic Issues (3) Read ing and ana lys is of articles in period icals and the dail y press rc lat in!'; to economic problcrns. L lril i1.cs p rinc iples deve loped in 20 1, 202. Offe red on suffi cient dc rn and. 350 Money and Banking (3) Nat ur e . fu nct io ns a nd flo\\" o f monC) and credi t in th e Arne ri ean cconorny and th e wo rld ; analys is of cornrncrcia l ban king and U.S. mon eum· S\'stcm. Prerequisite: 20 1.
and ove rh ead costing; p lanning and co ntrol p rocesses ; analvr ica l proced ures. Pre req ui s ite: 312 or consent. 314 Federal Income Tax For Individuals (3 ) An exp la nation of t h <.: federa l income tax la\\ as it relates to indi vid uals. T he tax structure is cxarn incd in light of its hi storica l dc, ·cl oprnc nt with crn phas is on prob lern so lving. Pre requis ite: 212. 315 Federal Income Tax for Partnershi ps, Corporations and Estates (3) An exp la nation of th e federa l incorne tax la\\· as it re lates to partnerships and co rpo ration,. Estate taxes arc rev iewed "ith h isto ri ca l perspc:ct ivc . Problc111 soh ·ing is emphasized to prm idc the student with prac t ice in app li cat ion of tax princip les to specific situ at ions. Prereq ui site : 212. 318 Human Resource Management (3) A stud,· of the relevant idea s and d c , ·c lo p mcnts in th e f ie ld of human resource ma nagement char pcrrnir organ izations of all rvpes to imprm c producri, iry, qual ir, and se rvice .. 1-:EO, staffin g, tra ining, co111pc nsa ti on ,rnd labor re lat ions arc all emphasized. Prerequisite:: upper-div ision standi ng. 319 Organizational Ethics (3) T he fou ndations and theo ri es of et hics as rcbtcd to th e Bible, the rnarkct place, and the rnodcrn cor porat ion. Case stud ies in rnodcrn ethics are discussed with a , ·icw ro rais ing the mora l consc ious ness of bus iness profess io na ls. (Th is course docs not rnccr gcnc:ra l edu cat ion rcquirernc nts.) Prcr<.:qu isitc: upper divis ion stand ing or consent. 327 Production and Operations Management (3) Th e st u th of t h e pr oces;cs ill\ o lvcd in t he prod uct ion and operat ions core of t he fo r-profit and nor-fo r-profit orga ni 1,arion, rnaking cxrensi,·e use of co111put cr izc d tools i n stat is t ical ,111d rnarhcrna tica l too ls to sol ve corn rn on production (product-based) problc rn s, in cluding techniques of q ua li tv rnanagc111cnr, a nd a co nsiderat ion of C hrist ian pri nci p les of scrnrnt hood in t he pro d uc ti on and operatio ns manage me nt process. Prereq ui sites : 190, 202,2 12,220. Fee:: $10 328 Organizational Behavior (3 ) Pr incip les of rnanagcrncnt; plan ning. control ling. organizing, orga-
220 Management Information Systems (3) Info rmation systt.:ms, rh c ir design, imp lcrncmarion and contri but ion to manageme n t p lann i ng, deci'iion making and control. r\ pplicatiom involving microcurnpucc rs and dec i sion support sYstcms. Fcc: $20. 223 Calcu lus for Management Sciences (3) Fu ndamcnca l principles of d iffc r c nt ial and integra l ca lculus . Appl i catio ns chosen rnainl~ fr orn t he rn anagcrne nr sc iences. Pre rcqui s irc: Pass in g proficie ncy cxarn adrnin isrc rc d by i\ lar h Dcparr mc nc or recei\·ing a "'C" or better grade in i\ lath 90 the prio r \"car. 229 Personal and Family Finances (3) i\ lanaging fam il v fi nances: budget ing use of cred it: borrowing money: saYing met hods; pu rchase of life, health , propcrt\" and auto insurance; buying and renting property; taxt.:s; buving securities;" ills and estates. 230 Introduction to Marketing (3) In troduct ion to the bas ic clc rn c n t s of mo d ern ma rk e t ing in clud ing t he stud~ of the rnar kccing c n , ,i ronmcnt fn1. 111c\\·ork. targe t mar ker. marker segmenta t ion, mar keting ct h ics, and t he market ing mix nHia bks of prod uct, promotion, price. public n.: la t ions, and place / d istr ib ution. Pre req ui site: 190 or consent. 275 Data Structures (3) Li near lists, strings, arra\S and orthogonal li sts; graph,, trees. bina~ trees, mu lti-li nked srr ucrn rcs, sea rching and sorting rcchniq ucs, dynami c storage allocat ion; applica t ions. Prcrcq uisirc: 10 1. Spring. (Sec also Computer Science I 06.) 302 Computer Organization (3) O rgani z:Hion and struct ur ing of majo r hard ware components of computers . i\ lechanics of infor ma ti on tra nsfer an<l contro l within a di gita l co rn putcr svs tcm. l' un darnc n tals of log ic des ign. Pre re q uis ite: CSC I 202 or co nsent. (Sec also Compute r Sc ie nce 302.) 311, 312 Intermediate Account ing I, II (3,3) Advanced t rea rrncnt of cas h- fl o", fund s-f"lo" ana lyses, preparat ion of finan c ia l sn1tcmc nt s 1 incornc tax a l loca t io n , rn lua t io n , fo rc cas ts1 cas h reconcil iatio n. Prc rcq
u isires: 21 2, .3 1 l for ., I2. 313 Cost Accounting (3 )
Cos e acco un ti ng from man age ria l. co nccpwa l and tec hni ca l , ·ic:" - po int ; produ ct, labor, rnatcr ia l
Course Des criptions · 5 9
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