
361 Business Law (3) T he lega l and regulatory enviro n­ rncnt of business incl uding a survey of the lega l system, torts, contracts, c111p lovrncnt and labo r law, bus i­ ness orga ni za ti ons 1 admin istra ti ve law and the regulatory process. Pre­ requ isite: uppc r-di, ·ision stand ing. 370 Business Finance (3) Prob le rn s and rn e thod s in secur ­ in g fund s for bu s in ess f i rm s, n a tur e of sec uriti es m a rkets , sho rt- and long-tc rrn fin anc ing . Pre requ is ites: l 90, 2 I 2. 392 Principles of Adverti sing (3 ) Fac ts o f ad ve rt is ing p rinc ip le s and t ec hniqu es. Th e s tud y of cffcc ri n: and ine ffect ive forms of advert isi ng. App licat ions linked to publi c re lati ons, medi a eve nts , ma rket ing, a nd com1nun icatio n e ncou n ters . (C ro ss -li s te d wi t h i\l CO\I 392.) 402 Data Base Management (3) Inregrarcd data base sys tem, logi­ cal organ izat ion. data desc ript ion language (DDL), data man ipul a­ t ion language (Di\ JL ), hi e ra rchica l networks a nd re lat io na l da ta bases, o,-c rvicw of se lected data base ma nage ment sys te n1 s (DB I\ IS). Pre requi site: : CSCI 230. (Sec also Compu ter Science 402) 407 Computer Appl icati ons in Business (3) Th e study a nd app l icati on o f spreadsheet and database software to bus in ess p ro bl e ms w it h a n emphas is on prob lem so lving and presentation techniques. Pre requi­ sites: 212, 220, 230, 370. Fee: $20. 411 Advanced Accounting (3) Exa rnines esse nti a l c lc rncn rs of cor po rate conso li dati ons, bra nch a nd d c pa rt rn c nr a l accou n t ing, in tc rn acion,11 accounting, advanced partn e rship and fund acco unt ing concepts. Pre requi sites: 312, 313. 412 Auditing (3) Int rod ucri on to standards and pro­ ced ures whi ch cornpr isc the con­ tem po ra ry ,1udit e n v iro nn1 e nt. T opics include, e thics, legal liab il­ ity, inte rnal control , substanti ve evi­ dence, and re port ing. Course work inc ludes co rnprc hc nsivc prac t ice audi t. O ne hour each week non­ cred it lab. Pre req ui sites: 3 I2, 313. 421 Managerial Nego tiation and Leadership (3 ) lanagc ri al leade rshi p with in th e po liti ca l rea liti es of 111 nde rn orga­ niza ti onal life. A strong crn phas is will be p laced upon res pons ib le ha nd ling of power and t he e th ical di le mm as t h a t g rad u a t es w i l l

niza ti onal be hav ior and commu ni­ cat ion; leadership, rn anage111 c nt of confl ict, change and inn ovat ion; busin ess ethics and soc ieta l re la­ t ionsh ips. P re requ is ite: u ppe r­ d ivision ~ra nd ing or consent. 332 Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations (3) Examinat ion and c, ·a luati on of the pri nc iples of bas ic ma rk et ing as a ppli ed to th e non- profit secto r. Phi losop11Y of non-p rofi t market ing and its practica l applicat ion wi ll be 11 til thro ugh individual swde nt projects. Spec ific market ing stra te­ gics will re late to churches, soc ial service orga ni zations, fo unUat ions and other designated non-profi t organ izat ions. Pre requ isite: 2."lO. 334 Promotions (3) Inrroducrion to the ro le of Promo­ t ion and Advert ising as currentlv used fo r produ cts, se rvices, ideas and events by business firms, corn­ rn unir,· organi,.ar ions and churches. ll nde rsra ndi ng of the promoti on m ix includi ng p ubli c relat ions, publicirv. sales pro111 or ion and pe r­ sonal sell ing. Pre requisite: 230. 336 Sales Pract icum (3) /\nalvsis of the sales rnanager as a profess ional market raccician in a 111arketing fi rm. Includes st11Tev of persona l sel ling effort "·irh emphas is on interrelat ionshi ps bcm·ecn sales act ivity and related marketing func­ t ions. Involves appli ed approaches and actual real world experiences in saks. Prereq uis ite: 230 or consent. 337 Direct Marketing (3) A p rac t ica l approach to cxa rnin ­ ing t he va luc and strategics of di rect mar ket in g . F oc us is beyond j ust p rod uct awa re ness, hu e instead will exami ne act iYi­ t ies t hat se<.:k a direc t res ponse fr om the re s po nd e n t. Di sc uss , ·ari ous co111b in a ri ons of promo­ t ion strategics that he lp orga ni za­ t ions ide nti fy new customers and a lso enha nce relat ions hip s wit h ex ist ing ones. Prereq u isite: 230. 345 Current Economic Issues (3) Read ing and ana lys is of articles in period icals and the dail y press rc lat­ in!'; to economic problcrns. L lril i1.cs p rinc iples deve loped in 20 1, 202. Offe red on suffi cient dc rn and. 350 Money and Banking (3) Nat ur e . fu nct io ns a nd flo\\" o f monC) and credi t in th e Arne ri ean cconorny and th e wo rld ; analys is of cornrncrcia l ban king and U.S. mon­ eum· S\'stcm. Prerequisite: 20 1.

and ove rh ead costing; p lanning and co ntrol p rocesses ; analvr ica l proced ures. Pre req ui s ite: 312 or consent. 314 Federal Income Tax For Individuals (3 ) An exp la nation of t h <.: federa l income tax la\\ as it relates to indi­ vid uals. T he tax structure is cxarn­ incd in light of its hi storica l dc, ·cl­ oprnc nt with crn phas is on prob lern so lving. Pre requis ite: 212. 315 Federal Income Tax for Partnershi ps, Corporations and Estates (3) An exp la nation of th e federa l incorne tax la\\· as it re lates to partnerships and co rpo ration,. Estate taxes arc rev iewed "ith h isto ri ca l perspc:ct ivc . Problc111 soh ·ing is emphasized to prm idc the student with prac t ice in app li­ cat ion of tax princip les to specific situ at ions. Prereq ui site : 212. 318 Human Resource Management (3) A stud,· of the relevant idea s and d c , ·c lo p mcnts in th e f ie ld of human resource ma nagement char pcrrnir organ izations of all rvpes to imprm c producri, iry, qual ir, and se rvice .. 1-:EO, staffin g, tra ining, co111pc nsa ti on ,rnd labor re lat ions arc all emphasized. Prerequisite:: upper-div ision standi ng. 319 Organizational Ethics (3) T he fou ndations and theo ri es of et hics as rcbtcd to th e Bible, the rnarkct place, and the rnodcrn cor­ porat ion. Case stud ies in rnodcrn ethics are discussed with a , ·icw ro rais ing the mora l consc ious ness of bus iness profess io na ls. (Th is course docs not rnccr gcnc:ra l edu­ cat ion rcquirernc nts.) Prcr<.:qu isitc: upper divis ion stand ing or consent. 327 Production and Operations Management (3) Th e st u th of t h e pr oces;cs ill\ o lvcd in t he prod uct ion and operat ions core of t he fo r-profit and nor-fo r-profit orga ni 1,arion, rnaking cxrensi,·e use of co111put­ cr izc d tools i n stat is t ical ,111d rnarhcrna tica l too ls to sol ve corn­ rn on production (product-based) problc rn s, in cluding techniques of q ua li tv rnanagc111cnr, a nd a co nsiderat ion of C hrist ian pri nci ­ p les of scrnrnt hood in t he pro­ d uc ti on and operatio ns manage ­ me nt process. Prereq ui sites : 190, 202,2 12,220. Fee:: $10 328 Organizational Behavior (3 ) Pr incip les of rnanagcrncnt; plan ­ ning. control ling. organizing, orga-

220 Management Information Systems (3) Info rmation systt.:ms, rh c ir design, imp lcrncmarion and contri but ion to manageme n t p lann i ng, deci'iion making and control. r\ pplicatiom involving microcurnpucc rs and dec i­ sion support sYstcms. Fcc: $20. 223 Calcu lus for Management Sciences (3) Fu ndamcnca l principles of d iffc r­ c nt ial and integra l ca lculus . Appl i­ catio ns chosen rnainl~ fr orn t he rn anagcrne nr sc iences. Pre rcqui­ s irc: Pass in g proficie ncy cxarn adrnin isrc rc d by i\ lar h Dcparr­ mc nc or recei\·ing a "'C" or better grade in i\ lath 90 the prio r \"car. 229 Personal and Family Finances (3) i\ lanaging fam il v fi nances: budget­ ing use of cred it: borrowing money: saYing met hods; pu rchase of life, health , propcrt\" and auto insurance; buying and renting property; taxt.:s; buving securities;" ills and estates. 230 Introduction to Marketing (3) In troduct ion to the bas ic clc­ rn c n t s of mo d ern ma rk e t ing in clud ing t he stud~ of the rnar­ kccing c n , ,i ronmcnt fn1. 111c\\·ork. targe t mar ker. marker segmenta­ t ion, mar keting ct h ics, and t he market ing mix nHia bks of prod­ uct, promotion, price. public n.: la­ t ions, and place / d istr ib ution. Pre req ui site: 190 or consent. 275 Data Structures (3) Li near lists, strings, arra\S and orthogonal li sts; graph,, trees. bina~ trees, mu lti-li nked srr ucrn rcs, sea rching and sorting rcchniq ucs, dynami c storage allocat ion; applica­ t ions. Prcrcq uisirc: 10 1. Spring. (Sec also Computer Science I 06.) 302 Computer Organization (3) O rgani z:Hion and struct ur ing of majo r hard ware components of computers . i\ lechanics of infor­ ma ti on tra nsfer an<l contro l within a di gita l co rn putcr svs tcm. l' un­ darnc n tals of log ic des ign. Pre­ re q uis ite: CSC I 202 or co nsent. (Sec also Compute r Sc ie nce 302.) 311, 312 Intermediate Account­ ing I, II (3,3) Advanced t rea rrncnt of cas h- fl o", fund s-f"lo" ana lyses, preparat ion of finan c ia l sn1tcmc nt s 1 incornc tax a l loca t io n , rn lua t io n , fo rc­ cas ts1 cas h reconcil iatio n. Prc rcq ­

u isires: 21 2, .3 1 l for ., I2. 313 Cost Accounting (3 )

Cos e acco un ti ng from man age ria l. co nccpwa l and tec hni ca l , ·ic:" - po int ; produ ct, labor, rnatcr ia l

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