

FACULTY Professo r: Rvnd Assoc iate P rofesso r: Lin Ass is tant Professor: John son

term ma nagement of in ventory and paya bles. Prerequ isite : 370. 464 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (3) Methods , problem s a nd factors invol ved in launching and operat­ in g s ma ll profit and non-pro fit o rga ni za tions. Prere qui site s: 230, 3 70 or consent. 470 Strategic Management (3) H ow to determine strateg ic direct ion in organizations. Core s tudies and projccts prov ide prac­ tical app li catio n o f principles, with projec ts d es igned to provid e ac tual resea rc h exper ie nce, wi th case s tud y app roach. Pre req ui ­ s ites: 220,230, .1 28, 36 1,370. GRADUATE PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COURSES (ISIB) For ro11 ti1111i11g students 011/v. Students i11 the gmd11ate n11ph(lsis i11 i11tematioll(1/ business see the ,11. r\. i11 !11tercult11ml Studies progm111. 610,611 Area Analysis (2,2) The area a na lys is is a four-unit co urse, offered in a sequ ence of two two-unit segments. The first segment will inc lud e a re sea rc h format. Th e resea rch \\"ill b e focu sed on th e er:0110111ir, politiml a11d cultural a rea of the fi e ld s tud y. The second segment will focus on th e complet ion of a major integra­ ti ve pape r, drawing on the course­ wo rk, fi e ld stud y and resea rch. 615 Field Study (4) The Fie ld Study wi ll normall y be offe red during June/July. This will be a four-un it modu le, with the stu­ de nt spe nding six weeks in a cross­ cult ural se tting. The Study may include seminars, an inte rnship in a for-profit o r non-profit e nte rpri se and opportuniti es for visit.5 to areas of inte res t. A business faculty mem­ be r will oversee the fi e ld study. 620 Independent Study (1-4) In-d e pth in ves tigation of a topic under the g uid ance of the fa culty. u s ing sta ndard researc h p roce­ dures. Top ic se lection and course enro llme nt by advisor's app rova l. 625 Seminars (1-3) Ma y be repeate d with diffe re n t topics in c ludin g int e rn at io n a l d eve lopme nt , reg iona l issues, o r s peciali zation s in int e rn a ti o nal business concern s.

purchas ing, negotia ting, marketing resea rch , market scg ,n enca ci on, pe rso na l se llin g, sa le s manage­ ment, promotion and ethics in the bu s iness to business marketing e nvironment. Pre requi site: 230. 436 Retail Management (3) E xa mination and eva luation of changing concepts of retailing and merchandising from a management viewpoint. Philosophy of modern managen1enc and n1easurcs of retail productivity arc employed in indi ­ vidual stud ent fi e ld projects. Pre­ requi site: 230 or consent. 437 Real Estate (3) Laws re lating to ri g hts and obl i­ gat ions inherent in ownership of real property; how title to re a l propert y is tran sfe rred; home­ s t e ads , trust a nd d ee d s, li e n s; land desc rip tions; esc row proce­ dure s; title in s ura n ce ; th e real estate broker. Pre re qui s ite : 361. 450 Directed Studies (1-4) Ex te nsive exp loration of the litera­ ture in a selected fi e ld of business or economics und e r fa culty g uid­ ance. Prerequi s ites : upper di vi­ s ion s tanding and consent. l\,Ja y be repeated with different section title fo r maximum of six units. 453 Seminar in Marketing Technologies (1-3) Purpose of course is to lea rn a nd immediate ly app ly practi cal tech­ nological skills ch at are necessary in tod ay's rapid ly chang ing e nviron­ ment. Indi vidual units satisfied by fi ve -week modul es. Topi cs may inc lud e : web page d eve lopme n t, internet ma rke ting and computer gra phics. Pre requi sites: 220, 230. 460 Business Internship (1-3) Bus iness work experience related specificall y to field of s tud y. A proposal de sc ribin g lea rnin g objectives, co ll atera l reading and ex pected b e ne fit s mu st be s ub­ mitted a nd accepted by a supe r­ viso r/ ins tructor during the semes ­ ter prior to regi s tration. Depart­ menta l approva l req uired. 462 Investments (3) Prin c ipl es for th e indi v idu a l in ves tor; tes ts of a sound invest­ ment, in fo rmation sources; types of stocks a nd bo nd s; mechanics of purchase a nd sa le. Pre requi­ sitcs: 202 , 370. 463 Advanced Corporate Finance (3) Advanced analysis of the manage­ ment of long-term asse ts, debt and equity, including capital acquisi­ tion s. Some attention to s horter

encounter in the bus iness world. Th e co urse content will inc lude examination of va lu e structures and crit ica l decis ion making that is founded upon the Ch ri s tian faith. Prerequisite: 328 (majo rs) and consen t (nun-maj o rs) . 430 International Economics and Trade (3) Princ ipl es and theo ry of interna­ ti ona l trade; ana lys is of U.S. trade with lead in g indu s trial nation s; trad e a nd growth in de ve lopi ng countri es; nationa l po li c ies affec t­ ;ng trad e; economi cs of foreign exc ha nge: ba la nc e uf payme nt s and monetary arrangements. Prc rcq uisires: 20 1, 230. 432 Marketing Research (3) Understanding the role of marke ting research in management dec ision making. P rojec t approach to the market ing search process of sccond­ ary research, focus groups and survey preparation, collection and analys is. Preparation of written re sea rc h reports. Prerequisi tes: I 90, 220, 230. 433 Marketing Decision Making (3) As the ca pstone course for marke t­ in g majors. e mpha s is w ill be placed on re-examining the ent ire ma rk eti n g decision process through the utili zation of ma rket­ ing case ana lys is. The re will also be focus on career preparation such as choosing an indust ry, deve lop­ ing a resume and sharpen ing inter­ viewing skills. Prereq ui sites: 230, 332,337. -+32, -t3-t, -t35 or conse nt. 434 Global Marketing Management (3) Focus on the formulat ion of global marketing s trategies. Pre­ se nts a co ncept ual ove. rvicw of t he world market e nv ironment. The manager's perspect ive in th e fie ld s of int e rn atio nal bu si ne ss arc analyzed . At t hc comp le tion of the cou rse, scudc nts should be a bl e to plan a nd impl e me nt an integrated in te rnation a l market­ ing strategy that is dri ve n by their anal ysis of, and adaptat ion to the remote and c ha ng in g e xte rnal e nvironment. Prerequi site: 230. 435 Business to Business Mar­ keting (3) A practical a pproac h to und e r­ sta nding and impl ementing mar­ keting strategics as ap pli ed to the bus iness to bus iness sector. Spe­ cia 1 atten ti o n will be g ive n to examination of va riou s ma rke ting employment pos iti ons in c luding analysis of the fo ll owing subjects:


While primaril y pro v idin g se rvi ce co ur ses fo r other pr o­ g rams. the department docs offe r two progra ms with chemi stry as the major compone nt. These a re 13ioc hc mi strv a nd Ph ys ica l Sci­ e nce with a chemi stry e mphas is. Since chem istrv is the study of matter and the changes it under­ goes , seque nces of co urses arc dcsigned to meet rhe needs of stu­ dents as they prepare for a var icrv of diffc rc nt majors that re quire a n understanding of the nature of mat­ tcr. The objective of these courses is to provide the stude nt with a basic understanding of the laws of theo­ ries of chemis try suc h that the stu ­ de nt will be able ( I) to explain the basic phys ical and chem ica l prope r­ ti es of matter in te rms of its st ruc­ turc, (2) to do quantitat ive problem so lving, (3) to ga in some leve l of proficicncv in laboratory methodol­ ogy, and (-t) to be acquainted with bas ic resource material in chem istry.


r\ Bachelor ofScie11a: degtff i11 Phys­ ical Stie11te fJJ•ith r, Che111ist1y e111phasis is offered. The requirements for th is major arc g i, en under the Phys ica l Science Depart me nt. Th e Bi o­ chemi stry Program is given below.


A Che111ist1y , l!i11or requires the compl et ion of 21 units, inclu d ing th e following co urses: C hemistry 105, 106. 301,302, 3 1I, 3 12. and e ithe r 350 or -ti I. -+22f\/B. Six dis­ t inc t c hemistry mino r units apart from any other major or minor.

60 • Course Description s

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