

Bioche111is11y is the s111dy of the rhe///isl1T of liv i"g sysle/1/s. This i"1erdisripli//r1r1• progra/11 drr, m•s 11/)0/1 biology a/Ir/ rhe///is11y.

112 Principles of Organic and Biochemistry (5) Chemical bonding, stru ctu re, prop­ e rti es and reactivity a pplied to orga ni c and b iochemical com­ pounds. Includes basic metaboli c processes and nuclear c he mi stry with a ppli cat ion to medicine and health. l\ leers t he Nurs ing require­ ment in chem ist ry. Four hours lec­ tu re and three hours lab. Prerequi­ s ite: passing grade on Chemi stry Placeme nt Exam, Chemistry 9 1 or 105 with at least C+. L ab fee: $-+0. 301, 302 Organic Chemistry (3,3) Structure, properties a nd reactivity of ca rbon-co ntaining compo und s with emphasis on reaction mecha­ nisms. App licatio ns to biological svstems a rc integrated through ou t the co urse . Conc urre nt o r prior enrollment in Chemistry 3 11 , 3 12 required. Prereq ui s ite : 106. 311, 312 Laboratory in Organic Chemistry (1, 1) The laboratory portion of C hcm­ is rrv 30 1, 302 which must b e ta ke n conc urrentl y. Techniques fo r the sy n thesis, characteriza­ t ion , identification a nd iso la tion , of organ ic compound s. (3 hou r laboratory) Lab fee: $-rn. 350 Analytical Chemistry (5) A survey o f c la ss ica l c hemica l method s of ana lysis s uc h as t itri­ mctri c and g ravimetric a long with va riou s in s trument a l m ethods

Pl ace ment Exam. Offered in th e sp ring. Units do not count toward gra duation requirements. 100 The Material World (3) The basic principles of c he mi stry fo r the non-science major. lls<.:s materials of modern soc ie ty as a th eme for exp lo rin g the proper­ ti es a nd str uct ur e of matter as ll'C II as th e methods and conse­ quences o f tran sfo rming nawral resources to cons ume r produc ts . 105, 106 General Chemistry I, II (4,4) Principles and th eo ri es of the s rrucrur<.: and properties of matter. Chem istry IOS includes sto ichi om­ et ry. atom ic theorv, the periodic table, c hem ica l bonding, molecu­ lar structu re, nomenclature, chem­ ica l reactions, states of matter, gas laws and so luti ons . Prerequisites for 1 OS: hi g h sc hoo l chcmistrv or C hem istry 092, two vea rs of high sc hoo l algebra and a passing grade on the Ch<.:m is rrv Placement Exam . Chcmistrv 106 includes chem ical kinetics , eq uilibrium , the rmodynamics. so lubility, acid­ ity, clcccroch<.:misrry, coord inat ion complexes and var ious special top­ ics . Prerequisite: Chemi s try 105.

inclu d ing e lectroc hem ica l, spec­ troscopi c and c hromatog raph ic. Three hou rs lec wre, six ho urs laboratory. Pr e re quisite: 30 1. L a b fee: $60. 411,412 Biochemistry I, II (3,3) Fundamenta l concepts of metab­ ol ism, bioc ncrge tics, biosynth es is and other c h e mistr y o f life processes. Three hours lecture. Prerequi s ite: 302. 420 Special Topics in Chemistry (3) Shorr subjects in s uch a reas as th e c hemical lit e rarnre , va rious in str umental method s, pol ymers, organomccallics a nd industria l chem istrv. Prerequisite: depart­ me ntal approval. 422 A,B Laboratory in Bio­ chemistry (1, 1) A laboratorv course to accompany Biology -ll l , -ll 2 (C he m istry 4 11 , -l 12). The iso lation, c harac teri za ­ tion and ana lys is of biomolecules including th e use o f biochemica l instrumentation and methodology for work in prot e in s tru ct ure , enzymologv , metabolism a nd genetics. Prerequisite: Chem istry 302. Lab fee: $-10 each semes ter. 480 Special Project in Chemistry (1-3) Resea rch or industrial in ternship . Require s a wr itten repo rt. Pre­ requi s ite: departme n ta l approval.


The major is ,ksigncd espe­ c iall y fo r those s tudents planning a ca ree r in t he health profess ion s. Th e requirements for schoo ls of m ed ic in e, pharmacy, denti s try and medical technology arc met within t hi s major. This program a lso prepar es one fo r graduate sc hoo l in a va ri ety of bioscience progra m s. Th e re a rc excellent opporrnnitics fo r ca ree rs in biotcchnical, pharmaceutical and environmental related businesses and governmenta l agenc ies.


A Barhelor of Srie//ce degree i11 !Jioche///is11y is offered upon com­ pletion of th<.: univers ity bacca lau­ reate and major requi reme nts. The biochcmis rr) major cons ists of 6 I uni ts of chem istry, b iology, ph ys ics and math co urses. Required lower di vis ion (28 uni ts) a rc: C hemis try I05, I06; Bi ology 11 I , 112; Ph ys ics 111 , 112 o r 132. 233; l\lath 105. Req uired upper d ivision (ZS units) arc: Chem istry 301, 302,311,3 12, 350, -lZZAB; Biology 3 12, 411, 412; Ph ys ica l Science -l60 (or Biology 470). Electives (8 uni ts, of which -l must be upper di,·ision) to be cho­ se n from: C hem istry 420, -l80: Biol­ ogy 28 1, 282. 3 1 I , 322, 3-l 2, -l0Z. -l3 1: Physics 23-l, 32 I, -l50. ,Vote: The g1 1 11er11/ er/11ct11io11 tt'q11in1mr111 for 111111hrmr11irs r111rl sti­ ettre is 111e1 'lf.'ithi/1 this /1/ajor. The foreig/1 lr111g1111gr rer;//ire111e//l is /lie/ by l'iJJ•o years i" high school or fo11r 1111i1s ofcollegr foreig/1 lr111g11age. COURSES (CHEM) (Chemistry and Biochemistry) 091 Basic Chemistry A (2) This cou rse is designed fo r sru­ dcn rs pla nn ing to e n ro ll in Chemistry 11 2 ( Prin c iple s of Orga nic a nd Biochemistry) but who did nor h ,1vc hi g h sc hoo l c hc mi s rrv or did not sco re suffi­ cient ly we ll o n the C h cmist rv Pl acement Exam. Offered in the fall. l 1 nits do not count toll'ard

Lab fee: $-+0 eac h semester. 110 Chemistry Topics (1-4)

Va ri o u s topics in int roductory c he mi stry. Prereq ui s ite: depa rt­ ment a pproval.

graduation require me nt s. 092 Basic Chemistry B (2)

Thi s cou rse is desig ned for stu­ dents planning to e nroll in Chem­ is tr y 105 (Genera l Chemistry) who did not pass the C hemistry

Course Descriptions• 61

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