
Christian Education


LEDL..125, i\lATH 11 7, 118, and

ach·anrnge of accderaced ,\ laster of

in clude: ISO, 25 1, 252, 260. 26 1, 37 1,380,382, -11 5, 42~ -!61 , -162 and one of the fo llowing: 372,373, 3 7-l. Bible 320 mu st be take n as

i\ ILISC 3 10 for c redential requireAm or i\ laster of Di, inicv programs

offered at T albot School of Theol­ ogl'. Severa l spccia li 1.acions a rc offered with chc i\l..\. degree. Spe­ cific informatio n an d qua lifi cat ion s for these degrc:c prograrns may be:

ment s. Students must pa ss the: general knowledge section of the Na ti o nal T e ac hers Exarninacion (NTE ) prior to scud c: nt teac h ing. The student mu st consul t wi th t he:

Dean: Denni s H. Dirks, Ph.D.

Dea n of the Facu lty :

th e Bibl e elective.

i\lichacl J \\'ilkin s ,Ph.D. Cha ir: Ri chard J. L eyda, Ph.D.

I n add iti o n to the 37-un it core, each student is encou raged to se lect a spec iali zation of 10 units to bc taken either within or

Dcpa rcrn c ncs of C hri st ian l:duca,c:curcd through an academ ic a(h i­


tion and l:ducation for spcc ifi cs . sor in the: C. I·:. dcpartmc: nt or from out s id e of the C hri stia n l,d ucathe' I'alboc admission, office.

Those i111eres1ed i11 this 1earhi11g rredmtial should be arh:ised that all

Professors: Ant hony. Dirks,

cion a nd Biblical Studies Dcpart­

Iss ler, Lawson



to fu lfil l hi s/her e lec ti ve

Associate Professors: Ca rr.

requirernc:nrs . Th e re arc s ix spesi11ile .r11bjer1 1ead1i11g ardmtial pmA

{,'/11is1i"11 l•:rl11m1io11 . II i11is11ir'. I"

C unningham, Leyda

grams flit' 1111rlngoi11i revisio11. C:011- SIIII ru•ith the f~dumtiou d1'/)r111111m1 for detr,ils 011 nmrnl pmgm111s.

c iali zat ions from wh ich a stude nt may choose chat rcflcct a broad va ri ety of ministry opt ion-; in this

.lli11or rc:quirc:s the cornplction of 18 units including chc folloll'ing coursc:s: 252, 261 and one: of the age: additional up per di, is ion un its art: also req uired which ma) be selected by the swdent frorn any C .E . Jepartmcnca l offerings. Bihlc 320 rnust be taken as the Bible elccti, e.

Assistant Professor: Kirn


fic:ld. The dil'crsified spec ia li zabel courses (372, 373, 37-l). >line: Children

The Chr ist ian Education l\lin isrries rnajor is dcsigncd to develop and equip its graduates

tion a ll ows the st udent to design a prograrn chat hcst su its hi s/her

\ "ocat io nal opportunities with chis o ption include chi ldre n 's

l'ocarional interests.

for e ntry-le, ·cl professional mindirc:ctor o r rnin isccr in a local Th f(l'lll'ml al11mtirJ11 rl'q11ire-

churc h , a sta ff mcmbcr with orga ni za tion s that minister co c hildren in the l . niter! Scates o r o n a mission field. a ,niter of mater ial s for use with c hildre n.

111m1 for r, foreif(11 lr111wrag,' for those

istries in church and parachurch

agencies and co provide founda111fljori11g i11 C:hristifl11 al11m1io11 tion for seminar\" o r other gradurlepmrl.,· 11po11 the "'""ber of yMrs


that ru•ere m111plned i11 high srhool of the sa111e Jrm!i:[{11 la11p1r1ge. Sperifir

ate educat io n.


Certa in courses in the major 11 il l be designated and marked in the course schedule as '·Ser1 ice L earning C:our"lc~." "hich meet

req11irt'111e11ls f(lt' lister/ 1111rler "[(mYouth


eml er/11mlio11 ffq11i1mre11/s" for the


the complet ion of the

\ "ocat io nal op po rtu nit ies for

hr,d,elor of f(l1a· rl~((l fl'. Bachelor of A11s in C hri stian l~d uyo uth s p ec i a li zation would

A ll spec ia li zat ion coursc:s a re s ubject to deparrmcnrnl approval.

in clude a loc a l c hur ch ,our h

cac ion i\liniscrics, stud e nts will: 1. dcrnonstrate an understanding

the uni,·crsir~·\

"iCn ice learning

director or mini ster. a club d irecrequirement. These courses will Students may c hoose a gene ra l of biblical and theological printor for vo uch parac hu rch agcninclude t h e: th ree: practicum c ipl es derived from personal B.A. in C hri stian Educat io n i\linc ic s, a yo uth carnp directo r, a classc:s: .180, -161 and -l6Z. Bible stuuy chat will impact istrics or dec lare an area of spcC hri st ian ed ucat ion director in a c ial iLation. If a gc:ncral degree is their life: devcloprncnt and perchurc h t hat emphasizes yout h or so ugh t, the st uden t rnay c hoose COURSES (CEED) sonal spir itual format ion; an a"is isr anc or assoc iate pastor elccti, c cou rses from across the 2. develop knowledge. , ·a lues and 11·it h responsibilities for \'Outh. 150 Foundations of Ministry (3) l l nil'crsitl' to satisfy th e: tota l s kil ls t hat serve as a basis for ,\n OI c 1Yic11 of thc discipl in e of nurnbcr of units needed for gradAdult and Family bal anccJ adult life and profesChristian l'.ducation :\linistries. ua t ion, with the approrn l of th c \ 'ocational opportunities with sional ministry se r1 ·icc; T opics o f stlllh include the his­ studc:nt's acadern ic advisor. I f 3. appl y pr in c ipl es. concepts and t hi s spec ia li za ti on include d irc:c­ torical and thcological natu rc of the student c hooses to idenrify a to r/pastor o f adu lt and farnil, methods that facilita te o rga nithc church, principle, of c, angc l­ specialization. evide nce of t ha t 111ini st ri cs or associate pastor with za t ional leadership of discip le is 111 and cdification. spir i tual focus shoul d come th rough a li st responsibilit ies in these areas . making mini suics in a \'a riccy gifts, training and equippi ng lal' of 10 units of spcc ia li ion of interpersona l sett ings: lntercultural leadc:rship, and an e~amination of -t formulate a rationa le for rnin co ursework approved in cons rilrn­ \ 'ocational opportunities with contcmporan carc:c r opporrun i­ cion with the srn dent's ach- iso r. ism, based on th eo logical, h isthis option include scrl'ice o n a tic:s and p,rra-church rnini,cric:,. torical, ph ilosophica l and soc ia l Elementary Teaching fore ig n mi ss ion field o r sc r1 ice in Offe red fa ll /spring. science p c rs pecci,·cs chat one of the man v s ub cu ltures in Credential Program (64 units) 251 Foundations of Leadership (3) inforrn programrnatic ministry the United Scates . Th e C hri st ia n Educat ion Ba, ics of b iblical principles anJ development: i\ l ini scr ics/ teaching em ph as is Diversified leadersh ip thcorl' ,ind dcl'e lop­ 5. achieve a wo rking knowledge majors muse com p lc: tc a core o f 6-l Thi s option is for those who rncnt of pc:rsonal lcadc:rship qual­ of ccac.:h ing- lcarning process unit s, of which 2-l mu s t be upper ities. Offcrcd fall scmc:sccr. wish to d es ig n a s p ecia li zatio n and make appropriate ap pli cadivision and i nc lud e: 150, 25 1, un ique to their interests, suc h as tion in a variety of int erpe r252 Foundations of Teaching 260. 26 1,37 1,372.380..,82: l~d uchurch-re late d ca rnpin g. coun sc:1- so na l sett ings with sc ns icivicv Ministry (3) cation 30 1, 330, 34 1, -l Z0, -130, i ng, commun ication, business, co individual needs and deve l1\ l ajor em ph asis upon learning -l-10, and -l-12. Bibl e 320 must be oprncnrnl understandings. mu s ic, computer sc ie nce, etc. tht:ories a nd their applicat io n to taken as the Bibl e elect i, e. teac hin g the Bible II ithi n t he Education -l-l0 may be: taken Pre-Seminary Preparation context o f the local churc h and DEGREE PROGRAM bc:fore graduat ion in li eu of CE -16 1 For t hose who desire to purs ue: pa raehurch agcncic:,. Offcrcd A Bad,elor ofA,ts dl![(ffC i11 Chris- and -162. Certa in specific genera l grad uate work, t he und ergrad uate: spr ing scmestc:r. 1ir111 Ed11mlio11 ,lfi11i.r1ries is offe red educat ion co urses arc also required major has bee n designed to prepare upon complet ion of the university wh ich include:: Psycho logy 200 and the stude nt fo r continued academi c 260 Foundations of Interper­ ba cca laureate and rnajor requirePhvs ica l Education 20 I. a nd profess ion a l dc, ·elop mcnt sonal Re lationships (3) me nts. The C hri st ian Education This option corn bines t he C.E. through c nro ll rn c nt in a t heologica l Focuses on dc:1 eloprncnc of rcla­ Mini seri es major requires the commaj o r core: with lib eral stuu ics seminary. The: s tud ent graduating cion-;h i p~ and comm uni cation p let ion of a core of 37 units. 2-l of cou rses. This spec ial io n with a Bachelor of Arts in C hri st ian ski ll s het11c:c:n indi, iduals and wh ich rnust be uppe r division and req uires ARTS 306, ENGL 380, Education ma v he a bl e to rake: within small groups. In c ludes

62 • Course Descr iption s

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