
cou rse instructor, a nd in te rn ship s ite s up e rv iso r. (T e n ho u rs pe r wee k in supe rvised inte rn ship is re quired . ) C hri s tian Ed uca cion l\ lin iscries lll ajo rs o nl y. P re re qui­ sites : 252, 380. Offe red fa ll /s p ring. 462 Internship Ill : Leadership Development (2) Pe rsonal leade rshi p deve\opllle nc focused on p reparing stude nts wit h knowledge and skill s necessarv for sustaina bl e life and career vita li ty. E111ph asis placed o n c h aracte r deve lopment in areas such as pe r­ sonal integrity, s111 all group accou n t­ abili ty, pe rsonal purity, e motio na l wholeness and spiricual lllacur icy. Lifel ong learning strategies will be di sc ussed co e nabl e scud e ncs co make chis e lllphas is a susta in ab le discip line. ('T'en hours per week in supervised internship is req uired.) For Ch ri stian Education i\ l iniscries majors on ly . Pre req ui s ites : 380, 46 1. Offered fall/sp ring. 470 Current Topics in Christian Education (1-3) Designed fo r upper division scu ­ dc ncs in C. E. who wane co scudy s pec ia li zed top ics no t cu rre ntl y covered in cata log co urse offe r­ ings. !\ l ay be taken cwo t im es w i t h different emp h asis. Fee rn av be requ ired. Adrnission by academic adv iso r a pp rova l. By arrangeme nt. 480 Independent Study in Ch ris­ tian Educat ion (1-3) Deve lopme nt of skill in independ­ ent study of copies in t he fi e ld of C hri s ti a n Educat io n i\l ini scri es . Prerequis ite: Senior leve l C h ris t­ ian Educat ion Min iseri es majors o nl y and depa rtlll e n tal approval. !\ l ay be repeated. O ffe re d fal l/sp ring. by a rrangement.

co nfli c t reso luti on in rnini stry. Offered fa ll /s pring. 261 Foundations of Development (3) Incrod uc ci on co hurn a n develop­ rnenc. Aspects of deve lopme nt wi ll inc lud e the ph ys ica l, incel­ leccua l, soc ia l, perso na l, moral an d spiritua l, coveri ng ch e who le lifespa n as a base for a mor e holi st ic C hri st ian ed ucat io n min­

o ne of t he age level courses: 372, 373 or 374 . By arrangc 111 e nt. 422 Singles Ministries in the Church (2) Iss ues a nd need s of ne \'er- lll ar­ ri ed a nd for111e rl y ma rri ed pe r­ so n s, in c luding id e n ti t y cris is. role definition, se lf-acceptance a nd t h e de, ·e \op lll e n c o f inci- 111 acy . Resources. progra lll s a nd s ki ll s for lllinisce rin g co th ese needs a re e111p has izcd. Offered sp ri ng sc lll esce r, odd yea rs. 426 Foundations for Counseling Ministry (3) ln vesc iga cion of fo un datio ns for pasro ra l coun se ling co indi,·idua ls and falll ili es in m ini s try sett ings. Scudy of psycho log ica l theories a nd a vis io n fo r c hurc h comlll u­ ni cy will be fo ll owed b v the deve lopment o f persona l co un ­ se li ng ski ll s fo r li s tenin g a nd co mpassion. C.E . l\ l a j o rs o nl y. Offe red spring semester. 428 Family Ministries in the Church (3) Bibli ca l co ncepts of t he fa111il y; survey of th e need s of whole and frag111 en t e d falll i l i es in t h e churc h; resources and tech niques ava il a bl e co meet these n eeds. Offered fall, odd years . 430 Camp Leadership (2) Study in t he p hil osop lw. obj ec­ tives, leade rs hip , p rogram a nd a drnini sc rac io n o f th e C hri stia n ca lllp. Investigacion into the trends of camping, both ce ntrali zed and dece n tralized. 'T' ec h niquc s in organiz in g and d irect in g a ca rnp progralll. includi ng cou nselor train­ in g. Ernphas izes uti lizat ion of camping co en hance church 's min ­ istry. Fee lllay be requ ired. Pre­ req ui s ite : li ppe r divis io n srncus.

cional progra lll s for the church and oc he r age nc ies . S cud c nc s rn ay choose 372 or 373. Pre requ is ites: 1.50, 26 1. Offered sp ring sclllescc r, 380 Internship I: Career Development (3) Pe rso na l and interac ti ve eva lu a­ ti o n of th e s cud enc's ca llin g co C hri s ti an ministry, in c lu d i ng c h arac t e r, g ifts, incer es cs, a nd abi liti es. F ie ld o bse rvations and o cher expe ri e nces designed co g ive pers pective a nd ai d in s11b­ scqu c nc pl ace lllcnt in vocat ional pra cc ic ulll a nd future e lll p loy­ rncnt in C hri st ia n e du ca tion age nc ies. T e n hours pe r week in s upen·iscd lllini scr v e xperience req uired. For Ch ri st ian Educa­ ti o n l\ lin iscrics m a j ors o nl y. Offered fa ll /spr ing. Fee: $20. 382 Historical and Philosophi­ ca l Foundations of Education (3) lncr od u c ci o n co h isto ri ca l a n d phi losop hi ca l fo und at ions of C hristi a n ed ucat io nal lllini s try. Each scudenc ll'i ll be ex pected co anal yze hi s own view of t he teach­ ing and learni ng process co estab­ li sh t he fralll ework fo r a pe rsona l and bibli ca l ph il osophy of C hri st­ ian ed ucat ion. Prereq ui s ites: ISO. 2.5 1, 252. Offe red sp rin g semester. 412 Missions Education in the Church (2) Bas ic adlllin istracio n of a progra lll w it hin the c hurc h 's e duca ti ona l min istry throug h whi ch rni ss ion s is caught to a ll age leve ls. By arrangement. 413 Women's Ministry in Chris­ tian Education (3) An exalllinac io n of che b ib li ca l, hi sto ri cal , and contempora ry per­ spect ives of wornen in leade rship ro les within a min is try. Assess­ me n t of ro le cx pc ccac ion, re la ­ t io ns hi ps and voca ti o nal opporcu ­ n i cics . Prerequis i te: 150. O ffe red sp rin g even yea rs. 415 Organization and Admi nis­ tration of Christian Education (3) An int roduction co the bibli ca l princ ipl es and cu rre nt prac ti ce o f management: plann ing, o rga ni z­ ing, srn ffin g, djrc::ccing, and eva lu­ at ing w it h spec ia l e mph as is upon th e ap p li cat ion of th ese fun ct io ns co church a nt.I parac hu rch ad lllin­ iscra ci o n. Pre requ is ites: 1.50, 25 1, 260. Offered fa ll se lllescer. 416 Curriculum Development (2) Essent ia l princip les in cur riculurn fo rlll ul ac io n including evoluti o n of ex is ting curr icula and curri cululll wr iting ex per ie nce. Prereq ui site:

is try. Offered fall se rncscc r. 319 Media in Ministry (2)

Sk ill de vc loprnc nc in t he des ig n and usc of audi o-visual tech nology for use in ministry co a ll age level s and in a wid e var ie ty of teac hing secc ings . By ar rangelllenc. 320 Inductive Bible Study (3) Essentia ls of inductive s cud v a ppl ied co biblical na rra ti ve and e pi sto lary li te racure. Prerequis ite: BBST I03. Offered fa ll/s pring. 371 Evangelism and Followup (3) An overv iew of th e b ibli ca l princi ­ p les of evange \i s lll and fo ll owup. Th e class wi ll seek co deve lop the ski ll s of pe rsonal eva nge li sm and exp lore bibli ca l teac hings rega rd­ i ng teac hin g a nd nurtur i ng as they ap pl y co loca l c hurc h and p arac hurc h agencies. Prere qui ­ s ite : 25 I. Offered fa ll se rn es te r. 372 Chri stian Education of Children (3) D iscovery and ern luacion of lll e th­ ods and rnace ri a\s ap pro priate for ach iev in g learn i ng ob j ect i ves whi ch lll ecc t he phys ica l, rn ental. soc ia l, e lll o ti o n a l a nd s pi r itu a l need s of c hil d ren (birch t h ro ugh grade s ix). Students llla y choose 373 o r 374. Prerequ is ites : 150, 26 1. Offered spr ing selll es ce r. 373 Christian Education of Youth (3) Exarn ina ci o n of t he adolesce nt in ou r e u lcure w ich elllp has is upon designing a llliniscry co ch is age level with in the context of the local c hurch a nd parachurch age nc ies. Eac h scude nt wi ll prepa re a lllOde l lllini s try co ch is age leve l (jun ior hi g h thro ug h col lege) fo r use in e nli stment and tra ining of worke rs and pa ren ts. Students rnay choose 372 or 37-t . Pre req ui sites: 150,26 1. Offered fa ll se lll escer. 374 Christian Education of Adults (3) Focus o n unde rstand ing che needs and deve lo pme nt of conte rnporarv ad ults. Di scove r\' o f the uniq ue­ ness o f ad ul t learn ing and in ves ti­ gation of design, cu rri cula. lll eth­ ods, and irnplelllentacion of educa-

Offered l ntercenn/sumlller 461 Internship II: Student Teaching Mi ni st ry (2)

Gu ided instruction in ski ll s neces­ sa ry for effect ive in st ru ct io na l dc li ve rv in t he conte xt of a c lass­ room, c hurc h se r v i ce, camp, or co nfe re nce set tin g . Elclllen cs incl ud e writing instructiona l objec­ ci ves, lesson plan pr e p a rati o n , delivering o pe ning illustrations, scorycc llin g tec hn iques, public reading, using animated gestures, mini mizing classroom disrrac.:cions, g iv ing instr uctions a nd p lacfor rn spea king strategies. The re will be scruccu red teac hing ex pe ri e nces in a fie ld seccing with a se lected age group. These wi ll be video ca ped for c ri t ica l anal ys is by the srndc nt,

Course Descriptions· 63

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