COURSES (COMM) 100 Introduction to Publi c Communication (3)
409 Production Practi cum II (1) Adrnnccd pract ical expe rie nce in dra 111 at ic p rocess . Credit fo r pe r forming in a p la\', set co nstruc tion, coswmc construction. pub licity, or other aspects of theatr i ca l process. i\ lust be taken t\\'ice fo r a rorn l of two un its. Fee: ZS. 422 Neurogeni c Communi cation Disorders and Dysphagia (3) Cm·ers assessment and treatment of cogn ici, c/commun icacion and swa ll o"· ing diso rder, resul t ing from stroke , trau 1nacic brain injurv, degenerati\'c diseases and ot her adu lt neurogcnic disorders. Diagnoses include aphasia. ap raxia. dssarthia. dementia and dvsphagia . P re requ is ite: 321, 324 or permission. 424 Aural Rehabilitation (3) Re, ie\\' of management proce dures used b) professionals fo r the re habilitat ion / habitation of persons with hearing impair ments. Includes speech reading, auditor\' train ing, hearing a ids and ocher communication sys t ems a nd assiscivc li~rcning dc,·iccs. 42 5 Audiol ogy (3) An atomy and p hvsio logy of the ear; hear ing prob lems. testing and rchahi l itation. Practical experie nce in pure tone thresh old tes t ing. Lab fee : $1.'i. 429 Clinica l Practi cum: Biol a Speech/ Language Clini c (1-2) Supervised experience " ·orking with persons "ith cornrnun ication diso rde rs in the Biola Speech C lin ic. Permi ssion of the depart ment must be secured the semes ter prior to enrol ling for this course. 1' lay be repea ted for a total of six units. Prerequisite: 3 I2, 32 I, 326, -1-t I, -l-t2 and departmcnral consent. 435 Writing for Perfo rmance (3) Creat ion of o riginal materia l fo r so lo or corporate dramatic pcr forma n cc . \\' orkshop for the p resentat ion of created original materials for stage. 439 Articulation and Phonologi cal Problems (3) O, en ie\\' of the etiologies, diag nosis and remediation of arricula t ion and ph onological problc:ms. P rerequisites: 32 1,324. 440 Communication Internship (1-3) Li mited to qual ified juniors or sen iors who \\'ish to gain practical exper ience usua ll y off campus in a wo rk siwar ion. Department per-
ous rraccical n10,·cn1cnc and voca l i1.acion theories "il l prm idc t he st udent a great command of the perfo rmer's primar, tool for act ing. 270 Interpersonal Communi ca tion (3) This course focuses on de, e lop ing comm un icat ion skil ls in th e dvadic setting inc luding emphas is on esse n tia l preconditions, con flict management, interpersonal relationsh ips, non-, erbal behav ior and crcati\'e sup portive climates. 280 Oral Interpretation (3) !_,ea rning to read t)pcs of lircra turc a loud in a manner t h at enhance, and enriches t he audi ence's unrk rsranding and app re ciation of that liccratun.:. 282, 382 Intercollegiate Foren sics (2-2) Practical speech expe ri ence in debate and indi, ·idual speaki ng e, cnts. Each section may be repeated once for a tota l of eight units. Prerequisite for 382: CO:--. l i\ l 282 or signature required. 321 Introduction to Communi ca tion Di sorders (3) Sun·ev of the , ·arious t\'pc.:s and class ifications of speech/language d isorders and the role of the speech patho logist in medica l and cduc,u ional settings. 322 The Deaf and Deaf Studies (2) Explo res prim,H) issues related to the deaf a nd deaf cu l ture. Topics covered include causes of deafness, methods of compensat ing for hearing loss, gestura l lan guages used in deaf cu lrnre and characteristics of the deaf culture. Fee : 40. 324 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech (3) ,\natom) and ph,siolog,· of t he speech and hear ing mec hanisms. T he normal processes of resp ira t ion. phonacion, arcicu lacion, res onance and hearing arc co, cred. 325 Speech and Hearing Science (3) Introduction to acoustics of soun d and t he ph\'s io logy a nd acoustics of speech productio n and perceptions. Topic, inc lude , o ice. resona nce, and indi, ·idual speech segments as we ll as in'.->trumcnrntion for analyzing the acoustic and perceptua l charac teristics of speech and heari ng. 326 Speech and Language Development (3) No rmal deve lo pment of speec h and language in children in te rms
of syntax, semantics, phonology and pragmatics. 1' lotor and cog niti ve deve lopme nt surveyed . 32 7 Childhood Language Disor ders (3) Stud , · of dclavcd language deve l opment and chil dhood language disorders. I nc ludcs theo ri es con ce rn ing et io logy, c lass if icat ion , evaluat ion and t herapy. Prereq uisi te: 32 1,326 or permi ss ion. 328 Fluency Di sorders (3) Rc,· ie\\ of the t heor ies concern ing etiology of flue ncy d isorde rs. Survey assessrm.:m and treatme nt approac hes fo r st utt er ing a nd c lutter ing. 363 Acting (3) Introduct ion to act ing tech ni q ue ra ngi ng from so lo and e nsemb le irnpro, ·cmcnt to basic scene work wit h theatr ica l texts . Pre req ui s ite: 263. 367 Conceptions of Stagecraft (3 ) Exp lorat ions in cos rnming, bas ic essent ials of rnakeup, se t des ign. sound, a nd mu lti-media usage. Fee: $2.'i. 383 Survey of Rhetorical Theories (3) i\ l ajor t heo ri es of rh eto rical and public address from c lassica l to contempnrar\' per iods. 385 Persuasive Communication (3) Techniq ues of persuasive speak ing and communicacion persua sion theo ries . Ex pe rie nce in t he p repa ration a nd dc li vcrv of speeches. Prerequis ite: 100. 386 Forms of Publi c Communi cation (3) App lication. practice and ana lys is of selected comrnu n ication forms from a rheto ri ca l pe rspect ive. Sections offe red in re li gio u s. po lit ical and social issues com m uni cmions . 1\ lay be repea te d with diffe re nt co urse content. 387 Organizational Communi cation (3 ) T he d\'namics of ional communicat ion center i ng in sys te rn s, str uctures and patte rn s; the ro le of commu ni cation in orga ni zational developme nt. 391 The Director as Performer/ Author (3 ) Art of d irect ion. examini ng pri n c iples of script anal\'sis, stag ing, pic t ur ization, rhyt hm, dra mat ic action. style, meaning, and othe r rclc\'ant issues facing t he d irec tor. Pre requisite: consent of instructo r. Fcc: $50.
De.:, elopment of communication ski lls in public speaking. The cou rse.: "ill include attention to 111ulr iculrnral communication encounter,. aud ience analY, i,. speech, research, organi1.acion and critical thinki ng. 109 Production Practi cum (1) Beginni ng directed practical experience in dra111atic produc tion. Credit for performing in a play, set con-,rructio n, costunH.: construction. publicity. or other aspects of the theatrical process. i\ l use be repeated twice for a tota l of two units. l'ec: $25. 140 Res ident Ass istant Pract icum (1-3) PrO\ ides students with the opportunit) to lc,irn , exercise and refine skill, "hich "ill fac ilitate personal gro\\ th and increase their abilit) to soh c problems as a member of the Residence Life Srnff. Student should be enabled ro reach higher lc\\.:h of se l f undostanding and deeper insights into dYnamics "hich enhance and hinder interpersonal relationships. ( :an not be counted to\\ ard the major. 160 Int roduct ion to Drama (3) Appreciation of drama through an understanding of its historica l de, elopment. forms. ,c,·lcs. and production techniques. Lab Fee: $60. 170 Small Group Communi ca tion (3) This course focuses on the indi , idual's co111municat ion in a group setting: leadership in group"; p:roup communication norms and processes "ith cmplrnsis on problem solving and contlicc 111ana1scmcnt techniques. 181 Introduction to Argumenta ti on and Debate (3) "ffccti, e oral communication: in, cntion, analy\is, c\·idcncc, methods of attack and defense and arrangemt:nt of ideas. 220 Voice and Arti cul ation (3) \ ' oice imp ro, emc11t through stlld) of the ,oicc in perfo rm ance . The class fcarurcs training in articulation, pronunciat ion ancJ related oral ski lls. 263 Beginning Acting (3) This foundational acting c lass c m the use of t he per former's body. r\ttcntion to ,ari-
Cou rse Descriptio ns· 65
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