
Mass Communication

465 Rhetorical Criticism (3) Evaluation and assessment of communi cation sou rces and arti­ facts. Application of c riti ca l methodologies (e.g., penradic. narraci, ·e, femini::,c. metaphoric, gene ri c) to gcncr,1tc scho lar!)

mission required. 1\ lay be repeated fora maximum of six units . 441 Diagnostic Methods (3) Sun·cv of proc<.:dures ranging from inten ic11 ing to formal and informal test, i111"oh·ed in the eva luati on and assess ment of speech, language, \'oicc. cogni­ tive a nd swal lowi ng problems in c hildren a nd adults. Prerequi­ sites: .,2 1. 32-l. Lab fee:$ I 0. 442 Therapeutic Methods (3) Introduction t0 genera l therapeu­ tic approaches and specifi c tech­ niques of habi lirntion and reha­ bilitation of speec h, lan guage, voice, cogn iti, e and swa ll rl\\ ing problems in ch il d and adult pop­ ulati ons. Prerequisites: 32 1. 32-l. I ,a b fee: $ I 0. 444 Voice and Organic Disor­ ders (3) Topi cs to be co, e red include: et io logies. assessment and treat­ ment of funct io nal and organic , ·o ice d isorders and related com­ munication disorders. Prerequi ­ s ite s: 321, 32-l or permission. 450 Communication Practicum (1-3) Directed practica l expe ri ence in thc var ious fie lds of comm uni ca­ tion. Permission of the depart­ ment must be secu re d th e semes­ ter prior to enro llin g for co urse . f\lay be repeated for a maximum of six units. 457 Communication Theory (3) Descr ipti ons and applications of communi cat ion theories s uc h as symbolic interaction. relational thc­ ori cs, narrative parad ig m and se lec ted gro up operat ional theories. 458 Methods of Communication Research (3) f\ lcrhodologv for communicat ion re sea rc h. including sampling. questionnaire tk:-,ign, introduc tion tO s tati st ics. Srndents co nduct su rvey research project. A major goa l is to become ,r dcpt at rcading and cva lu ac in,e; n.::'.-icarch reports. 461 Readers Theatre (3) Programming and presentation of prose, poe t ry and drama by two or more actors using th e ski ll s of oral interpretation as 11cll '" those of the actor. f\ lcrhods of prcparn­ t io n. performance and directing. 463 Advanced Acting Workshop (3) Further in-cle p th swdv of ch,rrac­ tc rizat ion, script ana lys is, and nu­ ious sty les of acting. Topics nu,) n1ry. Prerequisites: 263 and 363.

C hair: Tom ;'\ash, Ph. D. (Se!' r1/so {,'01111111111im1io11 S111rlil's Dt/)(111 Ille/II) FACULTY Professors: Na,h Associate Professors : Fisher. Gon1.ales Assistant Professors: Sch111idt

cas t Journal ism. l'rint and Internet Jo urn a li sm. or Publi c Relat ions. Obtaining a degree "ith this major requires -lS units. of wh ich 24 units must be upper di, ision. Th e 2-l-unit core required of all Journali sm major, is: 106, 107. 202 .. B l . 332. -l-l0, 4.'i7 and COf\lf\l-! 78. ( ,'omp!t'lt yo11r major l~v sdffti11g 0111' o/1ht'_ fi,/lou'·i11g m1m•111m1io11s: Broadcast Journalism: .,36. 34 7, Yi I. .,88, -l ., 1, -l.B, and -l.'iH. Print and Internet Journalism: 330 (3 semesters at I uni t each). .,.,4, 3-!7, 388. -!3 I. -!33, and 4.'i8. Public Relations: 284, .l.H .,-!7 or 388,389. CO\ l i\ l .l87 or Bl 'S:'1 .,28. plu, t110 clcctin:s from COl-- 1\I 38.'i: \ICO ,\I 392. -l .,3. -!SH or IH 1 S:\' 332. 3.,7, or-!53. .\'oi,': /J11si11es., .?3//. /111mr/11riio11 /() .l/arl:tti11g. is rt.YfJJl/lll/lllrlf'rl (IS ti "gtm'1rJ/" l'krtir..·c as 11 pn·- rrr;11isilf' for l/lllli't'li11g (IJIIFS{'S. Radio-Television-Film Radio/TV/Film Major Admission Policy To help potential student, determine II hcther or not the1 h,n e thc qualities needed to ,uc·­ cced in this highly competiti,c fie ld , 11c restrict admissiol1\ ro t h e Radio-Tclc, · is ion-Film ( RTF ) major. Admission to rhe u ni vcrs it;- docs not g uarantee admission into the major. After you ha, e been notified of ,our acceptance for admi\\ion tO Biola, scnd a letter requesting admission to the RTF major ro: Acccprnncc Committee f\ lass Communic,uion i)ept. Biola l 1ni, e rs ir, 1.,800 Biol a t\, enuc La :-.1 i rad a. C. \ l/0639 In this letter tell us about ,·our personal n1lues (what is important to yo u ), your ca reer goals, h o11 t hese ,goa ls relate to wJu r personal faith, and II h,· ,ou belie,e the RTF 111ajor ai l3iola l ' ni, ersit, can h elp yo u accomplish ,our goa ls. Il e smc to gi, e us vour con­ tact information including phone numbcr(s). e-mail address (if an,) a nd mail address. In addition ,·ou arc encoura _gcd to submit c, i­ dcnce of prior e~pcricnce such as , id cotapes, scripts, samples of performance and/or lette rs of rec­ ommcndati<>n. A panel of RTF facult, \\'il l co n s id er ,our request and ,ou will be notified II irh in :,O da,s of rec<.:ipt of ,our materials. Srn­ dcnts ma, also appl\ for accept-

commcn tar\'. Lab fee: $ 10. 468 Drama for Christian Ministry (3)

Issues facing the Christian 11or­ sh ip o r dra111a coo rdin ator. E xpl orations of material for per­ formance in chance l and para­ churc h setti ngs. 470 Communication Seminar (1-3) \ "a riou s aspects and problems 111 t hc field, of comm unication. 472 lntercultural Communica­ tion (3) Rcla t ion shi p bernccn comm uni ­ cat ion a nd cultu re: with emphasi, on foctors affecting t he qualit, a nd proce,ses of interpe rsonal comm uni cation between p<.;r~on.., of diffe rent c ultures or s ubcul­ rnrcs. (Sec a lso INCS -E0.) 473 Multi-Cultural Communica­ tion (3) Stud,· and analy,is of iss ue, of crosscultural communication 11 i t hin ethnic gro up s primarih resi din g in rhe l 1 nit ed States. (Sec also l i\:CS-!2 1. ) 474 Advanced Studies in Com­ munication Behavior (3) Selected communication topics , aried b, sem<.:,tcr. Sections offered include: gender studies. relational srndic,, fami lv co111mu­ nicacion, dysf11nccional communi­ cat ion. J\ l a, be repeated w i th different course content. 478 Pragmatic Social Theories of Communication (3) A capstone course for all commu­ n ication majors. Sun·cy and ap pli ­ ca tion of social theories, including ncgoriacion'l. commun icat ion co the gr ie"ing, gender srnd ies. ci, ·il ­ icy. and grace in c..:ommunic..:ation and media critici,m. Prerequisite: junior or senio r stat us. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Indi vidual rc..,carch in areas of c..:om­ munication determined in con..,11 1- rntion with the instructor. f\ lay be repeated for a ma,imum o f three units. Prerequisite: con~cnc.


Ir is the pu rpose of t he i\laS'> Comm uni cation De pa rtment that when vou han; comp leted one of our majors you wi ll have : ( I ) well dc\'eloped personal and profe,­ siona l communicat ion ski ll s: (2) the abilit, w cont inu e to de, ·elop personall, and profess ionalh ,1ftc r graduation: (3) entry le, ·cl sk ill s for emp lo\'men t in ,r mass comm uni cation rc latcd fi e ld: (-l) indusrrv contacts and c, 1 e ri encc. (.'i) a workable 11orld , ie11 11 hich unifies ,our life's \\'Ork and ,our Chr ist ia;, faith and (6) Christ ·like att irndcs and habits.


l lpon completion of the uni­ , ·c..:rsit''.:, baccalaurcacc and major requirements, the \lass Commun i­ cation Department offers the Harh­ e/orof, l11s degree in three majors: ■ Journ alism ■ lbdio/"IY/ F ilm ■ f\ ht,s Communication Interdi,cip linar,· ,\ 'o!t: . Ill .I/ms Co1111111111im1io11 mr~ion· 11111st arhit' 'i. ' I' a mi11i11111111 gmde of "{,'" i11 all 111aior m111:,es 1r1le11 r11 Bio/a. , l11yo11t' receit·i11f!, a /ofi:.•tr !(radt 11111st repeal !ht NJ111:rt and t1'lt'h'1' a "{,'" or hdler. Tft,, 101a/ 11111111!1'1" of 1111i1s for 111aior 111m rnrlil fro m j)1:r1r1ioi111, i11itn1ship and diuYltrl n 1 st'11rrh r-0 111:fes 111a) 1 1101 exreer/ 11i111' 1111i1s.. I/so, a/( 1/ass Co1111111111im1io11 D11j)(ll/111t'ttl 111rtjo1:, an' 1rr;11in'rl 10 1ah ihl' Bihlim/ S111d­ i11s ./6.1 i111rgr111io11 sn11i1111r ralll'll ". lfrdir1 hhin· "for Rihlc ow/ii. Journalism Re spond in g to an industr, trend to\\'ard conve rgen ce . th~ journalis111 major prepares you for a ca reer in all aspects of the nc11 s indusrrv, 11 hethcr it is deli, ered b, radio, tcle, is ion, print, or Inter­ ner. or for a career in public re la­ t ion s . You hc~in with a core. of co urses that II ill g i\' e you ne11·s­ ga rhc.rin g, "ricing and delin;ry skills app li cable to all the media. The n, \'OU II ill specia li 1.c b, com­ pleting a concent ration in Broad-

66 • Course Desc ription s

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