
ancc into the RTF 111ajor \\'hil<.: already enro ll ed at Bi o la. A Rad io/T\ '/ Fi I111 111ajo r II i11 prcpa rc yo 11 for a profess ional ca reer in one of the exciting and i111p o rcant ca reer fie ld s li ste d be low. You will ha,·c many oppor­ tu n ic ics for actual production work and to do an industry re lated internship. The RTF 111ajor is -t'i units, of which 2-+ mu st be uppe r division. Choose one of the career cracks li sted belo11. Choose 011e of the folloru•i111s co11- tt11!1 t11io 11s: Media Performance Choosc thi s if vo u wane co be behind the mike (d isc jockcv, announcer) or in front of the cam­ era (ta lk s ho\\' host, pcrfor111cr, e tc.). i\ l usc include 202. 25 1, 3.'i l. 352, -+33. -+-+0 (3 units), -t56. -+57: COi\ li\ 1 263. 280. -+63. -+78, 363 or i\l COi\l 36-t; and 3 units of mass con1rnu ni cacion clecti\'t:S. Radio Radio is bigger tha n c,·cr. There arc mam· solid ca reer oppor­ tunities in both sec ul ar and Christ­ ian scaciom. i\ Iusr incl udc 202, 25 I, 336, 35 I. 355. 36.'i. -t .1.1. HO (.1 units), -t50 (3 units), -tS.'i , -+56. -+57. -t58; COi\ li\l -t 78. and 3 uni ts of mass commun ica tion electives. Motion Pi cture Production Thi s c111phasi, includes things chat arc done be hind the scenes to m,1 kc a 111 ov ic, fro111 prc: -prod11c­ cion planning through postproduc­ cion editing a nd so und. i\ lu s t includ e 202, 2.'i l. 352,356.357. 358, 359, -+33, -+-+0 (.1 units), -t5 2, -+56, 457, -t58. -+6-+: COi\ 11\ I -+78. Motion Picture and Television Directing Thi s emphasis wi ll give sm ­ dencs a stro ng foundat ion in the a rti s ti c, tec hni ca l, fi nancia l and int e rp ersonal aspects of th e induStr). i\lu st include 25 1. 352. 3S6. 357. 358, 3S9 . -t33 . 4-t0 (3 units). 452. -t56. -+5 7. -+62; CO1\ l1\ I 39 1, -+78..163 or :--. 1coi\ 136-t. Screen Writing All of 111edi a starts here. \\'ric­ ing is a sat isfying and influential ca reer ficld. st in cl ude 202, 352 . 3.'i6. 3.17. 358, -t3 3, HO (3 units) , -+-+7. -t56, -t5 7, -t58: COi\ l i\ l -t35, 478 , r: ngli sh 220 (L iccrawrc & Fi lm ). and Engli sh 3-t-t. Television/Video Production Th is e111phasis inc ludes srn­ dio and locat ion shoot in g, edit­ ing, 111uch mor e. i\ lu s r include 202. 25 I. 352. 353, .155..156. -t3.1 .

-+-+0 (.1 units). -t53. -t56, -t57. -+58. -t6-t: COi\ l i\l -t 78 and 3 unirs of ma ss commun ication c kccivcs. Audio Production Audio s t and , on it s own 1n radio. record s and conce rts. and is an equa l partner \\'ith p ict ure in television. and film. Th e re arc 111an ) career opporwni t ics in chis , ibranr field. :--. lust include 202, 25 I , 3S2, 365. -t33, -+-+0 (3 units). -t S0 (3 uni ts), -tSI. -t56, -t57, -t.58. and eit her 353 and -+53 or 359 and -+52: COi\li\l -t78: plus 3 uni rs of mass co rnmuni cacion c lcc ti\ cs. Media Management \\'h) noc be the boss 1 Surpris­ ing ly, th ere arc 111any excellent and good paYing jobs in 111 anagc­ lllcnc aspects of lllcdia co111pa­ nies. 1\ lust include 202, 355. 392. -t 33 . -t-+0 (3 unit s), -t.55, -t SS : CO i\ l i\ l .187 and -t 78. ,111d Busi­ ne ss 111. 230. -+ 3 -+ , -t6-t and 6 units of bus incss ckccivcs. MASS COMMUNICATION INTERDISCIPLINARY MAJOR I f Yo u h,we unusual carccr plan s that don 'c fit II el l with one of the existing lllajors. the ln cc r­ d isc iplinan· lll ajo r ma y be ju st ri ght for YO U. Beg in bv consulting with a n ad, ·isor frolll the i\ l ass Communication Department. Your ,1dvisor "ill hc lp yo u choose ,1p propriatc co ur ,es. Th ese may in c lu dc cou r,es from orhcr departments. You "ill then co111 - plctc a fo rm (arn ilable from the i\ l as s Communi cat ion Dep art­ me nt ) in " ·hi c h yo u de scr ib e career goals and g i, c ,1 racionak for c:ac h of the coursc:s se lected. Th c for111 "ill be sub111im.:d co a committee made up of yo ur ach ·iso r. t he i\ lass Co111munica­ tion Dcparc111 ent c ha ir. and a third facultv member. Th e co lll- 111ittc:e ma y acce pt the proposa l as s ub111icrcd. 111akc min or change, before acce p t in g it. o r reject it. If accep ted, th e proposal bcco111cs part of ,our gradu ation requ irc111 c nts . I n mak in g its deci s ion th e comm ittc:e ,rill consi der the fol­ lowing: ( I ) t he proposcd co urse;, sho11ld prepa re , cud c ncs we ll for the sca cc:d ca rec: r objectives; (2) th e proposa l shou ld fo cus stud v to a li mited a rea chat ca n be cm - c reel in ckpch: (.,) the academic rigor of the proposa l should bear lea se eq ual co rhac expected of ocher mass com muni cc1 ti o n

maj o rs ; and (-+) whet he r or not these goals ca n be met bette r through another lll:1jor. Obtainin g; a deg ree with chi s 111ajor requi res a 111inimu111 of -+5 units, 2-+ of which lllUSt be from the 1\lass Co111lllunicacion Depa rt­ ment. T wo spec ifi c co ur ses, :--. JCOi\ l -t58 and CO\ 1\1 -t 78, are requirc:d. A 111inimulll of 27 units lllU St be upper division. Th e interdi sciplinary proposal lllusr be submitted no lacer than t he first sc111este r of the junior yea r. MASS COMMUNICATION MINOR A i\lass Co111munication linor is offcrcd \\'ith co 111pl ct io n of a minimum of 2 I units, 12 nf \\·hicl1 mu s t bt: upp er divis ion . 1\lu s t include i\ lCO. I -t58 and COi\ 1:--,1 -t78. Contact the \lass Co111111uni­ cac ion l)q1arcment for advisement rega rding spc:citi c courses. ON-CAMPUS LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES K/J/JA": Our full-t ime campus li111iwd Fi\1 -,ccrco radio s tati on gives yo u a great opporcunitY for " o n air'· cxpt; ri c ncc in radi o broadcasci ng. Fag/e l'isio11: Biola's tele vis ion news service . keeps students up­ to-date " ·ich campus events and g ives Journalis111 stud e nts rnlu­ ablc practi cal cx pc ric:ncc. '/'ht' Chi(l(es: Jo urnali sm sw­ dc nts ge t pract ical news rcport­ ing, ph otog rap hv. w ri ting and ed itin g; experience b y wo rkin g for " Th e C hi mes,,. 13 iola 's wee kl y ncwsr apc r. T!tt /Jio/r({(: Our co ll ege Year­ book provid es not onl\ yea rs of rnc.rnorics, but practi ca l cxpcri<.:ncc in photography. layom and writing. ,l/n1101-i1([[. The \lass Co111111u­ nicacion Departme nt has a Studio Advi sory Task Force made up of media professionals who are also Christian s, drawn from the: I lol lY­ wood co111munit\' and ot her media product ion centers . \\'ich mo re than 250 111embers, our T a, k Force pro,· id cs s tudent s with exce llent opportunities for onc-to­ o nc.: me ntorin g relat ionships, inte rn ships. and more. Chrisfi{(/ts a11d ,1/alirt Co11fn­ t 'J1ffS: Once a yt:cll" wc bring about SO 111 cdia profes, ional s rn campus for a cwo-d :w co nfe rence on a wide range of media related top­ ics. Christians and i\ ledia confe r­ enccs are also held in a numbe r of oc her c itic s thro ug ho ut the

co uncrv. For up to elate informa­ t ion c hec k ou r web s ite . www.Ch rist iansand med /111n 11ships: \\"ich hundreds of internship opporwnitics avai labl e. we ca n he lp vo u find an intern­ ship chat \\'ill give you great prac­ tical ex perience in the indus try. plus valuable induscrv contac ts.


·l'hrough the Council fo r Ch ri st­ ian Colleges and l ~ni\'e rsici cs, of wh ich 13iola is a member, you wil l have excit ing stud y opportunities in the: following off campus progra111s. \ lore informati on abo ut these pro­ grams can be fo und in the "Special Programs" secti on of th is cata log, or at w;, on the web. lfvou arc interested in one of these programs please consult with vour ach·isor as ea rl y a, poss ible. l .os /wgelt'S Fil(/( St((dies Ce111e1, Scudc ncs li\'e and stud y aspects of the film business while living in th e Hol 1'· 11·ood area fo r a semes ter. Fite Co111e111po1,11y .llusir ( 'e111er For mu sicians or chos e who wish to wo rk behind the scenes in t he mu , ic induscr, , chis program gives yo u a semcsce r-long opportunicv co scudv the 111usie ind ustry. You spc: nd most of the se me s ter in beautiful :--. Jarcha·s \ ' inc va rd. plus have an in cc nsi,·e fi e ld expe rience in Nas hvillc ;\(l(erirr111 S /f(dit's Progm(I(: A g rcat se111cscer for jo urnali ses - vou stud v in \\ ·ashingwn DC for a seme ste r and intern w i th a nat iona l news organiza t ion . S1n1n11er lnsti!Nle of ./011nwlis(I(: t\n inten se. month- lo ng se 111i­ nar/ pract icu m in ncwsga th c ring in \\'ashingcon DC. COURSES (MCOM) 106 Convergent Journalism - Print and Internet (3) f\ wo rkshop course with two hours of clas~ ci111e and fou r ho urs o f lab weekly . Cove rs the basic pr in ci pl es of nc\\'s wr itin g and presentation for pr int and inter­ nee. Srndcncs ,rill write, photo­ graph and for111ac news sto ri es for u,e on the Inte rnct and for sub- 111 iss ion co '/'ht Chi(l(ts. 107 Convergent Journalism - Radio and Television (3) A work shop cou rse with cwo hours of cla;,s time and four hours of l,1b wcckh·. Cove rs the bas ic prin c ipl es of news writing a nd

Course Descriptions· 67

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