
presentation for radio and televi­ s ion. You wi ll write, photograph, ed it and de li ve r news sto ri es for s ubmi ss ion ro Eag le\' isio n and KBBK. Lab fee: $50. 141 Biolan Practicum (2) Supervi se d prac tical ex peri ence in t he uni,·ers irv scud e nr ye ar ­ book publi cation. Expectation s inc lud e \\Ork in copv wri t ing/ed iti ng, com pos ition for­ matting, photog raphy and com­ mitme n t to meet ing d ea dlin es. Units can not be counted coward the majo r bur do co unt coward ge ne ral e lec ti ves . (Fall on ly) 202 Introduction to Mass Media (3) A sun·ev of mass !ll cd ia, includ­ in g hi sto ry, re g ul at ion , c urrent sco pe, s upport s, ·stc lll s, e ffects and er h ,cs of newspapers, lllaga­ z incs, rad io, telev i~ion, lllovic s, record s and books. 251 Sound Workshop (3) An introdu ct io n to the sound lll ed iu!ll as applied to rad io, telt:­ , ·ision and fillll. Lab fee : $25 . 284 Introduction to Publ ic Relations (3) The nawre , met hods and res pon­ s ibi Ii tic s of public re lat io ns in conremporarv soc iety. 310 Introduction to Animation (3) A hands-o n introd uc tion to ani ­ mat ion tec hniq ues using paper or ee l drawings, p las ti c (c lay) mod­ e lin g, and 20 and 30 co lllpurcr a n1mat10n. 330 Journalism Pract icum (1) Superv ised p ract ica l ex pe rien ce in writin g and /o r e ditin g Th e C hilll es. Pre requi site: co!llpletion of/or current e nro ll ment in 106 or

and a rc ; and principle s of page des ign. Fee: $50. 334 Article Writing (3) The wri ti ng and lll a rk et ing of non-fi ct ion a rti c les fo r news pa­ pe rs and nrngazincs. 336 Broadcast Journalism (3) A labo ratory course in radio an d te lev is ion jo urn a li sm, inc lu ding all a,pec rs of wri ting and de li very of broadcast news programs and documenta ri es . Lab Fee : $20. 347 Photojournalism (3) Prin c iple s of st ill a n d motio n ph otograp hy fo r news cove rage with emphas is on electronic pho­ tog raphy and illl age process ing. Lab fee : $50. 350 Advanced Studies in Media Production (1-3) As pects of th eory and practice in media pr odu ct ion. i\ l ay h e repeated with different cou rse content. Fee: $-t0. 35 1 Broadcasting Announcing & Performance (3) Theory a nd pract ice of profes ­ s iona l announc ing, news cas t ing, spo res an no uncing, intcrv iewinu and ot her perforrnance for radio and tele vis ion. Fee: $ 10. 352 Introduct ion to Tel ev ision and Film Production (3) Introduce s s tud ent to sc riptin g forms, fi l111 and te lev is ion ca m­ e ras, li ghtin g, ed i tin g, much more. Lab fee: $-+0. 353 Television Production (3) S tuden ts write and serve on pro­ ducti on teams co produce a va ri ety of forrnats of telev ision progra ms. Pre requi site: 352. Lab fee: $50. 355 Broadcast Programming & Promotion (3) Inc lud es a udien ce ana lys is and considerat ion of va ri ou5 progran1 - ming theo ri es and tec hniques. Also promot ion tec hni ques for audie nce acq ui sition and retent ion. 356 Screen Writing (3) Wri t in g of d ramat ic ~c r ipt s fo r te le vision or film production. 357 History of Cinema (3) SurYC)' of t he dcve lop 111 e nc of the lllOtion pictu re ( I 890 ro t he pres­ ent.) Fi lms sc reened in th e cou rse wil l be ana lyzed fr o rn pe rspec­ tives of art, ge nre th eo r, . rcchnol­ ogv, and intent. Lab fee: $20. 358 Motion Picture/ Pre-Production (3) Th e first co urse of a three-course se qu e nce (358, 359 , -+52 ) in whi ch a dra!llatic film will be pro-

duccd. Thi s cou rse crn pha,izcs th e essent ia l pre-production aspects including scr ipt de,-clop- 111<..:n t, bud gt..:ting , ca-,ci n g, '-icr construct ion, and/o r location sur­ ,-evs, and de, clops , kill s in u,ing produc ti on equipment. Prerequi­ site: 352. Lab fee: $50. 359 Motion Picture Production (3) Prin cipa l ph otograp h , "ill he don e for th e fi I111 proj ect bcgu n in 358. Emphasizes lighting. ea111 cra operation, sound record­ ing, directing, ere. Pre requisites: 352, 358. I ,ab fc.:e $50. 360 Documentary Production (3) A hand s-o n course in which ,ou " ·ill write, shoot and edit a , ·icko ro communi cate non-fiction mate­ rial in an enterta ining and inform­

hu,iness and sports report in g. l'rerequisire: 3., I. Lah fee: $20. 433 Mass Media Law (3) I ,egal aspects of the !lla,s llledia: constiwt ional freedom of cxp res­ ..,ion. nc,, -.., gathering, accc:-.:-i to rub­ lie records and proceeding,. li bel, pri,ac,, cop,right, ad,e rri s in g, hroadca..,t regulation and ant itrust. 440 Mass Commun ication Internship (1 -3) I ,illlited to qualified juniors or sen­ ior~ \\ ho ,, i..,h co gai n pract ica l e,perience u,uall, off campus in a 11 ork situat ion. Dcparrmcnr per- 111ission required. \ la, be re pea ted t(lra nw,imum of,i, units. 447 Advanced Screen Writi ng (3) ,\thanccd ,,ork in \\'ricing dra­ mat ic scriprs for tele, is io n and rnocion pictures. Prerequisite: 3.'i6. 449 The Role of the Producer (3) The producer lllakes a fi I rn or , ideo happen. Thi, course cm crs \\ hat the producer docs co find financin g, to 111anage the produc­ tion proces s. and to marke r a fillll or , idco project. 11 ighly rccolll­ mcndcd for anyone ,, i\hing; to

at ive manner. Lab fee $50. 364 Acting for Film and Television (3)

ll,e of acting sk ill s in front of te l­ evis i on camcra"i U"t i ng "iCcnc1., frolll ac tu a l tclc,·ision and fillll sc rip ts. J ncludes critiques of act­ i ng method,;;. 365 Multi-track Recording (3) Co\'crs multi-trnck record ing tech­ niqu es for mu,ic and audio pro­ cessing, digital ed itin g, manual and automated rn i~ing. Swdcnt !llastc rs a C l) as a course project. Prerequisite: 2.'i I . Lab fee: $50. 388 Principl es of Information Gathering (3) Fund amentals of gmhe rin ,I.( infor­ mation for t he ma~~ !lled ia . Stra tegics for findin g and c, aluar­ ing in formation sources including use of data bases, pub lic reco rds ,in d the in ter ncc, and intcn ic\\ ­ ing tec hn iques. Lab fee $20. 389 Advanced Public Relations (3) , pccific appli cat ion ; of public re lation s theor, to writing pre" re lease,. confronting issues or libe l, practical publi c re la tion, experiences, and ot her public rel at ion.-. i~~uc\. 392 Principles of Adverti sing (3) Adve rti s ing princ ipl es and tech­ niques. The swdYof effecti,e and inc ffe cti , e forllls of ad, ·erc isi ng. App lications linked co public rela­ t io ns. med ia C \ e nc..,_ mark eting. and comff1u ni cac ion encounter..,. (Cross-listed with Bl 'S:',J .,92). 431 Advanced Reporting (3) Fur ther dc,·elops in, ·cs ri gat i, ·c repo rting ski ll and applies it co s pec ifi c a reas includi ng gm crn­ me nt and publi c affai rs, religion,

\\Ork in the tilm indu,nY. 450 Mass Communicat ion Practi cum (1-3)

l)irccted practical e,pe ri e ncc in the, arious fields of rna5' co111 111u­ nication. I)cpart111enta l appro\'a l required. \ la, he re peaced for a ma-..:imum of ..,ix unit\. 451 Audio Post Product ion (3) \th anced techn iques in mi king, llli,ing, recording. and processing of soun d for relc, ision and fi lm post production. Both tech ni cal and arci..,tic a\pcct"' ,ire co, crcd. \\ ith cl -..cronµ; laboraror~ cm ph a"i is. l'rcrcquisire: Li l . Lah fee: $50. 452 Motion Picture Post­ Production (3) The final course in a three-co urse fi lrn production seq uen ce (3.'i8, .,59. -t5.2). l•: 111pha,i1cs ed itin g, mmic, sound effect, , mixing, lah­ orat<lr) coordination, and di s tri ­ bution. Prcrcqui"iitc): .)S2, 358, .'\59. I ,ah fee: $50. 453 Advanced Telev ision Production (3) The course gi,es inten,i,c expe­ rience in professiona l lc\'c l tc lc ­ \ i'-lion p roduction. Prcn;q ui :-, itc: ., .:; .,. Lah fee: $50. 455 Media Management (4) Co, crs management st rategics as applied to rncdia com pa nie s . inc ludi ng radio and te lc, ·is ion sr ,ttion..,, cable <:,ystcm"i. mot ion

adv isor approva l. 331 Reporting (3)

A laboratorv-ori c nted cour5c gi, ·­ ing t raining and ex pe ri ence in news gat he ri ng and wr itin g o f news and fcawrc stories fo r print and e lectroni c media und e r tillle press ure. Introdu c tion of copy ed iting tech niques. Prerequi site: l 06, I 07. Lab fee: $20. 332 Principles of Editing & Design (3) Elllp has is on co py e ditin g and des ign skill s necessa ry for qua li ty pu b li cat ion of newspape rs, maga­ z in es and pub li c re lat ions litera­ ture. Ed iti ng fo r stvlc, g ra!ll!ll ar and puncwation: improving copy; writin g head lines and c ut lin cs ; e ffecti ve use of type ; use of co lor

68 • Course Descr iptions

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