Computer Science
MAJORS Computer Sc ience (53 un i ts) T h is emp h asis must com p lete : I 05, I 06. 202, 230, 30 I. 302, 31 I , -100, -130, -1 -1 0 rwic e with two different topics and one course (3 units) at t he .100 or -100 level in Com p uter Science or Mat h. Mac h 105,106, 112,29 1 and 32 1 or 333. Information Systems (57 units) This emph as is mu s t com p lete : l O.'i . I 06, 202, 230. 30 I. 302, 31 I , -102, -1 30. -1-10, and one co urse (3 units) at the 300 or 400 leve l i n Busine ss or Computer Science. Bus iness 202. 21 1, 2I 2. 328. 370. i\ lach 103, 11 2 and 210. Note: All ro11a'11/ra1io11s 11111st i11d11rle 24 11pper r/i,:;isio11 1111i1s. '/'/11' ge11eral er/11m1io11 req11ire111e111 for r1 fo1eig11 lr111g11r1ge for those follow:i11f!, rt w111p111er srie11ce 111r1ior 111ay be 111el hr two yea1J ofhigh .,rhool lr111g11r1g,, or 1h1· fi1JI fo11r 1111i1s of r1 roll~!!/ lallJ[llaf<e. The scie11re/111a1he111r11ics req11ilt'11tt'111 111ar be 111e1 hv three 1111it.r o(s1imff.
C programllling. Three hours lcctun.:, one hour lab. Fa ll. 106 Data Structu res (3) Lin car lists, st rin g'i . a rray5 a nd orthogona l lis t\ : grap h s, trees, hina r, tree,, multi-linked ,uuc tu rcs, searchi ng and so rtin g tech niques, d, namic storage alloca tion; app li cat ions. Prerequisite: I0.'i . Spring. 202 Assembly Language Programming (3) Basic co ncepts of colll putcr sys tem, and colllp u tc r a rchitec ture. ,\ sscm hl v lang u age prog ralll rning. :\ l ic ros, p rogram seg llle n cat ion a nd linkages. Prerequ is ite: I 06. Spring. 230 Programmi ng Languages (3 ) Organization and structure of p ro gramming languages. Run-time behavio r and rcq uirelllents of pro grams. ln croducrion to p rogram m ing language speci fi cat ion s and anah·,i,. Stud, of rn rious a lcerna ci, e language, suc h as Ada , C++ and Li,p . l'rcrcquisitc: 106. Fall. 301 Software Engineering (3) Co nce pts, prin c iples, techniques, and documents of soft\\'a rc e ngi neer ing. Emphasis on sysce nrntic appro,iclH.:s to \ofcwarc engineer ing an d the ,ofrnare life cyc le. Team project required. Prereq uisite: 2:w. t\lrcrnare yea rs. 302 Computer Organi zati on (3) Organi1.ation and s tru c turing of the major hard\\ are com ponents of computers. \lechanics of information transfer and contro l \\' ithin a d ig ita l computer S\'Stcm. Fu n d amcn tal s of log ic de s ig n . Cornm uni c:1t ion s "iy•ncms. Prc rcqui,itc: 202 or co ns e nt. /\ltcr ncltt.: ) ca r~. 311 Operating Systems (3) Compute r operat ing sys tems; to p ics in c lud e t ime s har ing, process communicat ion , memor y m an agement, storage a ll ocation, intc.;r rch1tion,hip, hem een the operat ing s~ "Item and the arch irccr urc of compute r s,s tcrn,. Pre requi sites : I 06. Alternate years. 400 Theory of Algori thms (3 ) \ 'a riou s typ es of algorithms. ana l, tic technique, for the determ i nation of a lµ;or ithmi c effic iency, :--:P-cornplctc problems. com plc,ir, hierarchies, inrracrnbl e problems. i'r c re qui s irc: 106 , 1\lath 11 2. ,\lcc rnate yea rs. 402 Database Management (3) Imegrated database sYstcms, log ical organi1.ation. data description
picture prod uction co m pa ni es and comp a n ies in t h e e me rg in g tec h no logies . 456 Senior Media Project (3) Stude n t produces a p rojec t w it h advice a nd guidance from fac ul ty. The proj ect wi l l rep resent t h e ,rudcnt's hi ghest ac h ieveme n t in mcd ia p roduct ion. It can be used as cv idc nce of ab il ity when sce k i n g e m p loyment. Projec t s ca n inc l ude <;Cr i pt s 1 audio 1 v ideo, motion p icture, a nd nt hcr med ia. Lab fee $50. 457 Mass Communi ca tion Theory (3) Social sc ientific theor y in mass communication with emph as is on practical usc fu lnes, of theories . 458 Methods of M ass Communi ca tion Research (3) i\lct hodologv for comm u n icat io n rc sca rch , inc l udin g sampli ng, questionnaire des ig n. introd uct ion to statistics. Students conduct s ur , Ci research project. A major goa l i, to become ade pt a t readi ng and eva luating research reports. 459 Practi cal & Ethi cal Issues in Communication Careers (3) Co,·ers ethical an d mora l prob lt:ms re lated to employment, c ur rent is s ues in the industry, and career p lanning. Sec a lso BBST -16S i\ lcdia Et h ics . 462 Directing for Television and Film (3) I n motion picture or video, the c reative process come, toget he r under the leade rs h ip of the d irec to r. T his cou rse wi ll hel p yo u b cco m e a better director bv understanding the a r t istic, human re lation s, financia l and tec h nica l as pects of the job. P re req u is ite: 352. 464 Advanced Nonlinear Editing (3) In this course yo u will not only learn no nlinear tec hn ique s, but yo u will a lso lea rn advanced tec h niques in the arr of sea m less ed it ing. Pre requis ite: 352. 470 Mass Communi cation Seminar (1-3) \ ·a rious aspects and problems in the fi e ld of ma ss communication. 480 Directed Research (1- 3) Ind ividual research in a n a reas of mass communication dete rmin ed in consu ltat io n w ith the instruc tor. i\ lav be repeated for a maxi mum of th ree unit s. Prerequ is ite: conse nt.
C ha ir: Edwa rd T hu rber, Ph .D.
FACULTY P rofesso r: Thurbe r
Assoc iate Professor: Woo Ass ista nt Professor: Seitz
Computer sc ience stud ie s the representation, storage and tran s formation of info rmation milizing computer systems. The Dcpa rt mc n t of Computer Sc ience at B io la Univers i ty pro ,· ide s rwo primary ar~as of conccnrrarion in add it io n to a b as ic co re cu rri cu lum. T hese two a reas are com puter sc ience and info r lllat ion systems. The dcpart lll enr also offers a select ion of courses fo r chose ma j or i ng in othe r f ie lds who w is h a min or emp hasis in comp uter sc ience. Ou r srnde n t labs a rc eq ui pped w it h n u lll crous Penti u m and App le Powcr P C work sta t ions . \\' e also have a Colllputcr Sc ience A lcove equ ipped w i th the latest Pen ti um, Pe n t iulll P ro and P e n ti um II p latforms ru n ni ng e it he r W in dows ! Tor L inux. The depa rtment endeavo rs to provide each swdenr with a n unders tandi ng of the organizat io n and operat io n of modern com p uter sys tems . F u nd alllenrn l va l ues and know le d ge a rc empha s ized so chat studen ts wi ll be able to stay ab reast of their field. Ar rhe same r ime st u dents arc exposed to pract ical app l ication s a nd current colll p uce r sys tems so t hat they wi ll have s ig ni f icant opportunitie s in t he lllarket p lace upon graduation. The pe rvasive u se of colllpurcrs today a l lows rh e student to pursue a career in m a ny d iffe re n t a reas i nc luding aerospace, i nsu ra nee, teac h ing, the co m pute r ind ustry, and ba nk ing, to name a few. Also, t he st u dent is p repa red to purs ue fur ther s tud ies in graduate schoo l, ty pically in colllputcr sc ience or bu s iness. T here is a concerted attempt by t he depart m e n t co integra te faith a nd learn ing in the swd y of colllpute r sc ience a nd its i 111 pace upo n our soc icc,·.
A Co111p111er Scie11ce ,ll i11 or is offered with the completion of 21 units. Students purs uing a minor a rc requ ired to ra k e a core c ur ricu lulll of 105. 106 and 202. The re m a in in g requirc ,rn.:nt s arc ful f ill ed acco rdi ng to interest in con s u Itarion with departlllen t adviser. Ar le as e two co urs e, lll USt be at t he 300 or -100 le,·c l. COURSES (CSCI) 103 Computer Applicati ons (1) Introduct ion to computer appli cations u s ing prog ram s suc h a, \Vorel . Excel. or PowerP o inr. Cannot b e u s ed cowa rd rhc lll aj or. Docs nor co u nt coward G en eral E d ucat io n. i\ l ay be repeated w it h a diffe rent topic. Fall, s pring. 104 The Nature of Comput ing (2) T h e h isco r y of co mputin g m achines . Computer logic and b inary a rit h metic. E lcrnencar, concepts of comp u te rs. Elcrncn rn rv BAS IC programlll ing. Soci etal impac t of compute rs . Can not be counted toward thc lllajor. Fal l. spr ing. 105 Introduction to Computer Science (3 ) In troductio n co com puter hard ware and software . P rob lem 5oh· ing method s, E lelllcntarY con cepts of a lgorithlll developme nt.
A Barhelor of Srienre degree i11 Co111p111er SrieMe is offered u pon comp letion of th e u ni ve rs ity bac ca laureate a nd t he compmer sci en ce ma j o r in o ne of the emp hases.
Course Descriptions· 69
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