

language ( l)l)L ), daca rnanipula­ cion language (Di\ lL ), of hierar­ c hi cal ncrnorks and rclacional dam bases, o, ·crvicll' of sclccccd darnbasc 1T1anagcmcnt systems (DBi\ lS) . Prcrcqui s icc: 230 . Alccrnacc years. 430 Computer Communications (3) Concepcs of compute r commu ni­ ca cions. local area n<.:t\,·orks, seve n \avers of cummunicacion prococo ls: g lobal networks. Pre­ requisite : 106. Alternate , ·ea rs. 440 Topics in Computer Science (3) Course ma,· be repeated for cred it with different contenc (section title). Prcrcqui:,ite: 106. T op ics arc selccced from the fol­ lowing: Co111piler 71/,eo ,y. The cheory of languages and che ir implemen­ tation. Si,sre111s Pmgrr1111 111i11g Design and irnpl cmencacion of language translators and svsrcm urilirics. 71/ieo,y of Co;11p11rario11. Con­ cepts from cheorc ci cal computer sc ience , finite state conccpn,, dec idability. compurabilitY, and 1... uring machines. Comp11!fl' Cmphics. Computer inccra ccivc graphics, sofcwarc suucwrcs, scree n displav, graphi­ ca l ccchniques . A11ijicial /11rellige11ff. Conccpcs and techniques of ,mificial imelli­ gc nc c, representation. se arch strategics, control, communication and percepcion, and applications. 480 Research Seminar (1-3) Special st udi es in compuccr ,ci­ cncc . Prcrcquisicc: senior stand­ ing or co nsent.

C hair: J une Hecze l, Ph.D. lJ ndergrad ua ce Coo rd inawr: Virginia Johnso n, Ph. D. FACULTY Associacc Professors : 1-lecze l. Johnson, i\ lenjares, Raccliff. Si bold Assisrnm Professo rs: Cam pbell , \\'alccrs

p lcted in co njun ct ion wich chc undergraduace teacher prepara­ tion program. In add ici on, Pre ­ limin a ry and Professional C lea r c redcnt.ia l req uirements (as we ll as spccial ilat ion crcdcnt iab an d cc rcifi cates) arc incorpo rated in che 1\ l.A. in Education secc ion of chis catalog. The Si"gle S"bjerr Credmrirt! ce rcifics the scudcnc to reach a s in g le subjeec from 7th chrough the 12th grade. The ,1/lliriple S"bjecr Crede//lial ccnifi es chc srndcnt to teach in a se lf-co nrnin cd c lassroom from kindergarten through the Sch grade, but is cspec iall\· appropri­ acc for grades K-6. CLAD Certification The Dcpamnem of 1•:d ucacion and the Depanrnent of TESOL and Applied Lin gu iscics have des igned coursework ll'hich meecs che Ca liforni a Commission on Teac her Crcdencialing rcqui re­ mencs for the certificate in Cross C ulrnral Language and Academ ic Developmem (CLAD). This cer­ cifi cace provides teache rs wich the knowledge , skills and aniwdes needed co effecti\'e ly ceach and guide srndems from cu lturall y, lin­ guiscica lly and socio-econom ica ll v diverse backgrounds. Srndems ente ring chc ccachcr prepa rac ion program from Fall 2002 fo,ward will recei, ·c an l:'.ng­ li s h-L anguage Learner embed­ ded program that meets chc new state requiremcncs for English Language f ,earners . Approved Majors for Single Subject Credential Srndcncs intending rn co111- plccc a sin g le subject crcdcncial must cornplccc an apprm·cd su b­ ject matter cxa111 irn1tion or program in one of che fol lowing areas: Eng­ lish, rnathernacics, music, plwsical ed ucation, or social science. Approved Major for Multiple Subject Credential Scudems desiring w earn t he i\ lul tiplc Subject T eaching C re­ dential muse complete chc appro\'ed Liberal Swdics Subjecc i\ lacter progra111 or pass the app ro­ priace subjecc mauer cxa111. Seu­ dents who choose the exam and des ire a crcdcmial chrough Biola lln iversicv muse also successfu ll y corn pl ece the following co urses with a "C" or bcucr: 1-: ngli,h 380, i\ lach 11 7 and l 18, i\ lusic 3 10, An 306, and Ph ys ical Education 20 1.

Preliminary Teaching Credential Requirements

Scudencs who "ish to corn­ piece the und c rgraduacc teache r prcparaci on program muse app ly for admi ssion w the cducacion pro­ gram during chc Introduction co T eaching cou rse (LYD ll 30 1). A minimum 2.75 GPA is required. Other departmental rcquircrncms and cornpeccncies arc staccd in the UNde,gr(lr//1(1/e Ed11mrio" f!r/1/rlbool:. whic h mav be obtained from che Deparcme;,t of Educat ion Office. Srnde n ts enrolled in chc [nuoduccion w Teaching course 111u st complete che Application for C haracccr an d ldcncificacion C leara nce. This background clearance requires fingerprinting and mu se be cornp lc ced prior w cnrollrncnc for the LEDU 330 Psychological Foundacion s of b:ducacion course. Fee required. All candidmes for che l'rclimi­ narv i\lulciplc or Si ngle Teaching Crc.dcntial must complete the fol­ lowing undcrgraduarc educa tion courses: Ll~Dl ' 30 1,330. 420/425, 430/435 and 440/442 or 450/452. l lndergraduatc swdcnrs " ·ho plan rn participacc in scudent ccachin g che semester follo" ·ing gradua ci on should take 430/4.,5 (Elcmcnccu,·/Sccondarv Curricu­ lum) during cheir se ni or vc,1r. To rece ive g raduate c redit. register for ASED 505/506. Concurrcnc en rollm enc is required. Sec Deparcment of Educacion or Rcg­ isu ar's Office for inforrnacion. All educac ion and compeccncy courses must be comple ted \\'ith a grade of "C' ' or higher " ich the except ion of Swdcnc Teaching; 1,1-:DU 440/442 and 450 / 452 which must be compleccd ll'ich a gr,1dc of " 13 -" o r h ighcr fo r che cand id acc w be recommended for a ccaching credential. In addicion, all swdcnr, muse pass che T each ing Pe rformance Assessment (TPA) and co111plcce che Edu cac ion Depa r tment Ponfoli o. The Ca lifornia Comm iss ion on Tc ,1c hcr Credentialing also requires chat a ccaching credentia l ca ndi dacc must ha"c comp leted a min im um 2 unit cour-,;c char cove rs chc l l. S. Constiwcion or fulfill ch is requirement by examinat i o n. Bi o ta Lln i,ersitv srndcnts ca n co rnplccc chis requirement by rnk­ ing 111 ST 105 U.S. 1-li srnry. Tran sfe r st ud encs mu s e eic her show proof of U.S. Consciwcion in a uansferred course or an appropri-


Biola Uni,·ersicy offers hi gh quality unde rg raduate reacher preparacion progra ms . Swdcnts participate in a broad ge neral educat ion program, chorough su b­ jecc rnactcr co mpeccncc sequences, and chal le nging class­ room observmion and parci ci pa­ cion experiences. Th ese programs provide a distincc foundacion for profess ional caree rs in edu cacion. In addition, 13i o la's under­ graduate 30-un ic biblica l swd ies an d theology rcquircme nc, wich i ts emphas is upon Scripcural knowledge and th e dynamic inre­ gration of biblical and academic thought, provides a s trong foun­ dacion for scr\' ice in boch publi c and prin1ce sc hools.


The primarv funcc ion of ch e Departmc nc of Educat ion is w provide excellent preparac ion fo r professional ceach ing. The goa l is for Biol a g radu ates ( 1) to mani­ fesc strong soc ial and personal traics, cch ical scan dard s, and a Chr ist ian philosop hy of educa­ tion, and (2) w possess s ubject mane r knowledge, und erstand­ ing of pupil beha,·ior , compc­ cency in t he sk ill s of ccach in g, and abilitv co stim ulate c riti ca l judgment ,;nd creativity. PROFESSIONAL TEACHER PREPARATION Two Pr ofess io nal Teacher Preparation Prog ram s a rc ava il ­ able: Single Subjecc and Mulci p le Subjccc. These co rrespond wich Scare of Californ ia Pr e limin ary Teaching C rcde nci a l rcquirc­ me ncs whi ch may be comp leted in conjunction wit h undcrgradu­ acc degrees, and t he Profess ional Clear T eachi ng C redentia l desc ribed in chc M.A. in Educa­ t ion section of chi s carnlog. Sta te of Californ ia Teaching Credentials The Ca li forn ia Preliminarv Teac hi ng Credent ial can be corn-

70 • Course Descriptio ns

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