
ate exam cove ring th e princ iples

the Ca li fo rnia Pre limin ary C re schools is requ ired. Successful compupils with va ried culcural and lan ­

gua ge bac kgro und s. A minimum

of th e U.S. Const ituti on.

ple t ion of thi s course constitutes

d e ntial pro gra m except char BBS'!' 465 C hri st ian Philosoph y

one of the requirements fo r admisof 35 hours of observat ion/ partici­

Professional Clear Teaching Credential Requirements

pati on in schoo ls is required. Pre­

of Educat ion mu st al so be comsion to the Pre liminary C redential

requi site: 330 and consent.

program. C BEST mu st be ta ke n

pl e ted ). Application in for111at ion

In order to qual ify for a Pro111a y he obtai ned from the Educadu ring this course. Sec Prel iminary

425 Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools (3)

fess ional C lea r T eaching C rede nt ion Department Office.

Teaching Credential requirements

t ial. a student must sat isfy a ll of

in this cata log for fingerprinting and i\ the requirements for a Pre limilcthods and materi als for teach­ bac kground clearance informat ion. LIBERAL STUDIES ing reading through con tent areas nary T eac hin g C redent ia l plu s Approximately $ 130 in fees DEGREE PROGRAM in secondary school s; atte nti on co th e fo ll owing: required in cl ass . Prerequi sites: reading techniques, tes ting, and l. 30 unit s of co ur sewor k A Bfl(-1,e/or of Am degree i11 Libsophomore standing and consent. indi viduali za ti on. A minimum of beyo nd th e bachelor's degree emf S111rlies is offered upon com­ in a pre-a pproved prog ram. p Ict ion o f th e unive rs it y bac 330 Psychological Foundations 35 hours of observat ion/ parti cipa­ Th e co ur sewo rk mu s t b e ca laureate and lib era l stu di es of Education (3) tion in schoo ls is required. Pre­ App li cat ion of psychologica l princirequi site: 330 and consent. compl eted within 5 years o f major requireme nts. rece ipt of the Preliminar y T he Liberal Studies t\ lajor is 430 Elementary Curriculum (4)

ples to the educat ive process, role of t he tea cher and lea rner , human growth and deve lopment, learning styles, moti va tion, rncmo,y, transfe r

des igned to pre pare e leme ntary

Introdu ct ion ro the sco pe a nd

C redenti al.

school teac he rs with a broad founse qu e nc e of the elementary

2. Com pleti on of t he fo ll owing: ASED 5 10 Hea lth Ed uca ti on for T eac h e rs, ASE D 5 11 Compute rs in t he C lassroom, and ASED 52 1 Education in

dation in su bj ect matte r. Th ere a rc 3-t unit s of req uir e d co re

schoo l c urri culum in mathemat­

of lea rning, measurement and evalics, sc ie nce, soc ia l st udie s and

courses: Art 306: Bible I09; Eduuation, research and experimentalanguage arts; emphasis on a va ri­

cat ion 335, 3-t I; English 380; Hi sti on in lea rning theory. This class is

e ty of teaching ap proaches, inte­ grat ion ac ross con te nt a reas, cl ass­ room management and resou rces ava il ab le. Fi e ld observat ion

des igned co fulfill the Uni vcr ·ity's writing com petency requirement. Prerequisite: 30 I, Psychology 200,

th e Least Restrictive Environto ry -+0 .1; Intcrcultural Studies

33 1; t\l ath 117, 11 8: i\ lu s ic 3 10:

ment. (See Cmrl11flle A11s a11rl

Ph ys ica l Sc ience IOI , 102.

Srimffs se11io11)

approved consent, and formal applireq uires a minimum of 60 hours

In addi t ion to this cure, each

3. Passing scores on Ca liforni a Bas ic Educationa l Skill s Test (C BEST) are required prior co submittin g an a ppli cati on

stud e nt mu st comp lete a concencation and acceptance into Departof o bservation/ pa rti c ipation in ment of Educat ion. tration of 12 units in one of seven

publi c and C hri st ian school s. Pre­ requi site : 330, 420 and consent. 435 Secondary Curriculum (4) Secondary school curriculum, class­ room management and t eaching methods in content areas. A mini­ mum of 60 hours of fi e ld observa­ tion/participation in public a nd C hri sti an schools is required. Pre­ requisite: 330, -+25 and consent. (Sec

subj ects areas: Biology, Engli sh,

335 Child Development: Birth

Intcrcultural Studies, t\lathcmatthrough Adolescence (3) ics, Ph ys ica l Education, U.S. Hi sBasic concepts of cognitive devel­

fo r student teach ing.

4. Pass ing sco res on the Read ing In st ru ct ion Co mp ete ncy Assessment ( RI CA) will be

co ry, Visual Arts or \Vo rid Hi sto ry. Th e Genera l Educat io n

opme nt, inc luding psyc hosocial, mora l and language development. De fin e co nce pt s related to the development of perso nal ity and temperament. Examine scope of physical deve lopment of chil dren and the co nne c tion s between

required of a ll i\lultipl c Subre quir e me nt s for the Lib e ra l

Studies maj or arc unique a nd

ject Credentia l cand id ates

prior co submitting an applicainclude th e fo ll owi ng:

I. Eng li sh 11 0 A, 11 0 B: three units of lircrawre, Engli sh 220,

tion fo r a reaching credenti al. 5. \ 'e rificar ion of cu rrent train ing

also 506.)

in card iopulmin ary resuscita230, or 2-t0; three units of Comhealth and learning. T hese theories tion - in fa nt . child and ad ult municat ion 100, 171,181 or280;

arc investigated in li ght of cl ass440 Elementary Student

Teaching I (6)

room imp li cat ions for id entifying

- (CPR) that rnccrs rhc stan2. i'vl at h 10-+; Bi ology 100, 11 0:

3. lli stu ry 105, 207, 208; Psyand desc ribing individual diffe r442 Elementary Student

dard s in eit he r the American Heart Assoc iat ion ''B" or "C" leve l cou rsc or t he A111crican

chology 200;

ences in the development of chil Teaching II (6)

4. Three units of fine a rts: Art 100, Communication 160, o r

dren. The i111pact of genetic, socio­ cultural and soc ioeconom ic faccors

450 Secondary Student

Reel Cross CPR course.

Teaching I (6)

i\lusic 10 1; three units in Phion the development of children and

Post-degree students mu st be accepted into th e Graduate Schoo l of Arts and Sciences as a C redentia l o nl y student or as a i\l as rc r of Arts in Education and C rede nt ial student (see Graduate School admiss ion rcquire111ents). Plmsr .Vote: The l'rofessio11al l'repamtio11 Prow,1111 learli11g to fl California Tearhi11g Crerle11tial fl t Bio/a U11ive1:,ity w.•ill be 1111rlergoi11g sig11ifim111 changes w.·ithi11 the next years. Please see the Depfll1111e111 of Er/11mtio11 for 011re111 injomlfllio11 011 m111pleri11g the req11ire111e111s for fl

losophv 2 10, 2 1-t or 215; and a foreign language as specifi ed in t he un iversity Ge n e ra l

yo ung adolescents. Pre requ isites:

452 Secondary Student

30 1, PSYC ZOO and consent.

Teaching II (6)

Full time laboracory expe ri e nce in schoo l classrooms under th e direc­

341 Methods of Teaching Lin­ guistically Diverse Students (3)

Education sect ion;

5. Elementary Schoo l Activit ies ( Ph ys ica l Education 201 ); a nd two ph ys ica l educatio n

Assessme nt, theory and instru ction of qua lifi ed supe rvising mas­ tional me thod o logy for assisting ter teachers and university super­

viso rs. \\'cck ly seminar requ ire d.

English lea rn e rs. In-de pth analys is

act iviti es .

of state mand ates co e nsure approPrerequi site: ap pli cat ion and con­

6. Al l Lib e ra l St udi es majo rs mu st compl e t e th e writin g co mpet c n cv requi re m e nt eve n if not co mpletin g the

sc n t. St ud e nt s doing s tud e nt

priate English deve lop me nt fo r reading, writing and content areas. Selectio n of app ropr iate in stru c­ tiona l material s. methodo logv and social support to 111ax im ize English

teaching are limit ed co

a ma x i­

mum o f 15 units th at semeste r. (Sec also 512/513 and 514/SIS. )


teachin g credential.

480 Directed Study (1-3)

language deve lopment. Pre req uiSubject m a tt e r and c redit b y


tmrhi11g rrerlmrial.

sites: 301 , .130 and consent.


Association of Christian

301 Introduction to Teaching (3) The structu re and fu ncti on of the school, foundations of ed ucat ion,

420 Teaching Reading in Ele­

Schools International Certificate Th e credential program ar Bi u la L 1 niversity 111eets the requirc 111 ents for t he Assoc iati on of C hri st ian Schools Intcrnational (ACS I) Ce rtifi cate ( id entica l to

mentary Schools (3)

i\ lc thods and mate ri als fo r teach­

qualities required for teacher effecing reading to scudc nts in c lcmcn ­

t iveness, and contempora ry iss ues in ed ucat ion. A minimum of 25 hours of observation/participation in

rnry schools; attention to a va ri e ty of approaches a nd tec hniqu es; co nsi d erat io n of the ne e d s of

Course Descriptions• 71

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