En lish
Humanities Major/ English Concentration T he Department of English offe rs a n Eng li s h co nce ntr at ion fo r the Hum a niti es rn ajo r (sec Humaniti es sect io n fo r specifics). It is basically a rninor in E ng li sh, but more flexibility is poss ible throu gh departrncnt adviseme n t.
Cha ir: Todd Pickett, Ph.D.
d ivision courses in the major. The stud e nt mu st co111 pl c te: English 360, 3 70, 400, -t5 I and -t52. T he rem aining t 2 units may be com pl eted in any of the upper di,· ision Engl ish co urse offerings. Writing Emphasis (33 units) The English Departrnent offers a Writing Emphasis . Th is prograrn e nables s tudents to s up plement their s tud y of lirerawre w ith th eo reti cal and voca ti o na l traini ng in wr it ing. As part of t he regul a r ge nera l educa ti on rcqu ircmen t 1 students must comp lete Engl ish l lOA and l lOB , English 2 -+0 , a nd e i t he r Communi cat ion 100, 170, 18 1, o r 280 . T he major consists of :n units, 27 of which must be upper division. Students 111ust take the fo ll owing co urses : Eng lish 2-tO, 25 1, 252, 3-tO, 36Q 370, -tOQ -t5 1 and -t52. Three additi ona l units must be co111 pletccl in anv one of the fo ll owing courses: Engli sh 350, 360. 370, -+ 10, -+20, -t30, -t-+0, -tSZ or -t60. Six units 111ust be compl eted in anv of the follo\\ ·ing co urses : E ngl ish 343, 34-t , !\ lass Comrnuni carion 330, 33 1, 33-t , 388, or -t3 l . English/Communication Secondary Credential (36 units) The ~:nglish D cpart111cnt in coope ration w ith t h e: Co111 111uni cac ion Dcpartmcnt p rov id es a progra111 leadi ng co a Single ub ject California T'caching Crede n t ia l in E ng li s h/Commu ni ca ti on . T h is program provides cons id e r able flexib ili tv for t hose planning co teach Eng lish in high sc hoo l. St ud e nts who co111p le re this pro gram a re able co wai ve t he s ubject ma tte r exarn inat io ns (sec Depart rnent of Educat io n ), whi ch other w ise wou ld be required for a Ca li fo rni a T eaching C redent ial. ln add ition to the genera l ed u cat ion requi re m en t o f 12 units in Englis h 110 A/ B. Eng li s h 2 -t O A111crican L it e ratu re and Communic a ti o n 100. an E ng li s h core of 27 units (Eng li s h 25 1, 252, 320, 3-tO, 35 1 or .153 or 35 -t , -tOO, and nin e units to be selected fro rn Eng li sh 343, 3-t-t, 360, 370, 38Q 420, 43Q 44Q -t5 1, 452, a nd 460) is required. An additi o na l 9 unit s arc to be: se lec te d frorn the Co111rnuni cat ion dcpamnent, for a tota l of 36 units in t he majo r. T h e s tud e nt mu st co nsu lt wit h t h e D epa r t m en t s of English, Cornrnun icat ion a nd Education for s pecifi c co urses a ll owed in t he t hree a reas li sted above.
Exam 111ay e nroll in ENGL l lOA. Pre requi site to l IOB. 11 OB Studies in Critical Think ing and Writing (3) A cont inuati o n of 100 o r 11 0A, this course uses li tera ry wo rks as conte nt for read in g ,i ncl d isc us s ion of ideas and me t h o d s in writing, stress ing c rit ical think ing, pt..:rs uasion and eva luati on; expe ri e nce in wr iting essays and th e research pa per. Requ ire d. Pre re q uisite: 100 o r 1 IOA. 210 Writing for Competency (3) I ntensive practice in writing at the col lege lc,·el. Designed for th e swclcm s who ha, ·c: not sat is facto ril y fulf il led their depart ment's \VC R ( \\'ricin g Co rnp e tencv Requirement) as described in t he Genera l Studies sect ion . A grade of C+ o r bc:tte r w ill fulfi ll t h e compete ncy requi re m ent. Pr e requ isites : Eng li s h 100 or llOA, 11013 ; cwo unsuccessful attempts to co mpl ete: GNRC 300; and instructor's sig natu re. ELSP s tudents mus t ha,·c passed t he EDET. Fee: $25. 220 Literature and Film (3) Designed to fulfill t he general educat ion l iccracurc reciuircment. Com par ison of fictio nal and dra mat ic rexes with thei r cinemat ic adaptations . Prt:requi s ite : 100 or l lOA; I ! OB . Fee: $25. 230 Literature in Context (3) D es igned to fulfill t he ge n e ral ed uca ti on li terature requ ireme nt. Selected write rs representati ve of in terna t ional or ethni c liccrarurcs. Pre requ is ite: 100 or l lOA; l lOB. 240 American Literature (3) Designed to fulfill the ge n e ra l ed ucat io n literature requ irement. Se lected wr iters frorn t he Co lo nial per iod th rough the twe nti eth cen tury . Re quired for aclva ncccl stu di es in Ame ri ca n literatu re. P re requ is ite : 100 o r 11 OA; l 1013. 251 English Literature to 1798 (3) Designed as a pr ereq ui s ite for adva nced st ucli c:s in lite ratu re. Se lected w riters and t hei r wo rk s from th e ea rl y l\ licl clle Ages through the 18th century. Eng li s h majors on ly . Non-Eng li s h majors rnay petition instructo r. R e quir ed fo r Englis h and Human iti es/E ng li sh majors. P re re qui sites : 100 o r 1 IOA; 1 IOB. 252 English Literature Since 1798 (3) Designed as a prereq ui s ite for adva nced st udi es in liter at ur e. Se lccrccl w riters and their wo rk s
FACULTY Professo r: Doland, Sm ith Associate Professors: Buc hanan , Franhs-itz. Pi ckt:tt Ass istant Professo r: 1--:l e ist
The Deparcrncnr of E ng li s h equips students co ex plore, from a fa ith -informed perspective, the complex narrative worl ds o f bot h liccrnturc an<l life that they rni ght li ve our their cal lings more inte l li gently and compassio nate ly. With this in view, the English departrnent's objectives a rc : 1) To mentor srndents in the concepts , sk ill s and att itu des which enable trenchant literary a nalysis and deepen the pleas ures of reading. 2) To equ ip swde nt s co \\Titc and speak incisively, pcrsu,1si\'cly and crcac i, c ly. 3) To explore and appra ise the ideas and ideo logies literary wo rks represent, and co apprc:c iate t he cornple, wavs suc h works a nd their trad itions a ri se frorn, reflect. and contrib u te co the develop ment of cultu re and hi scory . -t) To acquaint student s with dive rse throretical app roac hes co literature and help them identifv impl icit assumptions. co ntribu tions and irnplicat io ns . 5) To explore and id entify how literan· ski ll s and se nsib ili t ies can prepare Chr is ti a n s co c:ngagc mor<.: intelligently a nd co rnpass ionatclv in the ir worlds .
An Eng li sh l\ lin or is offe red wit h complet ion of 18 units. 12 of wh ich mu st be u ppe r d iv is ion. The student se lects units frorn th ree or more of t he cou rses listed above und e r the de partme nt 111 ajor.
All students req uesting trans fer of c red i ts frorn count ri es where English is not t he primarv language must provide the fo l lowing to be assessed by th e E ng lish Deparrrncnt p ri or to approva l of cre di ts: sample writings. a course description from th e uni , ·ersity's catalog, a svllabu s of t he cou rse, writ ings from the co urse and transcript. Fina l dec ision wil l be 111ade by t he department cha ir.
,\'ore: I '11/ess 01/Jerw'ise s!f!!ed. r, ro111:re 111fly be repeated WJit/J differe111 ro111m1 (.,erlio11 title). The E111;/is/J Dej}flr/1111,111 does 1101 exd/lde s11ide111s from a11y of its ro111 :s-es 011 1/Je /Jc1.,is of ge11rler. 100 Basic Studies in Critical Thinking and Writing (3) Reading and disc uss io n of id eas and me thods in writ ing, stressing fundamenta ls of gramrnar, punc tllati on, s pe llin g a nd paragraph wr iting, alo ng with c riti ca l th ink ing persuasion ant.I C\'a lu aci on. Stude n ts scor in g be low -t 80 o n the ve rbal sect ion of the Sf\'!' 11 (a nd und e r 5 IO on the SAT II W ri ting Exa111, if ap pli cab le) rnust rake ENGL 100 withi n t he fi rst te rm of rc:s idc ncc: . Three hours of lecture, two ho urs of lab . Prereq ui si te to 1 I0 13. 11 OA Studies in Cri tical Thinking and Writing (3) Reading and <li scussion of ideas and methods in writing, stressing critica l thinkin g. pers uasion an d eva lu a tion; experience in wr iting a vari ety of expository and persuasive essays . Stud ents sco rin g -t80 or hi ghe r o n the ve rba l sect ion of t he SAT o r 5 10 or higher on the SAT II \\'ricing
A Btffhelor of A rls degree i 11 r:11glis/1 is offe red upon co rnpl e tion of the uni,·crs ity bacca laure ate and English rnajor in one of the crnp hases w hi ch cons ists of 33 unit s, 2-t of whic h mu s t be upper division. A min i rnurn grade of "C" is required in o rder to receive credit for a ny co urse counted towa rd t he rn ajor. 1-li sco rv 305 is reco rnm e ncled for a ll Engl ish m,1jors. MAJORS English Emphasis (33 units) The student is requ ired to take Engli sh 240, Arnc ri ca n Literaw rc, to fulfill the genera l educat ion litc r a t urc requi re ment. T he maj or requ ires: Engli sh 251. 252 arc pre requ isite for the major and to upper
72 • Course Descript ion s
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